Saturday Session 12: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire

General Summary

Session Twelve: Adventures at the Sanguine Moon Faire

by Lyra Spectralsong

  we approach the faire. It's outside the city of Pontemoonday in the forest. We find Zargon pretty easily by asking some guy eating a corndog. When we find Zargon, he is not yelling at a dragonborn behind his booth, BUT he IS the dragonborn getting yelled at by a a tall guy dressed in steampunk attire behind the booth. We recognize the crest Zargon wears as the crest of Shar, and he is wearing priestly clothes.
  The guy yelling at him is upset about him not doing business right. Zargon was paid to do some job, he's apologizing as he didn't mean to deceive anyone, but he is doing the best he can. The tall guy needs Zargon to find someone for him, and Zargon is like, "but there are circumstances" or something.
  We then learn that the tall guy yelling at Zargon is the owner of this faire. His name is Urie. Urie is very impressed with Leland's "makeup" talking about his tipless noes, ears, fingers, toes, and decaying skin. He offers to pay dearly for Leland's secrets.
  Leland's gets Urie's business card, and it has a red crescent moon with a red teardrop coming off the end. That's all it shows.
  We learn that "Zargon" is not actually "Zargon" but someone who has been standing in Zargon's place pretending to be him. Zargon had to leave for a bit, and left his fellow to stand in his place, because somebody is looking for him. The REAL Zargon is hiding in the faire somewhere. We then learn that Zargon is the corndog guy from before, and he's super paranoid and probably thought we were bad people looking for him.
  Faenore, who is now super tall, spots Zargon, and they make eye contact, and he sees Lyra jumping up and down looking for him, and he starts to duck and run away.
  Tempest then misty steps in front of him causing him to fall down. We run over and he just immediately tells us that he can't help us. Turns out he talked to a fortune teller who told him a group of 5 would come up to him, he would help them, then he would be cursed the next day, so he's avoiding helping us.
  Tempest then tells him that there are 6 of us (because of Victoria) and we can't possibly be the group.
  He then says we can go talk to the Fortune Teller and if they clear us, then he'll help us. Otherwise we get nothing.
  We head over to the fortune teller's table, but there is a sign saying they are away for an hour.
  Lyra sits down and puts the sign away in an attempt to tell fortunes herself while she waits for the "REAL" fortune teller.
  She tells a fortune for Zargon. We actually learn there are a lot of of things here that are set up to make things more theatrical, and dramatic. Faenore uses these things to help Zargon believe the fortune that Lyra tells for him.
  She convinces him to help them, and also gives him advise to pursue his goals and confront his leaders, but keep a balance of his emotions and logic to do this. Be diplomatic and cautious.
  He's pretty happy about this, so will offer to help Leland and Tempest. He needs a lot of towels, a silver thread 2 very long needles and painful equipment to help Tempest with his tatoo problem. Leland, he can just cast a spell.
  We leave the tent and go to another place.
  Zargon then sits Tempest down in a chair to take a sample of his skin to get a good feel for what to expect. He can't touch the tatoo or something terrible could happen. Leland is able to create a numbing gel to assist with the pain. Zargon cuts into Tempest's skin, and when he does, Zargon's eyes go black, and he just falls backwards. He appears to be paralyzed
  Faenore had initially suggested that we let Zargon help Leland first just in case something like this happens, but nobody listened.
  Lyra goes to heal Tempest's wound, and when she does, she is able to learn exactly when he will turn. He will turn on his 77th birthday. At that moment, The real Fortune Teller walks in on us and says, "This is exactly what I told him would happen" We don't have any Lesser Restoration spells. We learn that the fortune teller can heal him tomorrow. It will cost us 250GP to have him restored. Faenore is able to talk her down to $200GP.
  We bring up to the witch that she was wrong in her prediction as there are 6 of us instead of 5, and she says that one of us isn't alive, and that's why she didn't count them.
  Lyra kneels down and apologizes to Zargon just in case he can hear us. She says we are going to help him, and he's still going to get everything he wants.
  Leland also creates some vapor rug to help Zargon breathe better while he waits till the next day. The dragonborn offers to take care of him.
  We decide to have a little fun while the night is still young.
  Randi had go poop around this time.
  She gets back. She learns that Tempest and Leland have been unsupervised. They were looking for rides. Saw the Ferris Wheel. It's super rinky dinky to the point where they have to make sure they really distribute weight correctly. They get on and get stuck at the top.
  A fat guy can't get out of a seat at the bottom. Leland tries to help from the top. He casts Grease to help the fat guy get out. The fat guy was relighting a cigar. Faenore had warned the ride operators that Tempest and Leland could be trouble if left at the top for too long. There is a huge fire that starts. Anyway, Tempest tries to put out this big GREASE fire out with water, and that just made it worse.
  Grease Fire is now encompassing the whole bottom. Faenore saves the fat guy and he was fine, because he bought a ring of fire resistance after he received a fortune saying he would be engulfed in flames. He gives this to Faenore.
  Faenore saves a lot of people by creating a zipline. But now this unbalances the weight of the Ferris Wheel, and a mother and daughter were going to fall to their death. At this moment Tempest misty steps to another cart to try and rebalance the weight.
  Randi gets back after a really good poop.
  Lyra turns around from the cotton candy stand, and sees Faenore walking into a huge flame of fire to hit the break. She cannot bear to see Faenore go into the fire, so Lyra uses command to make Faenore exit the fire. She runs up and tells Faenore she can't let him go in there, but he tells her he's got a fire ring of resistance to protect him. He runs in to hit the break, and Tempest uses the immovable rod to stop the ferris wheel.
  Urie runs over and has his people throw bales of hay on the fire to snuff it out. They are able to get everyone off the ferris wheel safely.
  Urie offers a reward to everyone for help saving them, but Tempest declines. Leland then tries to convince Urie that the grease came from nowhere, and started the fire. Urie tells us to stop by the office to pick up some healing potions if we need them, and we continue on to the faire.
  Faenore, very frustrated, storms off to play some strength games. Leland follows off after him. Meanwhile, Tempest and Lyra go back to the fortune teller to get their fortunes read.
  Faenore wins a really cool huge Fire Giant plush by doing 3 really difficult strength based challenges back to back.
  Lyra wins a huge lich plushie and Tempest wins a huge beholder plushie by winning a rope ladder climb challenge.
  After a lot of struggle, Leland wins a small intellect devourer plushie and a medium monodrone plushie.
  Faenore wins a second Fire Giant plushie for Lyra by throwing daggers. The huge plushies have necklaces with prize tokens on them.
  Lyra throws 10 daggers at once and 4 of them hit the bulls eye. She gets prizes for herself and the rest of her colleagues. As they walk through the rest of the games, they are decline our business as we keep winning way to many prizes.
  We get our faces painted by an artist named Doria. Her paints are magical and make whatever she is painting come to life.
  Now that we are disguised, we all do the tightrope challenge over fire and win a bunch of tokens.
  We go play a sleight of hand game with cups and a rock. Faenore figures out that the vendor is cheating with some kind of invisible creature under the table. She kicks whatever it is, and he finally loses after MANY rounds. He struggles to give a prize, because nobody has ever won before. He offers Faenore 3 silver pieces as a prize, then closes down the game. Faenore calls him out for his scam as angry customers start to gather. Tempest says he wants whatever is under the table. Tempest feels something on his shoulder. The vendor says "A deal is a deal" and starts to pack up and leave.
  The thing bites into Tempest trying to poison him. It's a strange demon looking thing. A quazzit. Tempest thinks this thing is just going to go back to his owner at some point, so he throws the quazzit in the air, and casts thunder wave on it while it's in the air. As it hits the ground it scurries away. Tempest's attempts to kill this thing fails gloriously.
  A clown walks up to Faenore and hands him a pamphlet for the faire. It tells us of all the events. Probably so the DM could just tell us everything at once thus making his job easier.
  The whole night Callun acts weird and has a weird voice.
  We decide to end here in the middle of the faire. We need to remember to save Zargon tomorrow and get our fortunes read. We also need to pick up 6 healing potions for Urie's office
Report Date
16 Sep 2023


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