Saturday Session 13: It's demogorgon living in Callun

General Summary

Session Thirteen: It's demogorgon living in Callun

by Lyra Spectralsong

  We head over to Urie's tent to grab our health potions. While in the tent. a fellow and bearded lady start to wrestle and nearly knock down the tent we are in.
  Urie is having trouble with some guy named Topsy.
  A fellow counting money gives us 10 potions instead of 6. He invites us to have crawfish with him later. His tent is by the water. His name is Remish.
  Callun gets cranky. He wants to leave us forever. Lyra kind of goes off on him and tells him he doesn't get to get off that easy,and that he needs to chill the fuck out and have a good time tonight.
  The demons show up and tell us that a priestess of Lolth put them in there, and if we help them get out. Lycenia Zolreyinray, an mother matron trapped them there. She could possibly get them out easily without the whole cold iron debacle.
  The demons then try to convince Lyra to have sex with them because she's not yet laid with anyone and they are just grouchy cuz they are horny.
  They end up leaving and Callun fell and is gasping for air. He then tries to play in cool. Leland has an arrow pointed at him. HE nics him a bit and Callun calls a sleep.
  We ask remish for a cage and end up explaining what is going on with Callun. When we describe the situation. Remish is like, "You guys need to just get as far away from Callun as possible. He seems to think it's an impossible situation. Cold iron is going to be useless. He says to get rid of the Demonomicon and get as far away from Callun.
  Remish tells us it's not 2 demons in Callun, but one. a two in one. It's Demogorgon. The imprisoned one and the embodiment of madness and destruction. Known by many names. Ceosevach, and Leomogolgon, the deep father. The Koatoa call him that. He is the Prince of Demons.
  He's from the 88th later, a vast jungle continent surrounded by ocean. He is the oldest and of highest ranking of the Demons of the Abyss. The jungle is called The Screaming Jungle and is inhabited by a lot of really scary shit.
  Faenore has heard that other demon princes have been trying to take the place of Demogorgon since he's been imprisoned. Grazzit is one of the most prominent. The father of Malachoz, the demon we killed a while ago.
  Leland know that Grazzit is the demon prince of pleasure and decadance. Unlimited self indulgance. He rules layers 45, 46, and 47 of the Abyss. He isn't a fan of the ruler of the 1st layer of the Abyss.
  The demonomicon talks about Graazt from the perspective of Ilgueve. It seems like she bound Graazt and they were once lovers. Iguelve wrote these books in a way to bind demons. It seems she may think she could possibly overtake the Abyss and rule it herself if she wanted to.
  FAenore starts to say a prayer to Corelon asking what the fuck he's gotten him involved with. He shows her visions of a war against Demogorgon in the Abyss. Eladrins fighting against him. Faenore stays stuck in his trance with Faenore.
  Remish takes us all back to his tent. Leland carries Callun's unconscious body and Lyra carries Faenore to Remish's tent.
  Faenoe finally wakes up and tells us that we are pretty much Fucked!! At that moment Callun's body starts to float and we roll for initiative. Callun now has tentacles coming from his hands and he now has 2 heads.
  Leland puts him to sleep, and we get him in a cage. HOwever, the demon is able to take over and easily break out. We get into a fight, he kicks our ass pretty bad, and ends up running away.
  Lyra chases after him to try and behead him with the sword. He teleports Lyra to his home and disappears.
  He takes Lyra to his home town and kicks her ass there. However, she proves to be quite strong, and he is impressed. He starts to offer her a place by his side, and as she starts to play along just to save her self. In that moment, Faenore prays to Corelon and is able to swap places with Lyra. Lyra returns to the faire and Faenore goes into the Abyss. He somehow has the Vorpal sword and he crits with it taking off Calluln's head. Demogorgon looks down confused, and just says "Thank YOu"
  Faenore then appears back with the group with Calluns head in his hands. Lyra is completely distraught. She's angry, but thankful and tells Faenoe to never do that again. We ask Victoria to please help, but she can't because she hasn't rested.
  Faenore puts Callun's head in his bag for later?
  Lyra begs REmish for a Cleric, and he knows one in the faire. She grabs callun's head and diamond and starts to run with Remish. But then Remish mentions the Cleric is a fellow named Zargon, and Lyra just falls to the ground defeated. We go see the fortune teller to see if she can help. As she asks, Callun's head starts to talk. It's Hethrodia. The second head of demogorgon. He's still in callun's head. He's talking to us through Callun's head.
  I guess now they are separated, and he wants to go back. He's the one who kept Demogorgon in line, and now there is nobody to stop him from his calculating thoughts and actions.
  Hethrodia imagines the demogorgon is now going to try to take over the whole plane.
  Lyra tries to convince Hethradiah that he should help us defeat Demogorogon, and if he does, then we will help him get out of Callun's head. and we'll make it as fun as we can for him. Hethradiah gets highly inappropriate with Lyra and Faenore tells him to shut the fuck up.
  At that moment, Lyra hears her father's voice from behind her. He has been looking for her and heard she was at this faire, so he came and found her.
  We learn that there is a division in CAlembar between the people there. FAenore's dad and Lyra's dad each have followers and they are at odds with each other.
  Lyra tries to give the sword back to her dad, but her dad wants Lyra to have it and confirms to her that she will not be a dissappointment and he wants her to have it.
  We learn that Faenore's dad lost his weapon at Amrun rad years ago when fighting Callun 10 years ago. They were trying to defend the moon elves against Callun at that time. Galadriel didn't initially recognize Callun when he first met him with us.
  Hethrodiah tells us about the mother matron who had a demonomicon at the time that was used to bind Demogorgon to Callun. Hethrodiah has been trying to escape ever since. The reason they killed a bunch of moon elves was because Callun already had a lot of hatred built up in his heart, and they made a deal with him. demogorgon gets what they want and Hethrodia gets whatever it is he was after.
  Callun was without hope and faith when they were bound to him. Those that do not have belief are easy to control. We would need to speak to the mother matron Lecenia to get a full understanding of why things happened.
  Faenore theorizes that it's the books that are leading folks to do this. If they study the books they can start to take over the Abyss. Maybe Igueve is having fun or who really knows. There are a minimum of 6 version of demonomicons.
  We realize that each of the demonomicons each have a shard that was used to sunder the continents. Maybe we need to try and find all 6 versions of the book. We decide to put Herhrediah into the book. Lyra sets up camp while Leland prepares for the summoning circle to bind Hethrodia to the book.
  Faenore and Tempest go cash in their tokens since this is the las tnight of the carnival and bring presents back for everyone.
  Leland casts the containment spell to contain Hehrediah in the demonomicon book. He learns a lot about Demogorgon. Most importantly, if the two are not together, nothing will be able to stop Demogorgon from taking of the Abyss.
  Demogorogn used to be mortal. He had a single head until a blow from Amoth split him in two. After the defeat of the Queen of Chaos at the hands of the Tanari, Grazzt and Orcus gained the title or Prince of Demon. At that time, Demogorgon launch an assault to crush them. After he defeated many demon lords, Grazzt and Orcus were forced to kneel, and Demogorgon asserted himself into the position of Prince of Demons.
  We cast Lay on Hands which seems to cure Leland, but shortly after his face and finger tips start to rot again.
  We get a long rest. We go see the fortune teller and she has healed Zargon. Lyra gets her fortune told. She is told she needs to seek help from the King of Swords and summon something from inside of herself, a new type of energy that she's never had before.
  She learns her dad also had "some kind of night" with the Fortune Teller .
  Faenore asks where her father's sword is. She learns about her dad getting really hurt once while going through a moon gate or something. He remembers that there was a child there attacking him. Feanor's father was trying to figure out what to do. The child was slashing his chest open. Feanor's father decapitated the little elvan girl in self defense. This really affected him terribly. He buried that little girl with the sword. It really messed up Feanor's father after this. Faenore doesn't tell us that the sword is buried with the girl, but does share what happened.
  Tempest asked where to find the lost Runeforge. Two people know. ONe won't tell him, but SHE might. Whomever that is.
  Victoria gets her fortune told to try and find her master. (Faenore still has not shared that she is undead nor a fiend yet). Ultimately, she has to travel a long way to find Lycos. Victoria asks us if we will help her get back to her master. He's in a city named Eldoria, wherever that is. Faenore learns we can get to wherever that is by going to Pontemoonday and through a dessert.
  Remish speaks up and knows Eldoria. He says, if we never tell Urie that he helped us, he can get Victoria there. However, Faenore isn't sure about letting Victoria travel alone with Remish. HOwever, we need to go get Faenore's sword and we need ot do that first. Victoria decides to go with Remish, and FAenore secretly informs him of her condition.
  Remish tries to tell Faenore that Lyra is in love with him, but FAenore is like, there is no way that is true. Their just best friends.
  Remish, Victoria and the faire kind of dissapate. We are going to head to Amrun Rad and this is where we end.
Report Date
23 Sep 2023


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