Sat Session 30: Guardian Number One- The Mummy Lord

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We are outside the pyramid, next to the entrance that goes underground. there is a pool of water on the left side of the temple. the very top of the pyramid is made of gold and has a bright beam of blue light flying up from it.
  We are able to easily get to the entrance under ground. We pretty quickly get to a dead end. Lufere discovers that the limestone walls are magical.
  There is a ceiling above with little circles in it. Lufere wild shapes and crawls up there and can tell there are sliding ceiling that seem like they can open up, but that's all he can see.
  We end up finding an underground tunnel that we all go down. It leads to a hallway attached to a few rooms. One room is filled with deep water. We catch a fish form the water and it's a type of piranha.
  Tempest tries to fly Faenore across and drops him. Thanks to waterwalk, he is able to get out. Stefan uses his folding boat to get us all across.
  The next room has 7 sarcophagi and a circle of 7 sets of foot prints. Meanwhile, Tempest goes to check out the port collus in the first room. He flies up and sees that it seems to be the energy source of this place. tempest tries to use a potion of shrinking to shrink it down and take it, but it just absorbs the magic.
  Meanwhile, the rest stand, barefoot in the footprint circle causing us to hear a lows cachunk sound from the water area.
  Tempest casts lighting in the water to kill the piranha. As he does this, it causes the water to magically pull itself and then shoot itself up into the portcullis above being absorbed into the energy beam, before the water shoots back down.
  We learn that if we let our feet off the circle, whatever opened in the water closes.
  Tempest swims down to check out the entrance and see that we need 2 more people to go down and stand on foot prints under the water down there.
  They get Lyra and she swims down with Tempest and reads on the wall:
  "The gods need to sit on their thrones in the order of the tale, but first in order to find the gods you must stand on the feet"
  Lyra and Tempest stand on the plates causing the water to drain. Now all doors are sealed and the groups are separated, even if they stop
  On the left side of the room is the Head of a jackal, an obsidian circle with a ring of amethyst, Ibis (a bird thing) On the right side of the room are seats for each symbol.
  We have to put them in the correct order. We figure out the order of the heads based from the story of Zozth. This causes the room to be full of magical darkness. The mummies upstairs open the door and go back to their sarcophagi. The upstairs group go through a door that leads down, and Tempest and Lyra go up a walkway and the groups meet together again.
  We get to a room with necromantic jars on the walls and a sarcophagus in the middle of the room.
  There is an epitaph that says:
  This pyramid was created by the Abandonlyse Empire. Powerful sorcerers and architects created it, and it's at the intersection of many laylines. There was a pharaoh that wanted to be buried here named Nepharoo. It explains that he would have rather sacrificed his people than to pay for his crimes. It's ironic that he's buried here.This epitaph was written by Zozth.
  The sarcophagus opens up and it's a mummy dressed in full garb. He's like "I have visitors". He asks us who we are. WE tell him we are looking for the Runeforge. He says he and his men are under Zozth's command to stop anyone from entering the next room. Which holds another guardian.
  Apparently there are 3 guardians in total.
  He tells us that the only way to stop him from having to fight us is to destroy Zozth. Shar would never allow this though.
  We try to talk our way through it, but he says IF we try to open this door, he will be compelled to kill us. He tells us even if we kill him, he will come back. Unless his heart is destroyed, which he has and shows us.
  He wants to die, but really can't. He doesn't want to fight us, but will have to if we do anything to try and hurt him or proceed on.
  He tells us that this pyramid used to allow everyone to cast magic because it had a magical mesh around it allowing this. However, something was built to block the energy of this place making this no longer works. We aren't sure what it is, but it's something metal. Maybe the forge? is the forge. If it were moved, everyone would have magic again.
  We end up fighting the Mummy Lord and his mummies.
  We kill one mummy. Tempest Fireballs the room destroying the mummy heart and doing a shit ton of damage Remish ends up being turned to dust, but Faenore saves him with a super inspiration.
  We defeat the Mummy Lord and his mummies. This is where we end. WE decide to try and get a long rest. Lyra scoops up Remish's ashes. The door opens and we see a statue of 2 sphinxes and a second doorway.
  Leland has Mummy Rot Lyra has Protection from Good an Evil (undead) Faenore (concentration) Faenore has a bardic inspiration Leland has a bardic inspiration Lufere has 2 hyenas
Report Date
27 Apr 2024


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