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Part One


Estimated time of occurrence: 7 BM

  Death loomed around every corner. There was no escaping it. Fear of going to work. Fear going home. Fear going to bed. This was a common trend amongst most citizens around the time of Pitaya's rule and was the normalized lifestyle of Rye Challah.   It was a dull and uneventful morning, as per usual in this grim reality. Rye went through his typical daily routine, then headed off to work. Rye works at Grimly Construction Co., a specialized business dedicated to building homes for the elderly. It was on Pitaya’s request that this company was founded. Why did he need homes dedicated to the elderly? Rye didn’t know, but the job pays well so he couldn’t complain. Many assume these homes are so Pitaya can keep the ones closest to death better organized, but that’s all speculation. Pitaya’s always so distant and vague, trying to stay on schedule and tending to his work. While comforting that literal death isn’t walking around every corner, his influence and mysteriousness still brings unease to many, for, they know they’ll meet him eventually, no matter what, no matter when.   Rye picked up a few wooden logs and got on the pully elevator, then pulled the lever, sending the elevator to the top of the building. Slowly and carefully, Rye started unloading the logs. It was him and Pita on the job today. The goal was to finish the roof, then to start filling in the inner walls. One by one, Rye put the logs into place and sturdily tied them off with hefty rope. At some point Pita came up the elevator too, carrying a stack of logs and placing them next to Rye. Rye didn’t know Pita that well, for Pita was somewhat new to the company. Not a bad guy, just a little boring. Their conversations usually resulted in small talk for the most part.   “Hey man, how’s it coming along?” Pita asked as he dropped a heap of logs next to Rye.   “Eh, not bad.” Rye finished tying off a log and stood, wiping sweat off his brow. “Almost finished here. One more stack of logs should be enough.”   “Sweet. Man feels like we’ve been working on this roof forever.”   “Not really.”   “Really man? We’ve been at it for two weeks.”   “I suppose I’ve just gotten used to the workload. Been here for years, you know? Kind of just…blends together.”   “Huh, how long have you been here anyway?”   “All my life. My father was a worker for this company, and now so am I.”   “Wow. Does he still work here? Let me guess. It’s Lavash isn’t it? He’s your father?”   “Was a worker. Died a few years back.”   “Oh man, I’m sorry to hear. How uh…how did he..?”   “Died on the job. Fell off building, well, same thing we are. Some elderly home.”   “Yikes.”   “Yeah…”   “….”   “….”   “Were his last words at least “have a nice fall?”” Pita lets out a sort of forced laugh that dies in his throat. Rye just stares at him.   “Agh, sorry man. Trying to lighten the mood a little...” The two of them stand there in an awkward silence for a moment. “…I’m going to go get those logs.”   “Yeah, you do that.” Rye says before getting back to work. Pita walks back to the elevator and heads down. For a brief moment, Rye thinks back to his father. A dedicated and sweet man, always looking out for others. He didn’t deserve that fate….   As Rye continues working, the sky begins darkening, the wind picking up and cooling around him. Suddenly, there is a flash and the gong of a bell. Rye quickly stands and jumps back, staring at the figure before him. On the roof next to him is Pitaya himself. Rye stares in horror as Pitaya, without hesitation, begins to speak.   “Rye Challah. I need a favor. I don’t usually do this, however, according to my numbers, there have been three less deaths this month. In order for things to stay balanced and controlled, I need you to help me out. Your friend Pita? Great guy. Lovely man. Kill him. Do it for me, and I’ll do something for you. Disappoint me, and maybe you’ll be the one in his position. Got it?” Pitaya begins teleporting away.   “Wait!” Rye calls out, reaching his hand towards Pitaya. “Why me? W- why? Why do I have to do this? I can’t kill him, he seems harmless! Why....?”   Pitaya scowls at Rye as the wind picks up and the air grows colder. “Don’t disobey me, Rye Challah!" Pitaya's eyes begin shining a bright yellow. "I told you why. Balance. It’s easy. Just…push him off when his back is turned or something." Rye looks up at Pitaya like a sad puppy. Pitaya continues. "Look I...I'm just doing my job, okay? Sorry, but if you can’t do this for me then perhaps, you’ll end up in the same shoes as your father. Ever wonder why he fell off the roof in the first place?” Rye slowly steps back in horror at Pitaya’s words. And with that, Pitaya vanished into smoke.   Rye just stood there, body rigid with fear. From behind him he heard the elevator raising and Pita stepping onto the roof with him.   “Hey uh…sorry about earlier.” Pita says. “I was just…. I don’t really know how to respond to death. I’m still kind of processing a close loss of my own. My sister. She died a few months ago... it’s why I applied for this job. Just trying to bounce around different places, clear my mind you know...?” Silence hung in the air. “Anyway, no need to reminisce I suppose. What’s happened, happened. No changing it. All we can do is move forward, like with this roof!” Pita walks across the roof carrying the rest of the logs, approaching Rye, who still stands there, back facing Pita.   “Hey um, Rye, you think you could move so I can pass?” Rye doesn’t respond. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry about what I said earlier alright? I messed up but the least you could do is say som-“ In one quick and calculated motion Rye turns around and sweeps Pita’s legs. Pita falls down hard onto the narrow roof beam. His head slams into it as his body is sent over the edge, causing him fall. Pita barley grabs the edge of the beam with his hand as he hangs there, 3 stories above the ground.   “Hey! Hey help me up!” Pita yells, but Rye just stands there looking at him. Tears begin to well up in Rye’s eyes as he stares at Pita. “I’m sorry….I’m sorry…” Pita, tears now in his eyes as well, looks at Rye in horror as Rye’s foot slams into his face. Pita’s grip loosens as he is sent back, falling three stories until he slams into the hard ground back first. Rye looks down at the unmoving Pita. Nearby, he hears a scream. Rye turns and sees that walking on a nearby path is a woman and her daughter. The girl screams and the two of them begin running away. Immediately Rye runs from the construction site, essentially sliding down the elevator and jumping before it finished its descent. Then, Rye ran into the town, not once looking back.          
  • Written by Rye Challah

  • Part Two


    Estimated time of occurrence: 6 BM

      “Sometimes I still see his face, staring back at me, tears welling up in his eyes. I remember it to every last detail. How many tears spilled down his cheeks, how the cool wind was blowing around me, the sound he made when he hit the ground that…sickening crack. All of it. And I’ve told myself that I was forced to do it, and that I’ve gotten over my actions, but that’s not true. It was curiosity, rage, and revenge that took hold of me. I had to know what happened to my father. Who killed him. But even after I got that god I….and I ask myself if it was worth it, you know? If my actions were justified. If the information that my mother killed my father because that god damn Pitaya threatened to kill me if she didn’t was worth taking an innocent life. Of course it wasn’t!! Of course it wasn’t…” Rye Challah breaks down into tears, putting his head into his hands and his elbows on his knees as he bends over in the chair. He sits in a circle as part of a group gathered in one of the local schools. All of the members were forced in one way or another to take a life for Pitaya, whether it be an order or threat from Pitaya himself or someone else forcing them to do it. Together they try to help each other through the grief. The other members look towards Rye with pain and sadness.   “We’ve all been there.” One of the other members, a sharply dressed, light brown man who introduced himself as Tootsie, says. “We’ve all been forced by Pitaya or someone else to do their dirty work for them, sometimes to save others, sometimes for information. You wanting that information is what makes you human. You can’t blame yourself for that. Plus, right now, coming here and opening up to better yourself is already a great step towards redemption. It’ll be tough, but you learn from your mistakes and move on a new man.” Everyone else solemnly nods. Rye just sniffles to himself, still leaning down in the chair.   “Well,” the same member says. “Anyone else have any advice for our new friend here?” No one responds. “That’s fine. I think it’s time we call it a night anyhow. I have to put my kid to bed.” He lightly chuckles as everyone gets up and begins to leave the building, a few of them softly encouraging Rye or patting him on the shoulder as they leave. Before long it’s just Rye and Tootsie in the building. Tootsie walks over to Rye and sits in a chair next to him.   “Listen, Rye, was it? I’m proud and glad that you were able to come to this meeting today. I know it can be hard to open up, especially after so long. How long ago did you say the accident occur?” Rye slowly collects himself and looks over at Tootsie.   “Uhh..almost a year…I think. I’m not sure it all blends together. I’m sorry”   “No problem, no problem at all. I just wanted you to know I’m always here if you ever need to talk.” Tootsie gets up and starts to walk away.   “Hey uh, actually. I do want to tell you something.”   “Oh? What’s up?”   “I um…might not have been entirely truthful today…I…skipped over some parts when you asked why I’m here…Wait no sorry, you have to go don’t you? Your kids and all that?”   “No please, talk. My wife can take care of that tonight. Please, I’m here for you.” Tootsie takes off his jacket, hangs it over the back of the chair and sits down next to Rye.   “Ok…well…you see…I…”      

    [Estimated time of occurrence: 7 BM]

            Rye ran into the nearby town as the clouds began to darken and a light rain started to fall. He ran and ran, not once looking back, the image of Pita’s body below him still fresh in his mind.   He ran until he was home, burst through the door, then immediately started packing his things. Let’s see, clothes, toothbrush, sketch pads, cards… His mind swarmed with items before quickly remembering the girl and woman who saw Rye kill Pita. Shit! Rye quickly begins pacing his house. How do people usually identify others uhh…fingerprints, blood…hair! Hair!” Rye quickly ran into the bathroom and grabbed his scissors then began to snip away at his dark and light brown curls. When it was short enough, he started shaving off the rest until he was nearly bald. Patching up the areas he cut in the rush, he then finished packing his belongings and ran out the front door and through the dirt streets of the town. I have to start a new life. Hide from the law, lay low until this all blows over. They can’t track me, they’ll never kno- Rye was so caught up in his own mind he didn’t see the wagon before him and slammed into it, falling hard to the ground. The rain fell harder as people began to gather around him. And finally, he fell unconscious.     Rye awoke the next morning in a warm bed in a nicely decorated room. It was rustic, all the furniture made from old, unpainted wood, giving it an old timey charm. A fireplace burned nearby, and a plate of bread was on the nightstand next to him. As Rye woke and grabbed the bread, there was a knock on the door. Following it an older woman came in. She had long greying hair with light and dark streaks. She wore an old timey dress along with an apron. From beyond the door, she came from was the fresh smell of baked goods.   “Oh good, you’re awake. I was worried, you took quite the hitter there.” Rye quickly sat up in bed, in a state of shock, staring at the woman, his mind swarming. Then, he remembered his current situation.   “O- oh, thanks miss but I really must get going now.” Rye started to get out of bed, but the woman approached Rye and put a hand on his shoulder.   “You need to rest. That bump on your head isn’t going to go anywhere if you go out running like that again. In fact, you might end up with more of them.”   “No really miss, thank you, but y- y- you don’t want to be around me. I’m dangerous and I have to get far away from here.”   “Nonsense. This sweet young man? Dangerous? Ridiculous. Stay here for as long as you need, but I’m not letting you go until that bump heals.”   “Miss, this is essentially kidnapping. I have to get back to my family. I- I have to-“   “Is that why you were running out of town with all of your belongings in your bag there? To return to your family?” Rye, about to say something, stops and remains silent. “Listen dearie, I’m not going to pester you about why you were running or what you were running from. But please, stay until you feel better. Besides, it’s raining pretty hard out. Don’t want you to catch a cold!” The lady pats Rye on the back then leaves the room, closing the door. Rye sits there in silence for a moment before eating the bread on the nightstand beside him. It’s some of the most delicious bread he has ever eaten, as expected. After gobbling up the bread, he lays back down and falls asleep.   Rye awakes the next day, a new fresh plate of bread beside him and the scent of baked goods once again filling his senses. Rye slowly gets out of bed, his head still aching slightly. He feels the spot where he had hit it and rubs his fingers over a huge bump that had formed right above his forehead. After getting himself dressed, Rye walks out of his room and down the hall into a bakery. Customers line up to purchase baked goods while the nice lady who had cared for him rushes around busily. It was a quaint little shop, all wood and brick, baked goods on shelves and countertops. On the back wall were brick ovens, emanating heat. Rye stood and watched as the woman finished serving the last customer of the crowd. She turns to see Rye standing there and goes “What you didn’t want to help me out?” Rye awkwardly replies “Oh uh, sorry I didn’t…”   “Ohh I’m only teasing. I would never make the injured work.” She walks up to Rye, a big smile on her face. “I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m Bara Brith, owner of Bara’s Baked Goods.” She extends her hand. Rye weakly shakes it and says, “Ah..Rye Challah…nice to… meet you.” Bara nods and turns and goes back to cleaning the store, talking as she works. “It’s not much, but it makes me happy. Loved to bake all my life, I figured why not. And here we are almost twenty years later.”   “N- not much? Are you kidding? Your bread is…well it’s really good.”   “Aww, thanks dearie. Everyone in town seems to think so too. Number one bakery in the area apparently. How’s that for old fashion?”   “N- not to be rude miss but, you seem a little…old to be running a shop of this scale on your own. You don’t have like…I don’t know, a family? Or anyone to help you out?”   “Hah! Too old he says. Why, I’m as chipper as a squirrel looking for his acorn! But I will admit, moving around this much does do a toll on my brittle body, but I also think that moving helps with it too. Wouldn’t want to sit in one of those repulsive elderly homes and become a potato. It’s just unsightly…”   “Yeah…”   “And yeah, I’m on my own. I had a husband and a daughter years ago, but they died. Bandit raid…”   “Sorry to hear.”   “But you know what? You’re right.” Bara says, going back to her chipper self. “I guess I am a little old to be running the shop on my own. My little legs can only move so fast. What would you say if I offered you a job?”     “B- baking? Me? N- no I couldn’t…”   “Ahh, come on. Not a permanent job, just something to get you back on your feet, get a little cash, heck, maybe even learn some baking skills. It’s the key to a girl’s heart after all.” She winks at Rye. “What do you say?” Rye thinks about it for a moment. I do need money….and this could possibly count as laying low right….I just wish….the circumstances were different…oh well.   “S- sure! I’ll do it.”   “That’s what I like to here. Now come, I’ll teach you the ropes.” Rye walked over to the counter as Bara explains the ins and outs of baking, customer management, and how to run a store. Over the course of the next few days, Rye practices baking and aids with managing customers. Sometimes he even stays later to help clean as well, though Bara tries to refuse his help.   This continues for just over a week and Rye is feeling much like his old self again. Bara never pries into Rye’s life, and vice versa, as the two bond through baking. Until one fateful evening….   “Goodnight.” Rye says.   “Heading to bed already? I thought I was the old one!” She chuckles to herself.   “Haha, very funny. See you tomorrow.” Rye walks down the hall to his room and closes the door. As he begins to wind down for the evening, a familiar chill fills the room, almost as if a draft is blowing in. The candles in the room blow out leaving only the moonlight shining in through the window. And without warning, Rye hears a familiar voice behind him. “Look at this.” Followed by the sound of a thump on the floor. Rye slowly turns around, shaking in fear. Leaning up against the wall is Pitaya, his eyes shining yellow, piercing the dark. At his feet are a stack of papers. Pitaya bends down and picks a few up. “Can you believe it? All the work I do and I’m still behind! Balance I tell ya, it’s a bitch.” Rye says nothing, only staring at the god of judgment. And after a moment, while Pitaya continues to look through his papers, Rye goes “What…what are you doing here?”   “Ah right, I’ll cut to the chase.” Pitaya waves his hand, and all the papers burn to ash instantly, all except one he’s holding. “I need your help again. I’m still behind, and knowing I’m still behind really hinders my ability to work with a sound mind. Everything must be in balance, or else what’s it all for? So, I need you to-“   “Why do I have to do it, huh? I already did your dirty work. You already ruined me. If you’re so desperate, why not do it yourself?”   “Wh..yeah. You already did the last job, so it makes this one easier. That also means you technically work for me. Plus, it's more complicated then that Rye Challah. I also have to balance out the people that I kill myself, unnatural deaths, with the "natural" deaths. What you're doing here is marked as natural in the soul's eyes. I can't just be going around killing everyone. That ruins the point of “natural balance,” wouldn’t you say? Like I said, balance is a bitch. Sorry it has to be this way, but it must. I’m just doing what I was created to. I don’t know what else to tell you. If you want to blame someone, blame those damn desert walkers for-”   “No.”   “You…huh?”   “No. I’m not doing it. I’m not going to do your dirty work again.”   “Rye, I-“   “No!” Rye shouts. Pitaya just stands there, and expresses almost a….sad look on his face for a moment? The dark lighting made it hard for Rye to tell. Then Pitaya's face hardens, and he goes. “You don’t want to know, is that it?”   “What?”   “You’re scared. Scared to know the truth, aren’t you?” Pitaya begins walking towards Rye.   “W- what are you?”   “You’re father’s death. You already know, don’t you? You already know the terrible, gut wrenching truth. You’ve known ever since you woke up, haven’t you?”   “I…I don’t know what you’re talking about-“   “Don’t give me that shit Rye Challah! I know you know. I felt your anger before you realized I was here. Tell me. Why did you decide to stay? You could have easily refused the offer and left, find a different place to lie low. But here you are. Was it your anger? Fear? Or did you trick yourself into believing a different truth?”   “I…I don’t…”   “You don’t want to accept it, do you? You don’t want to accept that the one who killed your father was none other than your own mother.” The door to Rye’s room opens as Bara stands in the doorway. Lightning strikes outside as rain begins to fall. The wind in the room grows stronger. “Do it, Rye.” Rye looks down. A knife now rests in his hands. He looks up at his mother who stands before him, Pitaya’s voice still echoing through the room. “Do it! All the guilt and anger she caused you. The lies upon lies she told you! Here she stands before you and your thirst for revenge!” Tears begin to stream down Rye’s cheeks as he stumbles towards Bara. Bara just stands there in a state of shock and confusion as Rye makes his way towards her. Maybe she realized it too and accepted that fate finally caught up with her. She didn’t move, nor make a sound as the knife plunged into her stomach. The only sound emanated from her was her body falling to the floor. Rye collapses, bawling while kneeling over his mother’s corpse, her blood pooling around the two of them. A hand pats him on the shoulder. “Sorry it had to be this way, but as I said before. It’s my purpose, I can’t go against it.” And with that, Pitaya vanishes, as Rye leans on his mother’s still body.        

    Estimated time of occurrence: 6 BM

        “This whole time I assumed that my mother ran away from the grief of losing her husband but…I think...I think she was scared. Scared she would hurt me. So, she left and changed her identity, trying to forget what happened. But in the end…fate always finds a way I suppose…” Rye looks up at Tootsie. He has a few tears running down his cheeks.   “Oh hey, sorry, I’m probably keeping you I-“ Rye starts.   “My daughter…" Tootsie says.   “Your…huh?”   “Why I’m here. I killed one of my daughters….”   “Oh..Tootsie I’m so sorry to-“   “No no, I’m sorry. This was supposed to help you. Heh, look at me. Guess I wasn’t as past this as I thought I just…your story hit to close to home….my wife she…. she’s still with me but she hasn’t looked at me the same since. My other daughter was too young to process what happened…but if she finds out or carries around the same hate you did I….I couldn’t live with myself…”   “Hey, hey. It’s going to be okay. We….we both made mistakes….big ones. But…we can get through it. That’s what this group is for, yeah? We support each other, no matter what happens down the road. And even if your daughter does find out don’t…. don’t run. You have to face it head on. Running only leads to more confusion and resentment. It won’t be pretty but….at some point she’ll find out, and you can’t avoid that. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I’m here for you. Always will be…” Rye hugs the crying Tootsie as he sound of the rain outside fades to white noise.    
  • Written by Rye Challah

  • Part Three


    Estimated time of occurrence: 1 BM

          “Thank you so much for sharing, I know it’s not easy. We’ve all had similar experiences, every one of us here.” Rye Challah says. He sits in a chair as part of a circle along with about a dozen others. After months of going to the help group, Rye and Tootsie thought it would be best to try and spread the word of their group, encouraging others to make groups of their own. Since then, dozens of other groups have been created in various other towns with the help of Rye and Tootsie as they travel about and help people get back on their feet.   “Hopefully by sharing our experiences and trading advice this group will flourish and each of you will receive the help you deserve. Now then, with that said, who’s next to share?”   Slowly the sun regressed below the horizon as the meeting came to a close. People trickled out of the building, heading home for the night as Rye stayed behind finishing some notes and paperwork. As he did so, he felt the wind pick up slightly and the door open behind him. Footsteps echoed through the empty building and approached Rye. Then, a familiar voice whispered in Rye’s ear, so close he could feel the figure’s breath.   “…hey babe.”   “GAH!” Rye leaped forward, falling out of his chair, barely catching himself from falling face first onto the floor. From behind him Rye could hear someone trying to suppress a laugh. Rye angrily turns around. “You know I jump easy!! I said to please not do that again!” Before him stands Tootsie, still suppressing the urge to laugh. Finally, he can’t hold it in anymore.   “The look on your face HAHA!” Tootsie exclaims, barreling over in laughter. Rye pouts and goes “How could you? I thought you loved me.”   “Hehe I know allll your weaknesses Rye Challah. There’s no hiding from me. Besides, I’m training you to get over your fears. Give it a few more years and I’ll have spooked you so much you won’t get afraid anymore.” Rye sits back in his chair and continues to pout. Tootsie walks up behind him, sliding his arms around Rye. “Hey, I’m sorry. It was too perfect, but I should know better. Forgive me?” Tootsie pecks Rye on the cheek.   “…sigh, I can’t stay mad at you.” Rye turns towards Tootsie and the two of them kiss. Then, Tootsie sits in a nearby chair and goes “So, how was today’s meeting?”   “Really good. I made some serious progress with some people. Out of all the groups I’ve helped start this might be the most positive one. Everyone is so friendly and caring towards one another. They’ve all got each other’s backs.”   “That’s great! You deserve an easier group, especially after the one in Shiokosho.”   “Tell me about it. Just thinking back to them scares me sometimes. But we got through it in the end.”   “That we did."   "How about you? How is your group holding up?"   "Pretty slow to be honest. There are only two or three other members. It seems to have been that way for the past few years huh? Plus, a lot of the stories people have been sharing have been from a few years ago too. Heh, maybe us creating these groups gave Pitaya a scare and he stopped going after people."   "Wouldn't that be nice? And yeah it's strange, I haven't heard any stories that were too recent either."   "Weird." Tootsie turns his chair more towards Rye and goes "Hey, so if this group’s all set, should we head on over to Fascal next week? It’s the next and possibly last area on our list since things have been less active.”   “No…I think I should stick around for one more meet. Just to make sure everything continues to run smoothly. Plus, I kind of like it here. Vast fields, simple living. It’s calming.”   “Sure is. Maybe when this is all over, we can settle down around here for a little bit. Take a break from it all.”   “I’d like that.”     A week passed and it was time for the next meeting. As per usual, they met in the school cafeteria after hours. A hard rainfall whipped against the windows from outside. Everything was going smoothly, much like last week, until:     “That’s very good advice Shimi. And you’re right, no matter how we might feel at times it’s always important to remember that we create our own futures. We are in control.” Rye says. Just then, the lights flickered as the door to the cafeteria opened. A harsh wind blew in from outside. “Welcome! We’re just getting started so take a seat-“ Rye turns around as his expression goes from joy to terror in an instant. At the far side of the room stands Pitaya. Rye stands, as does most of the other group members, all staring at Pitaya. Pitaya clears his throat and goes “Uh, hey.”   “What. Are. You. Doing here.” Rye says, anger quickly filling his body.   “I have another request for you. For all of you actually. See, I-“   “We don’t want any part of it.”   “I figured you’d say that, which is why-“   “Don’t try to persuade or blackmail us Pitaya. Can’t you see what you’ve done to these people? All they’ve been through? And for what? Y- you’re enjoyment or personal gains of some sort?” Rye takes a step towards Pitaya. “We’re done listening to you!”   “Actually, this offer isn’t-“   “Yeah!!” The woman named Shimi goes. “We’re done letting you use us like tools! Haven’t we already lost enough!”   “I lost my best friend to you!! What more do you want?!” Another member of the group goes. One by one the members begin chiming in, taking a stand against Pitaya.   “You don’t understand. This time it’s not-“ Pitaya tries to rebuttal but is quickly drowned out by the other shouting voices. Pitaya closes his eyes and just stands there as the group members continue to shout.   “We won’t do your bidding anymore!”   “Yeah!”   “Now that you’re the one cornered and exposed you’re powerless!”   “Your mind games won’t work on this group! Together we’re stronger than y-“   “ENOUGH!!” Pitaya shouts as he lets out a burst of air in all directions. The building shakes as all the lights go out and the windows shatter. Everyone in the room is blown back and fall onto the floor. Rye falls back and stumbles over his chair as it’s blown down too. Pitaya’s eyes glow yellow in the pitch darkness as he begins to hover above the ground. Then he goes “Honestly, you seem to forget I’m a literal god. Group or no group it doesn’t matter. You don’t stand a chance against me. Now, if you’ll be so kind as to let me fini-“   “You're right, it doesn’t matter.” Rye says, standing up.   “You have got to be kidding…” Pitaya mutters, sounding annoyed.   “Even if we stand no chance against you, even if there’s no hope of us winning at all, we still won’t back down.” The rest of the group slowly begins to stand up. Rye continues. “We won’t back down! We’ll continue to fight you until we can be sure you won’t hurt anyone else!” Rye’s body begins to glow a light blue. One by one the rest of the group’s members begin to glow as well.   “what the fuck…” Pitaya mutters.   “No longer will we be subjected to your tyranny Pitaya! We are free people!”   “Yeah!!!” The group members say in unison. They begin to glow brighter as a light hum emits from them. The hum slowly begins growing louder and louder. Pitaya floats back, trying to avoid the bright blue ball of light. Rye and Pitaya’s eyes meet as Pitaya tries to yell something at them, but the hum is too loud. Suddenly, the blue ball of energy explodes and begins expanding in all directions. The group members are knocked to the ground as Pitaya is launched backwards into a nearby wall. Rye’s ears ring as his vision adjusts and he slowly tries to stand. Pitaya looks at him angrily and looks as he’s about to say something when there is a rumble. Through the windows Rye could see a faint, eerie blue light shining from somewhere outside. Pitaya notices this too and simply goes “What the hell did you guys do…?” Before teleporting away. Rye stumbles to the front doors of the school and pushes himself though them. Rye’s attention is drawn to a massive blue orb in the sky. It shines down upon the world like a sun, making everything a shade of blue. From all around the village Rye can see blueish tendrils or whisps of energy or magic emitting from people as they stare up at the orb. The magic looks to be being absorbed into it. Rye notices he’s emitting this magic too as it’s sucked into the sky above. As Rye looks around more, he sees it’s not just in this village, but from what looks like all over the continent. Tendrils from all directions are pulled into this massive orb as it glows brighter and brighter. This continues for a few minutes as everyone stares in awe. Then, the tendrils stop flowing. It just sits there for a beat. Is it…is that is? Is it over? Rye thinks to himself. Suddenly beams of light begin emitting from the orb. It continues to glow even brighter, making it too hard to look at, as if you were trying to stare at a sun or star. Then, the brightness dims as it emits a burst of wind and energy that breaks the sound barrier. All the dark clouds in the sky are repelled in all directions, instantly revealing the sun. Sunlight warms the land as Rye’s eyes adjust to the sudden change in light. He looks back up towards the sky to see one of the most beautiful sights he’s experienced in his life. The orb is gone. In its place, silhouetted by the sun, is a massive pair of angel wings. Attached to them appears to be a girl of sorts, with a short frilly skirt and flowing hair. Pure white feathers start to flutter down all around the village as a loud, yet calming voice says “Do not be afraid, walkers of the Material Plane. I have heard your cries of pain and am here to guide you. No longer will you suffer under tyranny, for now you're all free.”    

    Time of occurrence: 0AM

        And that’s where the story of Moya’s creation and my personal connection it it ends. People stared in awe at her for a long while before she eventually left, presumably attending to...well, godly things. The general consensus was that Kiwano heard our plights and pleas and used our yearning for freedom to create Moya. I hope these stories help readers better understand the timeline of events leading up to her creation, I’ve tried to be as truthful and accurate as possible, though some details may be a little off since I’m writing almost a month after it happened.   While I’m here I might as well document some other things going on at this time. After Moya’s appearance Pitaya wasn’t seen for months. It wasn’t until his public “execution” of Durio von Genus that we saw or heard from him again. Not long after the execution, about a day in fact, Pitaya was then seen plummeting from the sky and crashing into a mountain. I decided to write fictional story about that, of which is coming out soon. It’s all speculation but it’s fun to write thus far. Since then, Pitaya hasn’t been seen. Moya too for that matter. I sometimes wonder if even through they’re gods they struggle with problems like us. They’re so distant and secretive though, so I guess only time will tell. Thanks for reading guys :)       Written by Rye Challah

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