Radiant Dawn

The legendary Runeforge blade known as "Radiant Dawn," wielded by Faenor's grandfather, possesses unique properties due to its construction from cold iron using the Durin Technique. Cold iron is renowned for its ability to prevent the reincarnation of elves, consigning them to the Fugue Plane. It is also a devastating substance against fey creatures, as it can utterly destroy their souls. Against all but the highest-ranking demons and devils, it delivers a fatal blow, preventing their reforming in the Abyss. Undead beings without souls suffer significant damage when struck by the blade, while those with spirits are sent directly to the Fugue Plane upon impact.   To ensure the safe use of the Holy Avenger by an elf, careful measures must be taken. The blade is tempered with spells fixed into the hilt, preventing any negative side effects upon the wielder. Similarly, the sheath of the blade is imbued with protective enchantments to safeguard against unintended consequences. These additional magical safeguards ensure that the wielder can harness the full potential of the Holy Avenger without risking harm to themselves or their surroundings.   With its potent properties and divine enchantments, the Holy Avenger, Radiant Dawn, serves as a formidable weapon against the forces of darkness and an instrument of justice in the hands of Faenor, the Paladin High Elf.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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