Saturday Session 16

We start the session with the party waking up. Lyra is missing (Randi missed session). They are in Callon's House and he remembers there is something down stairs. He finds a purple chest that has silver filagree and where the lock would go there is a moon. Inside are a childs toys dolls and a purple dress, it reminds him of something. He looks around and sees a bottle that looks to be worth 2500g it is a drink called ithilquisst. Leeland found that it was not magical and Callon drank some, it reminded him of a ritual that his village participated in. They all gathered around the pool and cast what is known as a Mythal that would recharge the pool to keep it open so that it could be travled through.The dress of the little girl looks like the ceremonial robes that the elves wore when the executed the ritual. Lufir went to wrap up Fredricks body in a blanket, he looked for his bedroll, Hazel seemed to just now realize that he never brought one with him, most likely because he knew he would die having no hope at all. She gave Lufir the firbolg her's. He picked up the body and placed it by a wall until he could find a carriage. Leeland looked around and found an alchemist study where he found an alchemist kit and a box of alchemy supplies that are to be disclosed at a later time. Tempest investigated the moon pool, there was a light at the bottom. when he got to the bottom 15 ft down and got close to the light the whole pool strated to glow purple and it began to hum. right when it reached its peak it stopped. The party surmised that the pool is out of charge. Tempest also found the fletching of an arrow sticking out of the mud, it was barried and required a lot of strength to pull out. It was covered in runes and seems to be magical. Lufir saw that it was Evocation magic. The party also found a quiver which Lufir found that it was Conjuration magic. Callon remembers his family has a cart and rembmers that he went on a trip. He was sleeping in the back of the cart and remembered hearing that his parents were arguing and they metioned Runeforge. They got to a village named black Tusk. which was 2 and a half days travel and when he came home that is when the incident happened. It was the last time he saw his family. They brings their two horses hazel to the river and open the folding boat, which is the size of a scooner. they can tell that the boat can only hold one horse. Hazel slaps Fredricks horse and sends it off. They turn the cart on it side to help the horse get on the boat. Lufir uses speak with animals to convince it to walk up the cart, the horse jumps over the cart and kicks off of it to get on the boat. They see a storm is coming. and Sephan can tell it will not affect them. but it will make the water flow faster. It turns out that once they get going the water is sending them about 25 miles an hour, its a bit dangerous but Stefan keeps the boat towards the shore where the water is slower. Faenor lends her monacle that lets one see much farther and can tell the storm is following them, but at the speed they are traveling it wont catch up. The river is about 3 miles across. they aproach some rocks but stephan manuvers around them. then after an hour they see some white water and a rock that needs to be avoided, the currents shift them towards the rock. but Tempest was able to use shape water to move the boat on course. then there is one more set of rocks that stefan knows he can manuver through. it looks as thought the boat is too wide to fit but he gets through perfectly. They land on shore by black tusk. They use ther monacle to see that the village is not gaurded, when they get close they see blood. there are dead orcs women children, dead moon elves and when they get to the center of town they find that there are 6 orcs with no heads and a trap door at the bottom.
  they find that there is a bunch of barrels with taps laying sideways that have alcohol but it smells terrible, Leeland finds that it is mostly made of amonia. there is a locked door that they all struggle to open, but tempest uses acid magic to weaken it and they are able to knock it down. inside there are racks of wine and they see two orc children run around the corner, they are the only survivers of the city. Hazel wants to shoot them but the party talks them down. She shows her disdane for orcs, some people share her sentament for orcs but are conficted about child orcs, she says children orcs grow into adult orcs. Tempest is in love. Stefan also does not like orcs he fought agains them in the war. There is another door that is locked. They find it trapped and they disarm it and get a alchemist fire potion. there are three chests in this room, one is trapped with poison needles stephan disarms it and finds that there are copper and silver peices, when divided up they decide to give it to callon cuz he's poor and also to Lufir, but Lufir doesnt see any value in them because he is a firbolg, so they give it all to Callon. the next chest is empty but they find a false bottom and there is a letter in there in orchish. the other chest has a book made of leather pages and has a fairy tale about a princess that is really an orc and disguise and they find out she is an orc because she eats like a savage when given a pig dinner, the prince maries her anyway. They take the book to the kids and they can read it, but they dont speak common. Faenor says there are elves here maybe they know elvish. They know a bit of broken elvish and are able to somewhat translate the book. They also read the letter and it is from Callons father and it seems to just say mundane things. like all is well here how are you. They ask who came here and did this and the kids tell them it was a man on a skeletal horse. and he was looking for Xantoine Harrison. They find a map in the room where all the orcs are beheaded and take it, its big. They go to a village on the map which is close called. Green wolf. When they get there there are 6 orc heads on pikes, The party is met by a baker orc lady and she sees the kids and then she runs off and they ask the kids what she asked them, and they told her it was just their name. They think the kids might be related to the headless orcs. some of the party want to show the kids the orc hids to confirm. Others are like um no thats cruel. Callon and Lufir stay outside with the children. Lufir hold the children cuz he is big. The rest of the party notice there are no guards at the city gates. Everyone walks in and there are 50 moon elves guarding the center house. They begin to have a dicussion with Rydia the head of the moon elves here. she probes what they are doing there. notices that Stefan and Hazel are greatspearians. Faenor mentions she is the gaurdian of Dawnfall and they know that is callon and they send a troupe of 10 elves to sneak out back and take care of Callon, they group does not notice. They decide to go inside and speak with the orc, frostwolf, he has a lot of furs and there is a metal door behind him. The furs seem to maybe be some kinda bribe from Chakra Schidt to keep Xantoine Harrison as prisoner. Xantoine is a political activist that Greatspear does not like, he is half moon elf and half orc. He is someone that has helped people like those in the city the party is currently in.
  Things get hostile and the party attacks. They kill Rydia and Frostwolf. The moonelves are about to overwhelm them but Lufir uses a spell that knocks down the entire building. The door opens up to the prison cells behind the door, and some of the party is able to jump in. Lufir goes back for the children and turns into a bear to take the blow from the falling building, tempest helps he get back out. THey meet Xantoine he tells them a bit about himself and Lufir knows a bit about him because they are both from Segraven. The party jumps down into the sewers and is able to get to a grate, they have a very hard time getting out the grate but they are able to do it with multeple crowbars and gumpsion. they go take a long rest
  Xantoine talks withe stefan and tries to get more information out of him like what his last name is but stefan is too smart for him. Xantoine says he was a soldier too, but they probably fought on opposite sides. Stephan uses 2 hours of his rest to find out that the quiver is a qiver of endless arrows. and he finds out that the Arrow is an Arrow of dwarf slaying. Also he hears something rushing towards the camp.
  We end here.


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