Saturday Session 10: :WTF just happened?

General Summary

Session 10: :WTF just happened? by Lyra Spectralsong We see that we are actually fighting a maiko shark, a great white, a plesiosaurus, and a hammerhead ahead of us. Tempest shatters the shit out of them with lightning, but then we get sucked into a vacuum or something. I don't really know. WE then argue about who attacked who first, and apparently we attacked the water creatures first, so maybe this could've been avoided? Who fucking knows.
  Now the jellyfish are way above us or something...I really don't know what is going on. Anyway, we're fighting and Harley struggles wth the initiative counter list.
  Anyway, we fight these shark and the Sahagun priestess. We kick ass. However, the great white ends up swallowing Leland and getting sucked into the void. At the same time Tempest goes to grab the Sahagun priestess and throw her off the edge into the void, but she doesn't let go, and they both end up getting pulled down. Faenore initially tries to to save Tempest, but as soon as Lyra leaps in to try and save Leland, Faenore leave Tempest and catches the rope that Lyra is attached to Disolocating his harm and slamming down to the bridge. He is now the only thing holding onto Lyra, Leland and the shark.
  Tempest gets himself to safety and Thunderwaves Faenore at his request to launch him up quickly to try and give him a propulsion to pull up Lyra and Leland. This helps some.
  Lyra, thinking that her plan is working and her rope is stuck in the sand with the dagger, starts to climb back up the rope, pulling the shark she is attached to up with her. FAenore, being the one actually holding the rope is able to hold on.
  Tempest then creates a whirlwind that starts to suck everyone back up, and it works. The shark is knocked out. Lyra pulls Leland out of the sharks mouth, and we roll the shark back into the void for it to be sucked down.
  After we torture Faenore trying to pop his arm back into place, Leland is finally successfully able to do this and fix the dislocation.
  So, we didn't get the Sahagun priestess's head, but we did survive. WE swim over to the door that the priestess came out of originally. I guess we decide we've never seen this door? When we got pulled down into the void initially, we found it and nobody really knew it was here?
  Anyway, Tempest opens the door and inside is a huge foyer with a huge staircase, and some other doors we can go through. Tempest recognizes this architecture to be of dwarven in origin. We go into a den type room where everything is overgrown with coral.
  We unlock a cabinet with a pouch of a giant magical blue sapphire in it. We also find a full sized stuffed dolphin that is magical in nature. Tempest doesn't know what it does, but it has evocation magic. Tempest grabs it by the tail and carries it over his shoulder. hmmmmmm? I guess we'll find out what happens in a couple of hours.
  We swim into another room that is a library. We find a magical book that has a blue binding without a label and transmutation magic. It has a thumb index with 26 tabs. Tempest, just for fun opens it to #18. Tempest gets turned into a Red Robin.
  Randi had to go poop. When she got back FAenore was a True Polymorphed Marshmallow that was in multiple pieces? After a lot of nonsense. Leland uses the book again in an attempt to turn FAenore into something else, but turns himself into some kind of creature called a Xvart. Lyra gathers up the marshmallow pieces, the robin and Xvart and takes everyone back to the ship. She tells Morpheus to start heading to land so we can find someone with more powerful. In the meantime, she studies the blue stone and finds that it is a summoning stone of a Merid.
  Leland, as Xvart opens the book again, and tries to use it on himself, but it doesn't work again. The DM let him keep his mental stats for some reason, so he knew that it's because this book can only do 3 things in a day, so he would have to wait another day. For some reason he fully understands this. Leland the Xvart tries to convey this message to Lyra, but she doens't quite get it. Victoria explains it, but Lyra knows if we wait until the next day true polymorph will be permanent. Also Faenore is dead, because he failed all 3 deathsaves.
  Alix uses a super inspiration to reroll the last death save. She saved, so Faenore didn't actually die. Lyra crit on putting him back together as a marshmallow. So, somehow she manages it, and he isn't dead.
  Lyra tries to summon the Marid, but isn't able to do it even though she's attuned and studied the item for 2 hours.
  Xvart tries to summon a fiend using the shard that is still in his hand. Meanwhile, Lyra is begging Morpheus to take us back to land so she can try to find a high magic user to fix her friends. Morpheus is upset Lyra is being demanding even though she's just trying to prevent her whole life turning into an edge lord story.
  The fiend that Xvart summons looks like a celestial. It's Emjilee. Xvart says, "dad" and Emjilee says, I'm not your father, even though he just referred to Xvart as "son".
  Xvart asks Emjilee for help, and he agrees to help, but for a favor. Emjilee is looking for someone named Lycos. Xvart tells Emjilee, he can tell him some information, BUT he's must PROMISE to help our friends.
  Emjilee summons an imp with a book to write out a contract? Xvart tells the imp that he's in the middle of a deal with Asmodeus, but this new deal shouldn't interfere.
  However, Emjilee makes it known he doesn't actually have the power to help, so Xvart says the deal is off. Emjilee starts a communion with Asmodeus. He is able to bring in Asmodeus. They are both on the boat now.
  Leland in his Xvart form begs for Asmodeus's help. He will owe Asmodeus 3 more favors in return for his help since he has 3 friends that need to be brought back. Asmodeus forms Tempest back into his water genasi forms and asks HIM for the deal instead. Tempest declines to make a deal with Asmodeus. Asmodeus silences Xvart in an attempt to disrupt communication between
  Asmodeus then decides to leave, but does leave Tempest in his regular form.
  Lyra prays to Corellon who just tells her that he was once a marshmallow for a melenium.
  Lyra gives Tempest the blue stone, and he is able to summon the marid. Her name is Glizelda. She's pretty unpleasant in every fathomable way. Tempest asks for a wish. She says to make the wish, and then when he does, she gives him shit for it.
  We then have to endure an annoying conversation. She wants ot get back to her city, because a ship has recently crashed their and she needs to get back to them. She finally agrees that if we all become servants and deal with these intruders, then she will grant the wish.
  Lyra uses minor illusion to show her a picture of what they look like, and she does her best to make the wish. On the condition that Lyra asks Faenore out on a date first.
  When Tempest makes the wish, he throws callun restoring to his original self as well.
  Leland is restored. Faenore is restored, but 6 inches taller and he's stronger now.
  CAllun appears in front of us and he is screaming out in pain. Smoke starts coming off of his back and starts to take form and take a face, and this is where we end.
Report Date
26 Aug 2023


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