
She is trapped by the shards of the sundaring. The adventures will get her out.     Lore   Names Lurue Silverymoon chaotic good archfey was wonce worshed as goddess of intelligent and talking beasts worshiped by unicorns and pegasi Revered by swashbuckling adventures   Manifests as a beautiful unicorn surrended by silvery nimbus. 10-15 ft tall could sprout translucent pair of silvery wings.   Personality,   perferes adventure and exploration instead of battle Lurue's weapon is a unicorn orn.   Relationships Daughter of Selune and Eachthinghern Sister of Yathaghera the winged wqueen Served Mielikki as both friend and steed Lyal to Silvanus Malar is a foe, blamed him for assisting red wizards of thay.


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