Sat Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists

General Summary

Session 17- Saving Paul and drowning the cultists

by Lyra Spectralsong

  Lyra had followed after some demons who took Chakra Schmidt's body. She found a prisoner named Locktia Orc there. Xantoine Harrison 's son, Paul Harrison is going to be sacrificed in an attempt to bring Schmidt back. They are being held captive in a cave.
  She runs back to tell everyone this.
  Meanwhile, the group are at camp talking to Xantoine. They hear something barrelling into camp. There is a gnoll heading towards them. They kill it, and not far behind is Lyra. Lyra introduces everyone to Locktia and they decide that tomorrow we will go an save the other prisoners. There are at least 10 gnolls locked away there that they release to cause havoc. There are 15 or more cultists there that practice magic. They have a prisoner that is rumored ot be very important. They keep her separate from the rest. Her name is LieDia. When we get to the cave, we see some dead humanoid's outside. When the gnoll escaped, it killed these guys.
  We go in and use a boulder to block the door where we know the gnolls are kept. We go through another door that is trapped and it ends up electrocuting Stephan. Inside, we find a secret room where we find a 6 year old child named LieDia. She is a little bit skitish to talk to us. WE learn her whole family has been killed, and she is the last one left. She's the one they have been hiding and keeping separate from everyone. We convince her to go with Locktia to get to safety.
  We find the cultists behind a locked door. We break down the door. Lyra casts silence on the cultists. Tempest runs in and opens a portal to the plane of water causing Chakra Schmidt to get sucked in and start flooding this place.
  Lufir summons a couple of large sea horses to save Paul. they get out just in time and the door is locked behind us so it can fill up with water. Lyra casts waterbreathing on everybody just in case we too must be forced to swim.
  The Gnolls breakdown the door that was blocking them in and start to charge towards us. We basically kick their asses pretty easy. Tempest electrocutes the cultists inside the other room. They try to escape through the portal, but Tempest pulls back the deathnight through and then closes the portal.
  The rest of the cultists drown. The deathknight starts to come back to life anyway? Even though we took the life sacrifice and stopped the chanting. It starts to attack Tempest.
  We chop the skeleton into pieces, but it keeps moving. All we know is it's some kind of necromancy magic and we end here.
Report Date
18 Nov 2023


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