Saturday Session 14: A crossover

General Summary

Session Fourteen- A crossover

by Lyra Spectralsong

  We start traveling to Amrun Rad. A large shadow appears over us, and it seems to be a very large dragon. It's a silver dragon. We recognize him to be Aurendille. He lands and approaches us. He wants to restore Callun's head to his body.
  He wants to fly us to Bismark, just a bit south to meet some important people.
  It's another adventuring party. Aurendille is old friends with Ashe, the druid of this party.
  Everyone introduces themselves to each other. 2 other people approach. An older guy named Freidrick. and a younger girl who is his apprentice named Hazel.
  Aurendille then just leaves us all and goes to the Abyss to get Callun's body. He telsl us we'll figure out what to do.
  The other adventuring party are from the other continent are confused about being here. They came here to swim with a fellow named Titivilis. Next thing they know Aurendille is approaching them with us.
  We all get to talking. Ashe' and her group mention that there is a tavern up the way where people were turning into demons and slaughtering each other. Friedrick and Hazel are concerned that maybe they are too late.
  Franz has some whiskey that he drank, and Faenore determines that he is contaminated with a demon that will pop out of him in about a week. Faenore is able to restore him so this doesn't happen.
  Friedrich makes us some schnitzel and other foods of his homeland, Great Spear. Aurendille shows up through a portal carrying Demogorogon's body behind him. He's gravely injured.
  Leland summons Callun's head. The tentacles of Demogorogon pull in the head of callun and it transforms back into the elf that callun once was.
  Meanwhile, Aurendille walks into the forest and tries to fly away, as he does he seems to be tangled in something and crashes to the ground. He falls. His insides and blood are all over the place. We help get all of his insides back in, and Friedrick casts Lesser REstoration to restore him and we are able to save him. HE rests for the night.
  We learn Friedrick's father is the one poisoning the alcohol here turning folks into demons and slaughtering eachother. His father is an undead creature. He was once a Paladin who broke his oath and then died.
  Demogorgon, inside of Callun tells him that Grazzt, a powerful demon was the one who rose him up and appointed him as a death night.
  We all go to bed. Tempest and Hazel take first watch. Tempest, of all folks calls her out for not being friendly.
  Hazel is in love with her mentor Friedrick and believes that one day she will be able to take his name, However, he is not interested in her as she is MUCH younger than he is.
  She's looking for a sword that can decapitate any foe. It's called the Sword of Syruk. She says that there are 2 sister swords that can open a portal to the Runeforge if together.
  She's looking for the lost Runeforge and knows of a high elf up north that knows where the entrance is, so she is going to seek him out.
  Anyway, they talk about "cuddling" and how neither of them have never done it before, probably because she is a bitch and Tempest is an asshole.
  Ashe has a watch with Fredrick, and he asks if she could bond with Hazel and maybe try to set her up with Faenore, as a way to maybe get her affections away from Fredrick.
  Hazel makes breakfast in the morning for everyone in an attempt to be nice to everyone.
  Ashe pulls some shenanigans to try and hook up Hazel and Faenore. It goes chaotically and poorly. She writes letters from Hazel to Faenore and from faenore to Hazel. She brings pancakes "From Hazel to Faenore" and wine "from Faenore to Hazel"
  Hazel actually convinces Faenore to pretend to like each other to get back at the person who wrote the notes they have, because she thinks it was an attempt to get them to fight.
  They get to a village where demons start popping out of people. We decide to flee the city, because we will die if we stay.
  We make our way to the next city Richenheim. We run into a guy with a fruit wagon. Tempest blows over his wagon. WE help him and convince him to leave.
  We then figure out that the food is contaminated and is what is infecting everyone. the apples we ate earlier were contaminated. Luckily we have enough Paladins to lay on hands most of us and a lesser restoration to cure the horse, Buttercup.
  Ashe runs back to catch the man who they sent away, because they sent him away with food and a contaminated mule. Ashe convinces him to flee to a place without people and to not eat anything that grows on the land.
  We do an investigation and find that the water is contaminated. It doesn't affect animals, although the disease can be passed through animals.
  WE discuss what we can do. We learn that Freidrick's father is building an army of demons so that he can go after the other 5 demonomicons as he has one already.
  We decide to try and help the town as much as possible by warning everyone. Setting up a station where we can purify food and water for people, and working with local clerics and paladins to possibly help heal people of their diseases.
  We set up a town hall meeting and make plans and let everyone know. We are able to convince the towns people of everything. We are able to separate some infected and have some non infected leave the city. Tempest has to collapse a church on a bunch of infected to keep them from escaping.
  Faenore gets a message from Corelon that he needs to go to the center of town. He goes there and sees a Death Knight named Sackram Schmidt. He reveals that He's building up an army to find books. Faenore runs to Friedrick and lets him know that his father is here. Friedrick is grasping his chest, likely due to some response he's having because his father is here
  Friedrick leaves Faenore in charge and starts to leave town in the middle of all this chaos.
  I guess he's short for this world. He starts to die. Hazel gets sad and tells him that he's meant to be with her, and he's like No I'm not.
  He is going to turn into a DeathKnight, so he's going to kill himself before that happens.
  Hazel promises to kill his father in an attempt to save him.
  Sackram offers to spare some uninfected if Faenore brings him the 2 demonomicons that are here. Faenore is like, I don't know where they are at.
  Word breaks out that something is going on in the center of town. Everyone ends up meeting up in the center of town.
  Callun talks to the deathknight and is like, Hey I'm gonna let out my power on you. But Demogorogon is like, "nah, I'm gonna let you die so I can be free"
  Callun intimidates the deathknight causing him to leave. One half of the adventures chase after the DeathKnight. The Saturday night group goes after the deathnight and the Wednesday night group stays and fights the rest.
  This is where we end.
Report Date
21 Oct 2023


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