• some ideas, artefacts lay dormant underground and when uncovered make for a shocking discovery
  • persistence is connected to the ability to be reborn from a small shard
  • what was common and well understood once, can become a surprising and life-changing piece of information in the future

  • The plant above will cause severe burns after touching and exposure to sun light. I found it near a grocery store in Warsaw.

    That particular plant is super difficult to get rid of. What you see above is the third attempt to grow back in the matter of weeks. It was already removed twice. In a way, it reminds me of the baobabs from The Little Prince. They have means of growing back even from a tiny piece of root, grow to enormous sizes (3 meters high) and cannot be simply eaten like the native Heracleum species (they were introduced as food for cattle but as to humans, the cattle was hurt by the toxins as well).

    I cannot help but think that with this plant's persistence comes a shade of aggressive tenacity. Maybe it's the sharp, spiky, vividly green leaves that suggest this projection? What if this was not a plant but an idea, a secret document, an unknown technology? Things that are perceived as thoroughly removed but thrive under the surface within a small fragment, a shard, but just enough to flip the whole world upside down?

    Some notable discoveries, particularly in linguistics were posible thanks to the so-called Rosetta stones, i.e., multilingual inscriptions, often in stone. The original Rosetta stone had three parts: Ancient Egyptian in hieroglyphic script and Demotic script and Ancient Greek. Since Ancient Greek was understood it was a matter of time before the Ancient Egyptian was deciphered. It took about 2000 years from 196 BCE to 1799 CE until that particular fragment gave new life to the Egyptian hieroglyphs. It inspired numerous expeditions, but also grave robbing. Many tombs were uncovered and saved for future generations, many were desecrated. All catalysed by a single stone.

    Change, refuge and belief are the easier ones to see if I'm to relate the analogy to the incoming Summer Camp. A secret knowledge finds refuge underground, until times settle, then becomes uncovered to become a catalyst for change and shift of beliefs. Sounds also a bit like the One Ring, doesn't it?

    What are your thoughts on using artifacts, documents and paradigm shift discoveries? Are there any that you find particularly intriguing and to which you come back to from time to time?

      #SummerCamp #DailyInspirations

    Cover image: Giant hogweed still in it's infancy by Angantyr


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