House Muras

The Third house of Zennanon'lazobrine, House Muras is known for its expertise in poison crafting and mastery of guerrilla warfare tactics. The matron mother Xalara Muras of House Muras wields considerable influence through her cunning and strategic alliances.   House Muras is situated in a region of the Underdark known for its dense, tangled network of caverns and marshy terrain. The drow of House Muras are adept at navigating these treacherous environs and use them to their advantage in both defense and offense.   While House Muras may not boast the same level of wealth or prestige as some of the more prominent drow houses, its members are feared for their skill in covert operations and their willingness to employ ruthless tactics to achieve their goals. They are known to strike swiftly and silently, leaving no trace of their presence except for the venomous mark of their deadly poisons.   House Muras maintains a cautious attitude towards other houses, forming alliances when advantageous but always prepared to strike if threatened. They are situated in the western region of the Underdark, near the murky swamps of the @Shadowed Mire.


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