Wild strawberry -- a dangerously delicious forest treat by Angantyr


Change, Refuge, Belief - are often tied to specific timeframes. When asked "is it a shorter or longer timeframe?" it may be a good idea to answer: "yes" and create a fractal/snowflake. Think how small changes add up to form a bigger change or how a habit of a single person (e.g., morning running in a park) becomes a lifechanging event for hundreds and thousands?

The wild strawberry is mostly for attention but not only. ;)

The juicy strawberries started off as these little spongy forest treats. Someone took the effort to select just the right plant and experimented with it, for tens of generations (plant-wise of course). This made me think of many other crops: wheat, plums, almonds, olives, oranges, bananas, .... the list is endless. With how knowledge was often treated with utmost secrecy in the ancient world, the pioneers who discovered them may have been revered as sages, maybe even as deities? Imagine a person spending their days on a grass plain, then after a decade emerging with a revolutionary discovery to the hunters and gatherers, and exclaiming "plant this grass and you will forget about hunger". Did that idea feel crazy back then? I cannot tell but the thought is quite amusing.

Now, one discovery often leads to another, so... We get the first people, who discovered that the very same seeds become sweet when germinating. The first people who dried those germinated seeds and discovered malt and beer. Over time the first people who tamed the grass have laid foundations for the civilization we live in today. We start with grass and end up with new products (bread, groats, beer) and professions (farming, baking, brewing, milling).

It is equally rewarding to similarly backtrace other products, e.g., metals (ore smelting), ceramics (translucent pottery), weaving (silk, flax, wool). Especially now, when most of our surrounding is transformed by technology one way or another, the inspiration can be found virtually everywhere. The stories of change. The belief that it will save/doom/make no difference. The refuge in the safe old reality or the blooming new.

  #SummerCamp #DailyInspirations

Cover image: Wild strawberry -- a dangerously delicious forest treat by Angantyr


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