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Estimated time of occurrence: 210 BM

What happens after you die? Many ponder over this question, leading into some interesting conversations and arguments, however, it's all just speculation. Is there a god? A greater being out there? Many say yes. For there are tales of a great titan banishing famine from this once barren wasteland, then vanishing. Does he dictate what happens to us after we die? Do we dictate it? Or is a combination of both? This was the question that plagued everyone's mind for centuries. Now that the populace of this world escaped famine and live comfortably with food, shelter, water, and life, the fear of death crossed everyone's mind. Even Kiwano. While the great god/ titan resides in a world above ours, in paradise, it seems that not even he is immune to the fear of death. Though, he fears it for a different reason. Along with managing the afterlife, the Material Plane, and managing the souls of the dead, he has his hands full. Thusly, he came up with a solution to this problem.

It was a fine sunny day. People went about their usual routine. Farming, working, surviving. But just as quickly as that day started, the clouds overhead began to darken, blocking out the sun. The wind picked up as the air began to cool. Everyone gazed to the sky to see thousands of ghastly orbs, presumably souls, floating in all directions towards the same point in the sky. The souls all collided with each other and began to merge into a horrific form. The more souls that were added to the mass, the more defined the form became. And in just a few minutes, floating in the air above the world was a being wielding a huge golden scythe. He was well toned and cut in half, a few bands of skin holding him together. He spoke to us in a booming voice the echoed throughout the land.

"Greetings, World Walkers. I am Pitaya, the God of Judgment. You say you question death and are uncertain of its attributes. Well, worry no further. As the god of such a premise, I shall explain it to you all. Once your soul leaves this plane, I will judge you. If your soul resides within a sound body and balanced mind, I will send you to Reveri where you can meet and live with Kiwano, my father, in paradise forever. If your soul resides within an unbalanced mind, your soul will be recycled and resurrected as a new being on this world. This has been the rule for centuries, but seeing the current state of my father's organization, I can't say I'm not surprised that he didn't tell you. Due to this backlog of souls awaiting judgment, I was created to walk and watch over the Material Plane. Seeing as this is my purpose, let's cooperate and make sure things go smoothly, hm? I'll be around if you need me, but if you do see me however, enjoy your last few moments because it means your time is up."

And with that, Pitaya vanished. The air stayed cool, the sun blocked out, and that is how it remained for centuries, as the world was not under Pitaya's rule. A world where everyone feared death, trying to appease Pitaya to the best of their abilities. Luckily, that didn't last. For eventually, I arrived.

  • Moya

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