Pyramid of Kephera

The pyramid was built millennia ago by the long-lost civilization Bandonallese Empire that thrived in the region. Its construction was overseen by powerful sorcerers and skilled architects who harnessed the magic of ley lines to imbue the structure with mystical energy. The pyramid served as a sacred temple and burial site for the rulers of the ancient civilization, housing their mummified remains and treasures of great significance. It was also believed to be a gateway to the realm of the gods, where the spirits of the deceased could journey to the afterlife. Centuries later, a powerful pharaoh rose to prominence and claimed the pyramid as his own. He expanded its chambers, erected statues in his likeness, and filled its halls with treasures plundered from conquered lands. Under his rule, the pyramid became a symbol of his divine authority and power.   At the entrance there is a room where there are empty shelves where scrolls once were.   Flanking the entrance to the first guardian there are two sphinxes that are facing each other. There eyes are closed. The Statues have a permant divination spell on it. They can tell if someone has a heavy heart and if they are they deactivate the trap. If anyone else crosses there threshold they will open their eyes send out 3 magic missles for each eye totaling 12.   Pharaoh Neferu the Watchful is in the sarcofogus in the heart of the pyarmid, he is watching over all the treasure, He will let each player pick one treasure if they can answer a riddle.


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