House Vaelan

House Vaelan is the 10th house among the drow. Led by Matron Xashea'rul Vaelan, a formidable and calculating leader known for her shrewd political maneuvering. House Vaelan is situated in the southwestern reaches of the Underdark, known for its labyrinthine tunnels and treacherous terrain in the Hills of the Minotaur. The house is renowned for its mastery espionage. Members of House Vaelan are ambitious and driven, seeking to expand their influence and power within drow society. They maintain alliances with other houses when it serves their interests but are always looking for opportunities to advance their own agenda. House Vaelan is known for its secrecy and cunning, often employing espionage and manipulation to achieve its goals. The house values intellect, with a strong emphasis on the pursuit of political knowledge. Despite their formidable reputation, House Vaelan faces internal power struggles and rivalries as ambitious individuals vie for dominance and control. It is said that House Vaelan's spies know everything, there is nothing that they do not know about the goings ons of drow society.


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