Queen of the Night Caterpillar

Queen of the Night Caterpillar   The caterpillars can live for up to 5 years while burrowed in the ground. There they hibernate. If you are stung by the many needles coming from its back, you will be in pain for the rest of your life. They are a golden yellow with black spots. During the summer months, two or three times a decade, this very pretty and amazingly colorful Caterpillar wraps itself in silk to turn into a butterfly. One very unique thing about the caterpillar is that it only sheds it's chrysalis at night during a new moon, and it only lives for that one night. The butterfly is a metallic blue and purple butterfly. They mate and lay eggs only in this one night. Thousands of them will soar over the night sky and fall to the ground by morning. While flying in the night sky they put on the most beautiful twinkling show. The females have green-grey colored wings, their body glows with bioluminescence that reflects off the males wings in a beautiful twinkling mating ritual show.   The name of these buttereflys are Liseen Butterfly's   The only known cure is said to be safe guarded by myconids in the underdark.


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