Myrissa Myrlochar

Is by far the most beautiful drow within Zennanon'lazobrine. She wears nothing except for a jewelry around her neck waist, wrists and ankles. The small silver chains are adorned by holy symbols of Lolth. She is aware of her beauty and many male drow have flocked to try and become her consort, most of which are now dead. There is no quicker way to earn her ire than for a male that she finds unworthy to acknowledge her beauty and appearance.   Once a male consort of Maelvara Zirath made his way to her, begging for her to take him on as a mate. She asked him why it was that he wanted to be her consort. He gushed into a litany of compliments of how beautiful she was. She let him go on, leading him closer in like a fly to a spider. And when his lips where almost to hers, she cut him from groin to sternum.   Myrissa is not only the most beautiful drow, but arguably the most skilled priestest in all of the underdark.

Mother Matron of House Myrlochar

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