Saturday Session 18- Wasteland of Woe

by Lyra Spectralsong We look around us at little Schmidt skeleton places crawling around. We gather them up. Apparently this things is undead, and it keeps coming back with 1 HP or something? and we can't kill it. It's not a demon and it IS undead, and can't undie die.
  Lufere starts to meditate to change out his spell list.
  Lyra then tries to commune with the spirits to see if the spirit of Shmidt is around, and she ends up being possessed by the spirit of schmidt. He takes her vorpal sword and puts it to her own throat and tells everyone to reassemble him or he will decapitate Lyra's head. FAenore commands Schmidt to drop the sword and he does, and this causes Schmidt to leave Lyra's body.
  Callun and Stefan go exploring this place. They find some books and shit.
  Faenore finds a stone shaped like the moon that has magical properties. He also finds a secret room with a wand of wonder. WE all end up finding some pretty cool magical items.
  Lufere casts Dispel Magic over Schmidts bones which seems to subside the magic for now.
  We get out of the cave and learn that there were supposed to be a lot more prisoners. It turns out they were all tied up in the back of the room that Tempest flooded, and are now drowned.
  Zantoine says we need to hurry, and Lyra asks what the rush is. Zantonine then asks Stefan where he stands with Greatspear. Stefan says he is glad that they aren't fighting and things they should be independent cities, and Zantonine seems to agree with this sentiment.
  I guess the people of Greatspear want to to start attacking those who aren't human, and Zantoine wants to do something about it. Lyra just wants to take time to bury the dead here since it was her group that caused their deaths. We make time to dig shallow graves for them all.
  Zantoine wants STefan's help with a thing in the Wasteland of Woes. We agree to help, because that's on the way to Eskobar which we need to go to anyway, because that's where the Runeforge is supposed to be.
  Hazel pulls Tempest aside, because she doesn't trust the orcs (Zantoine, Paul, and Latia). Tempest tries to convince her that everything is fine.
  We end up burying all the 7 prisoners that drowned here.
  Lyra sings a poem for them, the orcs wish them away to Grummsh. Latia and Lyra have an argument about their god's and fight almost breaks out, but everything is calmed. WE get a long rest and it's pretty nice.
  In shadows deep where tales are spun, A bard weeps 'neath the setting sun. Seven souls, their fate untold, Lost to waters, bitter and cold.
  Neglectful echoes haunt the air, Regret, a burden all must bear. Beneath the soil, in silence lay, Those we lost along the way.
  A dirge of sorrow, soft and low, The bard, with heart, lets emotions flow. Seven lives, a mournful toll, In the graveyard of the heart, a solemn scroll.
  As night descends, and stars align, Their memory, a flame that won't decline. Through verses sung and tears that start, A requiem for the drowned, a bard's lamenting heart.
  WE wake up. Hazel makes Tempest a special breakfast.
  Leland works with his skeletal bat trying to train it to do certain things.
  We head towards the desert. Lyra talks some politics with Zantoine.
  We get to a point where we take a long rest and we find a cave to sleep in, because a storm is rolling in. While we are resting. Lefure sees in the distant what looks like giant birds, but he can't quite tell what they are.
  Hazel tells Tempest that she really likes him and he seems to share the same sentiment. She wants to share a secret with her that her mentor told her to keep a secret, but she says that Tempest has a lot of integrity and she asks Tempest what his goals are. HE tells her that he cares about the rest of us "idiots" and he wants to protect us all.
  He says he's never really given his goals much thought since he got kicked out of his dwarven group. Hazel sees this as something she can work with and she will train "her man", and Tempest accepts this happily.
  WE wake up and since the weather is still bad, we hang around waiting for things to clear up. Tempest eats a fermented egg that Hazel made. He enjoys it a lot.
  We travel up another day, and when we stop for our second reset, Zantone and Paul sneak off for a conversation. Stefan sneaks up to listen in on them, and hears Paul asking if Zantonine thinks that we will actually be ok with what he is bringing us into.
  Paul thinks the Great Speareans are going to reject the ideas of the orcs they are about to bring us into. He thinks that if we dno't agree, he just want take sides with us and will let us fend for ourselves. Callun and Stefan eavesdrop on them and hear all of this. What are they up to?
  They get back to camp and recant all of this to faenor. Faenore takes this as if they might betray us and maybe we are walking into a trap.
  We decide to keep things civil for now. Callun tries to seduce Latia in order to get more information.
  He learns that we are going to a place of refugees that were chased out of the forests by Great Speareans. She says that the Great Speareans do not suspect that they are organizing there. All of the refugees are orcs.
  Faenore give Callun some edible underwear to use on Latia which if he eats off of her will give him an inspiration.
  We head out for day two of travel. We evade a dragon that thought it saw us, but then decided to leave us alone. We also run across 6 brass dragons flying in th sky. Zantoine wants us to avoid them and seems to be hiding something.
  Faenore sees 2 armored humans walking through the desert. ONe of them collapses. and we run up. we see they are from Greatspear. We provide water to them. ONe of them looks up and recognizes Stefan. They served together a few years ago. Turns out they are trying to get out of the desert and they are terribly lost walking back into the desert. They notice we are traveling with orcs and give Stefan a strange look about it.
  We learn they were captured by Orcs. Zantonine walks up to them and introduces imself. He says that he hopes we can rectify any atrocities that have happened, and they tell him to shut the fuck up. Their names are Derek and Rez. Stefan pulls them aside asking them where they were held prisoner and finds out the place. They are being held prisoner where Zantoine wants to take us.
  Faenore casts Zone of Truth on Zantoine and we learn he really does want to foster peace and bring a voice to the underdogs of the world, but there is nothing anyone can do to stop him and he is willing to do whatever needs to be done to accomplish this.
  WE learn that the orcs here have captured x2 blue dragons. They've taken eggs, and have enslaved these 2 blue dragons as hostage to rid ethem. Apparently these 2 dragons were eloping without the approval of Woe, the ultimate blue dragon, and he condemmed them to be the slaves of the orcs. So now the orcs are building an army of dragons.
  We have a bit of a debate with Xantonine about peace and fostering it and what that means. WE decide to part ways and as Xantonie Paul and Lytia take off on horses that Lufere made for them, Tempest suttle spells a shatter knocking them off their horses about 60 ft awy. Then Leland Elrich blasts Xantoine to try and end him. Lyra tries to stop all of this, but Faenore grabs her trying to stop her causing her to feel completely betrayed.
  About 30 ft away from us, the dessert starts to explode and bulge up with sand going in all directions. There is a fucking blue dragon. We fight it while Xantoine and Paul run away.
  At one point, Stefan and Leland are up in the sky fighting this thing. Stefan gets knocked out and starts to fall to his death. Leland leaps off of Fuzzball and onto the dragon sending Fuzball to save Stefan.
  Leland is able to defeat the dragon with a final blow. Tempest uses a powerful wind spell to try and soften leland's fall to the ground Leland falls with the dragon to the ground, but manages to survive the fall.
  We all just stand there wondering what the fuck just happened. Rez and Derek tell us that casting spells will attract the lightning dragons down, so maybe we shouldn't do that. Stefan and Lyra help Lufere skin a large amount of the scales off the dragon. We all harvest parts of the dragon.
  We decide we want to try and find its horde.
  This is where we end.


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