• "the trap of normality" means we set ourselves as the standard of what is normal
  • it is difficult to be a good judge of ones abilities without external reference to other people
  • differences in what people perceive as "normal" is a good source for conflict
  • change is stable only when there is capacity for it

  • Four-leaf clovers come in many shapes and sizes and are often associated with rarity and luck. Not here; it is the fate of every third clover in this microcommunity.

    Often it is the four-leaf clover that catches the attention, but I've found that given enough patience and square meters you are likely to find five-leaf clovers as well, with occassional six-leaf and seven-leaf clovers, though I've seen those only once in my life.

    Regarding the photo above it reminds me of how often we place bets on what will happen based on our own version of normality. We live with ourselves 24h per day so it feels normal to think, act, etc. in a particular manner in a particular situation. This is refered to as "the trap of normality" and is a neverending source of conflicts and misunderstandings. In its core lies a resistance to change ones perspective for something else, typically a very different one, but not always. And when a person lives more than two roles, with each demanding a different set of rules, that is a great source of internal conflict as well.

    The trap of normality can be easily seen in people really good at something; it feels natural and obvious to doodle real-looking animals, sing perfectly in tune, etc. Or be able to see problems multidimensionally (as opposed to linearly), as many neurodivergent people do. It easily connects to a darker side of not being able to see ones potential; and it is difficult to judge oneself without having a bird's eye view on ones surrounding. There's great importance in finding likely minded people who will share the views and passions, even if the similarities are not ideal; they never are, we are all unique.

    Relating this to Summer Camp it gives me an idea that for change to happen, there has to be a potential for it; or will, or internal capacity, if we're talking hearts and minds. The lack of potential, capacity, ... means the change will be slowed down. Or, on the contrary, creates frustration and the emotional need to speed it up. But will it hold afterwards? That is the question...

        #SummerCamp #DailyInspirations

    Cover image: A not so rare four-leaf clover by Angantyr


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