Hazel's Journal

Journal Entry - Mielikkiaelsh the 1st 1083 I'm so tired of this dull city. There's nothing here but the same old routine, day in and day out. Train with Fredrick, help around the temple, rinse and repeat. Don't get me wrong, Fredrick's a great mentor and all, but sometimes I just need something more. Something... exciting.   I've spent years honing my skills as a paladin under Fredrick's guidance. I've learned to wield a sword, channel divine energy, and protect the innocent. But what good is all that training if I never get to put it to use?   Every day feels like a waste, confined to the same streets, the same people, the same stagnant air. I crave adventure, the thrill of the unknown, the rush of battle. I want to explore distant lands, face dangerous foes, and make a name for myself beyond these city walls.   But no, here I am, stuck in this monotonous existence, while the world beckons with untold wonders and perils. It's maddening, infuriating even. I didn't become a paladin to sit idly by while life passes me by. I became a paladin to make a difference, to forge my own path, to live boldly and fearlessly.   Well, no more. I've had enough of this stifling boredom. It's time to break free from these chains of routine and embark on the adventure I've always dreamed of. Whether Fredrick approves or not, I'm setting out to seek my destiny, to carve my own legend into the annals of history.   So watch out, world. Hazel, Paladin of Justice, is ready to unleash her fury upon the forces of darkness. And nothing will stand in my way.  
    Journal Entry - Mielikkiaelsh the 2nd 1083   Well, isn't this just peachy? Fredrick's dear old dad decides to rise from the dead and skip town on a quest for some demonic doomsday device, leaving us to pick up the pieces. And what does dear Fredrick want to do? Oh, he's all gung-ho about chasing after dear old dad, but he conveniently forgets to mention that he wants to leave little ol' me behind. Typical.   I mean, I get it. I'm just a lowly sidekick in his grand tale of heroism, right? Can't have me cramping his style or stealing his thunder. But let me tell you, I am not about to be left twiddling my thumbs while the action happens elsewhere. No sir, not this gal.   So, I do what any self-respecting paladin-in-training would do: I lay on the charm, turn up the sarcasm, and convince dear Fredrick that he absolutely, positively cannot do this without me by his side. And sure, he grumbles and groans, but deep down, he knows I'm right. He just needs a little push in the right direction, courtesy of yours truly.   But hey, who can blame him for wanting to ditch me? I'm just a ball of sunshine and rainbows, after all. Who wouldn't want to spend their days traipsing through demon-infested lands with a sarcastic, slightly unstable paladin? I mean, what's not to love?   So, off we go, on our grand adventure to find Fredrick's dear old dad and save the world from certain doom. And if I have to crack a few jokes and roll my eyes a few hundred times along the way, well, that's just the price of heroism, isn't it?  
  Mielikkiaelsh the 3rd   Today we made a stop in Valtara, a bustling town known for its magnificent library. As much as I dread being stuck in dusty old tomes, I must admit, I stumbled upon something rather intriguing.   While perusing the shelves, I happened upon a book detailing the prophecy of the next king. It spoke of an expedition, one that ventured out but never returned. The prophecy foretold that the next king would be the one to embark on such a journey and bring back the lost relic of the Arcane Forge Wars – the Great Spear.   It's an interesting notion, isn't it? The fate of an entire kingdom resting on the shoulders of one adventurous soul. I couldn't help but think of our own quest, and how it intertwines with the threads of fate woven in this ancient prophecy.   As much as I detest the idea of being tangled in matters of royal lineage, there's a certain allure to the idea of being part of something larger than oneself. Who knows what adventures await us as we journey onward?  
  Mielikkiaelsh the 5th   Reedworth proved to be an unexpectedly intriguing stop on our journey. Amidst its quaint streets and humble buildings, I stumbled upon a piece of history that sent my mind spinning.   In the heart of the town stands a statue, weathered by time but still standing tall and proud. Upon closer inspection, I learned that it commemorates none other than Franz Strongbow, a descendant of the first king of Greatspear.   Now, the name Franz Strongbow didn't ring any bells for me, but it seems he was quite the prominent figure in his time. A distant relative of the first king, whose name remains lost to the annals of history.   The prophecy I discovered back in Valtara speaks of the next king being a descendant of the first king of Greatspear. Could Franz be the key to unlocking this ancient tale? It's a long shot, I know. But sometimes fate has a funny way of weaving its tapestry.   I managed to procure the ancestral records of the city, hoping to trace the lineage of Franz Strongbow and all other potential descendants of the first king. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack, but perhaps this chance encounter holds more significance than meets the eye.
  Mielikkiaelsh the 18th   Crossing that blasted river and following the winding coast of Stormbreaker Sea has been a journey fraught with frustration and fatigue. I've spent countless hours poring over the ancestral records I collected in Reedworth, hoping to unearth any clue that might lead us to the next king of Greatspear.   But alas, it seems I've stumbled into a labyrinth of lineage, with countless descendants bearing new last names and scattered across the land like leaves in the wind. Each name I encounter feels like another layer added to an already insurmountable puzzle.   I've never been one to shy away from a challenge, but this relentless search is wearing on my patience. The weight of responsibility hangs heavy on my shoulders, and the constant gnawing of uncertainty gnaws at my resolve.   I know not how much longer we must endure this fruitless pursuit, but I can only hope that our efforts will eventually bear fruit. Until then, I shall press on, driven by determination and a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of doubt.
    Mielikkiaelsh the 20th   Lost in the tangled depths of the forest, our quest to find Chakra Schmidt has taken a perilous turn. Orcs ambushed us, their savage cries tearing through the silence of the woods like thunder. In the chaos of battle, blades clashed and blood spilled, and I found myself face to face with the raw brutality of combat.   Amidst the chaos, I glimpsed a moment of vulnerability in Fredrick's eyes, a fleeting vulnerability that spoke volumes of the trust he has placed in me. It was in that moment, as I deflected a deadly blow aimed at him, that I realized how much he needs me by his side.   But as the adrenaline of battle subsides, a different kind of turmoil festers within me. Emotions that I've long buried beneath layers of armor now stir, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade I've built around my heart.   I've always prided myself on my independence, on my ability to stand alone against the world. But now, as Fredrick's gaze lingers a moment longer, as his touch ignites a spark of something unfamiliar within me, I find myself torn between the walls I've erected and the longing for something more.   In the quiet moments that follow, amidst the whispers of leaves and the distant echoes of our journey, I grapple with these conflicting emotions. The path ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but for now, I must focus on the task at hand and steel myself against the storm brewing within.  
  Mielikkiaelsh the 23rd   Tonight was supposed to be the night. The stars hung low in the sky, casting their gentle glow over our makeshift camp, and I adorned myself in the sheerest of silken nightgowns, each delicate thread woven with the promise of seduction.   With desire burning in my veins, I approached Fredrick by the flickering warmth of the campfire, ready to seize the passion I had longed for. But as I drew closer, the sight that greeted me shattered my hopes like fragile glass.   Tears glistened in Fredrick's eyes, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames as though seeking solace in their ever-changing embrace. In that moment, the firelight revealed the vulnerability that he so often conceals beneath a facade of strength.   Frustration surged within me, a tempest of conflicting emotions swirling in the depths of my being. How dare he rob me of this moment, this connection I had yearned for with every fiber of my being? How can he be so selfish, I all but let him know my intentions. Does he not know how to read body language!?   Anger coiled like a serpent in my chest, its venomous fangs sinking deep into my resolve. How could he fail to see the passion that blazed within me, the longing that had brought me to his side on this fateful night? Did he not recognize the desire that burned in my heart, the flames of passion that threatened to consume us both?   With a silent sigh of resignation, I retreated from the scene, my heart heavy with disappointment and wounded pride. Tonight, the flames of desire flickered and died, consumed by the darkness that enveloped our souls. And as I returned to the solace of my bedroll, I vowed to bury my desires beneath the weight of unspoken words, lest they betray the fragile facade of strength I so desperately cling to.    
  Brewfest   As we ventured through the rugged terrain of the southern mountains, our weary spirits were lifted by the promise of revelry that awaited us. Amidst the craggy peaks and winding valleys, we stumbled upon a group of hearty hill dwarfs, their boisterous laughter echoing through the crisp mountain air.   Eager to partake in their merriment, we joined them around a crackling bonfire, the warmth of the flames mingling with the heady scent of ale and pipe-weed. With tankards raised high, we drank deeply from the frothy brew, allowing its golden nectar to wash away the cares of our journey.   As the night wore on, tales were spun and songs were sung, each more raucous than the last. The dwarfs regaled us with stories of their travels across the mountains, of battles won and lost, and of treasures hidden deep within the earth.   In the company of our newfound friends, we laughed until our bellies ached and our voices grew hoarse, our worries forgotten in the haze of camaraderie and good cheer. And as the stars twinkled overhead, we reveled in the simple joys of friendship and fellowship, grateful for the bonds that united us on this merry night of Brewfest.  
Journal Entry - Meeting Aurendille   Date: Mielikkiaelsh the 23rd   Today, our journey took an unexpected turn as we found ourselves in the depths of a dense forest. The air was thick with the scent of moss and earth, and the canopy above obscured the sun's gentle rays, casting the forest floor in a dappled shade.   As we ventured deeper into the wilderness, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the hushed whispers of the leaves overhead. It was then that we heard the unmistakable sound of wings slicing through the air, followed by the imposing silhouette of a dragon descending from the heavens.   I raised my sword instinctively, but Fredrick quickly gestured for me to stand down. It was a silver dragon, its scales shimmering in the moonlight, and its eyes seemed to hold a wisdom that spoke of centuries spent roaming the skies.   I stood in awe of this magnificent creature, my heart pounding in my chest with a mixture of fear and reverence. Aurendille approached us with a regal bearing, his presence commanding the attention of all who beheld him.   As he spoke, his voice resonated like thunder in the quiet of the forest, each word carrying the weight of ages past. He spoke of ancient alliances forged in the crucible of time, of bonds that transcended the boundaries of mortal existence.   In that moment, I felt a surge of gratitude for the opportunity to stand in the presence of such greatness, to witness firsthand the majesty of the natural world. Aurendille's words filled me with a sense of purpose, igniting a spark within me that whispered of adventures yet to come.   As we prepared to follow Aurendille on his journey, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins. The forest seemed to pulse with energy, alive with the promise of untold wonders waiting to be discovered. Finally, an adventure worthy of my skills.   We set forth to finish what we started, guided by our new companion, Aurendille.
Date: Azuthair the 13th   Journal Entry:   Today's journey was a whirlwind of new faces and unexpected encounters, each moment brimming with the promise of adventure and the potential for disappointment. As we traversed the winding paths towards Amrun Rad, I couldn't help but notice the subtle undercurrents of tension and uncertainty that lingered among our group.   Observing the interactions between my newfound companions, I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that they harbored doubts about my abilities. The way they exchanged glances and whispered amongst themselves spoke volumes, their unspoken judgments echoing in the silence between us.   Despite their subtle attempts to conceal their skepticism, I remained keenly aware of the doubt that simmered beneath the surface. It was as if they were silently questioning my worthiness to join their ranks, casting lingering shadows of uncertainty over our fellowship.   In response, I stood my ground with unwavering confidence, refusing to allow their doubts to penetrate my resolve. With each step forward, I asserted my dominance and commanded their respect, fully convinced of my own capabilities and determined to prove myself worthy of their trust.   Yet, beneath their seemingly confident exterior, I sensed a flicker of uncertainty lurking in their eyes. What if they were not as confident in me as they appeared? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, threatening to unravel the assurance I held in my own abilities.   But as we pressed onward towards our destination, I steeled myself against the doubts that threatened to undermine my resolve. I refused to let their skepticism dim the fire that burned within me, determined to prove myself worthy of their respect, no matter their unspoken reservations.
(The writing becomes more scrawled it seems this next part was written under the same day but with a much angrier hand)
  That ASSHOLE! He never mentioned any of this! Why did he do this to me? Friedrich, that spineless bastard, kept everything hidden, and now look where we are!   I can't believe I had to find out like this. My emotions are all over the place. Ich bin verrückt! How could he hide such crucial information from me? I thought we were a team, partners in this journey. But no, he had to keep his secrets, leaving me in the dark like some helpless child.   And now he's gone. Dead. Killed by my own hand. The man I loved, the one I would've given anything for, reduced to nothing but a lifeless shell. Ich kann es nicht fassen. It's like a nightmare I can't wake up from.   I don't know how to deal with all of this. My heart is heavy with grief and anger, my mind consumed by regret and confusion. Friedrich, why did you leave me like this? Why did you make me do this?   I'm lost, adrift in a sea of emotions, drowning in my own despair. And through it all, I can't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnaws at my soul like a hungry beast.
Date: 15th of Azuthair   Today was an absolute mess. We stormed into that cave, thinking we were all heroes, but it turns out we were just a bunch of idiots stumbling around in the dark.   The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, judging me, doubting me. But do they know who they're dealing with? I'm Hazel, damn it. I may not have all the experience in the world, but I've got guts, and that counts for something.   When we found that poor girl, LieDia, locked away like some kind of trophy, my heart went out to her. She's been through hell, and here we are, her only hope for escape.   The fight that followed was intense, to say the least. We were outnumbered, outgunned, but we fought like hell anyway. And when Tempest opened that portal and flooded the place, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. Take that, you cultist scum!   But then that damned skeleton, Chakra Schmidt, had to go and ruin everything. No matter what we did, he just kept coming back for more. It's like fighting a brick wall with a toothpick.   As we laid those poor souls to rest, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Maybe if we had been faster, smarter, better... But dwelling on what-ifs won't bring them back.   Tomorrow, we'll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep moving forward. Because that's what heroes do, right?  
(no date is written here)   Today dawned with the promise of adventure, but it was in the quiet moments of morning that I found solace amidst the chaos. I took it upon myself to craft a breakfast fit for heroes, a feast to fuel our bodies and spirits for the trials ahead. Each dish was prepared with care, infused with a touch of magic and a sprinkle of affection.   As I watched Tempest savor each bite, a warmth spread through my chest, a feeling of contentment that transcended the harsh realities of our quest. In his eyes, I saw a glimmer of appreciation, a silent acknowledgment of the effort I had put forth.   In that moment, I made a silent vow to myself - to continue to woo him with my culinary prowess, to weave a tapestry of flavors that would linger in his memory long after our journey had ended. For in the heart of battle, amidst the chaos and turmoil, it is the simple pleasures that bind us together, forging bonds stronger than steel and more enduring than time itself.
    Well, well, today's escapades took us on a wild ride through the desert, and let me tell you, it was one for the scrolls. We woke up to another day in this godforsaken landscape, and I decided to treat Tempest to a breakfast fit for a king. Yes, I might not be the best cook, but who cares when you've got charisma and enthusiasm to spare?   I poured my heart into that meal, trying to impress him with my culinary prowess. I swear, that man better appreciate the effort, or I might reconsider my affectionate advances. Oh, the things we do for love!   As we resumed our travels, Leland kept fiddling with his skeletal bat, attempting to teach it some tricks. I mean, who even thinks of having a skeletal bat as a companion? It's so disgusting, but not as disgusting as the orcs in our group.   While we were lounging around, waiting for the weather to clear up, Lufere spotted something in the distance. Giant birds, he called them. Well, I say, any bird that's bigger than a common sparrow is giant to me. Turns out, they were just a bunch of wyverns, not that exciting, but it added a bit of suspense to our dull day.   Now, let's talk about the real drama. Tempest and I had some heart-to-heart moments that I'll admit, made even me blush. He's apparently got some mentor-induced secret he's itching to spill. Secrets and love, it's like a tavern ballad waiting to happen.   As we journeyed further, we encountered two lost souls from Greatspear, Derek and Rez. They were babbling about being prisoners and escaping from orcs. Naturally, our suspicions flared up. I mean, who wouldn't be skeptical when two people stumble upon your group in the middle of nowhere?   Faenore cast his Zone of Truth on Zantoine, and wouldn't you know, those disgusting orcs have everything askew. They make me sick.   Our journey took an unexpected turn when we learned about these orc folks capturing not one but two blue dragons. They've got eggs and everything. Honestly, I didn't even know dragons did the whole eloping thing. Shows what I know about draconic romance.   Then, the climax hit like a dragon's breath - a literal blue dragon appeared. We fought it, and here comes the part that shook me to the core. Tempest, my darling Tempest, cast a shatter spell, causing chaos and destruction. I mean, really? I thought we were better than that.   I can't help but feel that Tempest needs some refining, a bit like training a mischievous pup. He might be good, but he could be better. It's for his own good, of course, and ultimately, for mine. I can't have someone tarnishing my image of an honorable adventurer. Casting a spell on someone when their back is turned... just because they are orcs doesn't mean you should act like one of them.  

It all started with that blasted blue dragon encounter, and let me tell you, the fallout was nothing short of dramatic.   After the dragon skirmish, I found myself staring at Tempest with a mix of frustration and bewilderment. "I just don't get you," I muttered, unable to contain my exasperation, and then stormed off. I mean, what kind of reckless behavior was that? Attacking people with their backs turned? It was downright dishonorable, and I simply couldn't wrap my head around it.   As if that wasn't enough, Rez conveniently remembered that blue dragons have mates, and the mate was likely on its way to find us. Thanks a lot, Rez, for the heads-up AFTER we'd already harvested and mutilated the dragon. Talk about too little, too late.   Faenore, being the brave soul that he is, transformed into a spiker and ventured into the dragon's lair while the rest of us attempted a short rest. And what did he find? A dragon snoozing away on its horde, of course. Just our luck.   We decided to finish our short rest there, because why not? We're nothing if not masochists for punishment.   Leland, in a stroke of brilliance, remembered a village named Sook and a mysterious boatman who navigates the treacherous desert waters. Supposedly, this boatman ferries folks to and from Sook, provided they can cough up the coin. There's talk of a lost city called Truthage, a great library, and a dragon named Woe ruling over it all. Sounds like a charming little getaway, doesn't it?   While Faenore patched up our wounds, the ground started shaking beneath us, and we all scrambled to hide. Well, all except for Hazel, who decided to give Tempest a piece of her mind. "You fight like an orc," she spat at him, and I couldn't help but cringe. It was a low blow, even for her.   But the real kicker? The dragon sashayed its way out of the tunnel, got caught in Stefan's snare trap, and laughed in our faces before flying off. Talk about adding insult to injury.   And just when I thought things couldn't get any crazier, Tempest started hearing voices and feeling all empowered. I'm telling you, this desert is playing tricks on our minds.   Then there was the whole ordeal with Paul and Xantoine. They're either at each other's throats or hatching some grand scheme, and I can't decide which is worse. One thing's for sure, though - trouble seems to follow them like a shadow.   We tracked them to Sook, encountering sand sharks and sahuagin along the way, because apparently, our lives weren't thrilling enough already. But hey, at least we're getting some cardio in.   Once we arrived, it was all gambling, drinking, and bargaining for information. Oh, and did I mention that we stumbled upon a decapitated Xantoine? Yeah, that happened.   But the real gut punch came when we tried to revive Tempest, and nothing. Nada. Zilch. It's like his soul up and vanished into thin air, leaving us all reeling with shock and despair.   And just when I thought we couldn't sink any lower, we learned about this dragon axe - Woe, they call it - and the havoc it's wreaking on our lives. It's like a cursed beacon, drawing us into its twisted web of fate.   I don't know what lies ahead for us, but one thing's for sure - we're in for one hell of a ride.   Faenore's talking about lightning-resistant armor, Lefure's on some quest to negotiate with a dracolich, and I'm just trying to keep my head above water in this sea of madness. Wish us luck, because we're going to need it.  
  Azuthair 21st

Well, well, well, if it isn't another day in the desert, and let me tell you, it's shaping up to be just as eventful as the last. Strap yourselves in, folks, because this tale's about to take a turn for the unexpected.   First things first, Faenore stumbled upon a little nugget of information about a place called "Sand Scales," where we might be able to upgrade our armor with some dragon scales for lightning resistance. Sounds like a solid plan to me, considering we seem to attract trouble like moths to a flame.   Sand Scales itself is a sight to behold - a sprawling city atop a flat mesa that exudes an Arabian vibe. But our attention was quickly diverted by a rather peculiar sight outside our window - thousands of ravens flocking around a mysterious figure strolling down the street.   Turns out, this figure is none other than Quillandria, the Raven Queen's champion, sent to aid us in extracting Tempest's soul from that cursed axe. Apparently, the Raven Queen's feathers are ruffled over Tempest's soul slipping through her fingers, and she's sent reinforcements to set things right.   While Quillandria tended to Tempest's body, the rest of us brainstormed our next move. Lufere suggested reaching out to our families for information, while Lyra and Stefan proposed hunting down a lost library for clues. As for Leland, he tinkered with an amulet we acquired, but the runes remained stubbornly unlit.   Just when we thought we were making progress, a knock at the door heralded the arrival of a dancer offering her services. Stefan couldn't resist the temptation and followed her out, leaving us to fend for ourselves.   With Stefan's antics aside, we set out to find Serek, a supposed expert on the lost library. However, our journey took an unexpected turn when we found ourselves embroiled in a marketplace scam. Paying a fee just to talk to Serek? Utter nonsense.   Despite the setback, Serek did provide us with some valuable information about the library's location and the perils within. It seems venturing into that labyrinthine maze is a one-way ticket, with only a lucky few making it back out alive.   As we navigated the marketplace, Callun and Stefan delved into the seedy underbelly of the black market, securing some Denighton armor and lethal spearheads for a hefty price. It's a risky game they're playing, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.   Our journey continued, encountering sharks, Sahagin, and even an elemental that nearly claimed Lydia and Hazel. But we fought tooth and nail, emerging victorious and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.   As we rest and regroup, Hazel took a moment to reassure Leland and express her unwavering support for Tempest's recovery. It's heartwarming to see her loyalty and determination shine through, even in the face of such dire circumstances.   But our respite was short-lived, as the distant sound of Vargoyles signaled yet another threat on the horizon. With our resolve steeled and our spirits unbroken, we press on, ready to confront whatever fate has in store for us.   And with that, our journey continues into the depths of the unknown, where danger lurks around every corner and mysteries await unraveling. So hold onto your hats, folks, because things are about to get interesting.
As we navigate the labyrinthine depths of the underground city, my thoughts keep drifting back to Tempest. The weight of guilt settles heavy on my shoulders, knowing that his soul is trapped within that accursed axe, all because of me.   Every step we take, every obstacle we face, I can't shake the feeling that I'm somehow responsible for his fate. If only I had been stronger, wiser, more vigilant... maybe things would be different.   But dwelling on regrets won't bring him back. No, what I need is a chance to make things right, to apologize for my shortcomings, to show him that I'm willing to do whatever it takes to set things straight.   So as we press on, deeper into the heart of this mysterious realm, I find myself silently pleading for a chance to see Tempest again. To look into his eyes and tell him how sorry I am. To beg for his forgiveness and vow to never let him down again. With each passing moment, the desire burns brighter within me, driving me forward with renewed determination. For Tempest, for my friends, for myself... I will find a way to make amends, no matter the cost.   The journal ends here....
Journal, Personal


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