Saturday Session 11: Shenanigans in Pontimundi

General Summary

Session Eleven: Shenanigans in Pontimundi

by Lyra Spectralsong

  With Callun in front of us, smoke rising off his back in the form of a face. He is wielding the blue glowing sword that belongs to her father. As Lyra asks where the fuck he got the sword from, Callun goes to attack her. (Randi crit failed the roll) Tempest misty steps to push Lyra out of the way, and Faenore pushes the shit out of Callun causing him to fly back. .
  Leland casts a grease spell under callun causing him to slip and fall, and he knocks himself out. Lyra picks up her dad's sword and is like, how the fuck did Callun get to the water plane, and why does he have her fathers sword.
  Lyra investigates the blood on Callun. He has stab wounds that look like they could've come from her father's sword, but he's also splattered in blood that doesn't appear to be his.
  The gang ties up callun. Lyra tries to wake him up, but he's out.
  Lyra looks at the merid and asks what happened ot Callun. She says she did the best she could. The Merid starts to flirt with Tempest, but he's not really having it.
  We leave Callun on the boat and go to the water plane with the Merid to help rid her world of the "intruders"
  When we get there, we see the Magic Breakers from Calembar.
  Lyra approaches the Magic Breakers, and they explain her father go sucked into portal. Faenore helps tend to their wounds.
  The merid opens a portal for us all back to our boat. She also gives Tempest a diamond. We learn that it's the Diamond of Daylou. He was banished from the water plane for killing this Merid's father a long time ago. She says if we ever run into him, to kill him. Anyway, she wants Tempest to use it to come see her.
  We get back to the boat, and Lyra tells the Magic Breakers that Callun was the one who showed up with her dad's sword. They help wake him up.
  Lyra confronts Callun, but he doesn't really remember how he got the sword. He does remember being on a boat in Averness with Lyra's dad though, but then he woke up here. Lyra tries to lure the demon out of Callun to talk to him, but cannot.
  Faenore and Leland examines the Demonomicon and tries to find a name, but we really need some kind of clue. Faenore and Lyra threaten the demon inside Callun with the sword of Galadrian and cold iron. Leland transforms himself to look like a moon elf. This is enough to bring the demon to the surface.
  He is referred to as "The Imprisoned One" aka "The embodiment of Madness". Lyra and Faenore are able to refer to old history lessons to get more clues. Lyra is told to roll a d100. She rolls 53, and then we have to roll initiative.
  We see all the shadows flow and rise up and surround Lyra. Because she was concentrating, and she realized who is inside of Callun. As soon as she realizes who it is, her eyes turn black and is surrounded by shadows. She is now frothing at the mouth and ready to attack anyone standing next to her with her father's sword.
  Tempest uses his hammer to attack. It seems like when he hits her, he is actually hitting the shadow that is shrouded around Lyra.
  Callun, for the first time, doesn't feel this shadow inside of him. It's still connected to him, but he feels almost peaceful. He tries to knock out the demon that is in L yra right now by sneaking up behind her, but it doesn't work.
  Lyra tries to communicate inside her head with the demon and feels 2 minds in there. She talks to them, and they seem to be fools. In an attempt to annoy them for some information, she asks them a lot of annoying questions about who they are and how they know each other. ONe of them thinks the other is stupid, because they got themselves stuck inside of a moon elf for a while.
  The group tries to deal with Lyra, and Faenore is able to scare the demons, and they leave Lyra and the shadows completely dissipate and disappear.
  Lyra asks Callun about the 2 demons inside of him, and Callun seems to be clueless to them. Lyra tells Callun that he's hurt a lot of people because of these demons, and may have even killed her dead. She starts to kind of lose her shit and puts a sword up to Callun's neck contemplating his demise.
  Leland casts a magic circle from the demonomicon. He casts this around Callun. He then uses Containment in an attempt to contain the demons that are in callun.
  However, the spell starts to not work, because he needs the demon to physically be present. The shadows we see aren't actually even the demon. He thinks that if we kill Callun, that would cause the actual demon to come out.
  Victoria is a cleric and raise him, but she's out of spell slots, so she suggests we do it tomorrow if we are going to do this.
  Faenore starts to pray to Corelon for guidance. He goes into the memory of a past life as an eladrin who is in the deepest parts of the Abyss fighting against evil there.
  He remembers that there are Tenari there at the time and they have become princes of the hells. He remembers having to fight against a powerful prince of hell. He dies against the Tenari, and the last thing he remembers is that a tentacle whipped around and took his head off. He knows that whatever is in Callun, it's a power prince of the Abyss. If Callun is containing these demons, then somebody must have put them there on purpose. Perhaps to get them out of the way. The demon in the Callun has tentacles and is called "The Imprisoned One" on the 88th layer called the Gaping Maw. They live in a palace called Abysm. There are twin towers shaped like coiled serpents. There is a bridge linked between these 2 towers. Most of the fortress is under water surrounded by reefs, strange creatures, and caverns below. There are voices calling Faenore in (Abolyths, Krakins, and lots of other scary shit).
  Faenore antagonizes the demons with this new found information. They tell him to come to their realm. They want to call themselves "Nobody". The demon was trapped in Callun by priestesses of Lolth. They told Faenore they would make him a prince in the Abyss.
  Also, when we were in the plane of water, it was like 2 months for Morpheus. We also missed Brew Fest. Morpheus tries to help us figue out which demon we are dealing with, but he isn't sure.
  We are in the south now, kind of close to Pontemoonday. Morpheus drops us off. There is a portal near by in Amrun Rad (where Callun is originally from) that can teleport us to hostile territory of Saad Nonule. There is currently a war between the moon elves and high elves. There is only a council of 5 in calimbar now and Galadriel has been missing for 2 months. The high elves are using their clerics and paladins to subjugate the moon elves. They subjugated Sithilhithnal and Ithigulud. Saad Nanule is the last place to take.
  Greatspear has taken over everything in the southern part of the peninsula. They want to take over more, but are having a hard time getting passed Saegraven (A melting pot of races and "misfits") Greatspear has started to move east into the wasteland, but nobody knows why.
  Tempest thinks we should go to Stonefist where that Duran guy was from to try and get our cold iron forged into chains somehow, then go to Amrun Rad and deal with Callun's affliction.
  As we are standing on the docks, Minstrels gather around playing dark macabre music. They hand out flyers to the Sanguine Moon Faire. Lyra wants to go when she sees there are fortune tellers there. Maybe they can help find out what happened to her dad.
  In the meantime, we get something to eat at a really fancy restaurant. Tempest is able to steal a guys coin purse with tons of platinum in it.
  We stay in the King's Suite of this hotel. We get the Magic Breakers some tacos, and everyone takes a shower.
  Lyra sits down with her father's sword and meditates. As she does this, she can feel the presence of her father through the sword. He tells her that he has always known that Lyra would inherit this sword. He knows that when things are the hardest, she will know the way and understand what is right and what is true. He is proud of her for instilling the teachings of Corelon, and then he fades away without answering any of her questions. He did say he is ok though. She now understands completely this sword.
  We talk to Victoria about the demon encounter, and she suggests maybe summoning a demon from the demonomicon book.
  Leland is studying the demonomicon and gets +2 AC. His body also has been rotting for the last 4 days, but has now stopped. He's hairless, and lost the tips of his toes, fingers, nose and his ears. A regenerate spell can restore him though. The cook lets us know that there is a priest of Shar named Zalon in town who can cast the spell for a price.
  Maybe we can find someone to help with Tempest's cursed tatoo issue.
  We get a long rest and head out to find Zalon. We walk passed a crowd of people doing a crowd hanging. It's Sebastian, from the hotel, who has been accused of stealing from the patron that Tempest stole from. They were lovers and everyone tings he got with him to steal all of his money.
  As they hang him, Tempest casts Levitate and Lyra casts minor illusion. This allows him to escape without anyone noticing. After 10 minutes, everyone notices and now he's a fugitive, BUT he's alive.
  We go to Zalon's shopt and find it's closed. We learn he's gone to the Sanguine Faire. We get a description of him so we can try to find him there.
  We end here, on our way to the Sanguine Faire.
Report Date
02 Sep 2023


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