Saturday Session 19: The end of Tempest

by Lyra Spectralsong Hazel looks at Tempest and simply says, "I just don't get you" and walks away. (This was after the blue dragon fight and after Tempest attacked to people with their backs to us.)
  As we are harvesting this dragon, Rez remembers that blue dragons have mates, and it is likely the mate will find us at any moment. I don't know why REz couldn't tell us this BEFORE we harvested and mutilated the dragon. Thanks alot Rez.
  We talk about someone going into the dragon tunnel, but may of us are pretty hurt. Not sure this is such a good idea. Faenore turns into a spiker to scope out the tunnel while the rest of us attempt a short rest.
  There are caverns down here, and Faenore does eventually find a dragon sleeping on its horde. He turns right back around and tellls us what he has found.
  We decide to try and finish our short rest here, because why the fuck not.
  Leland remembers there is a village names Sook here somewhere. There is also a guy who is able to travel along the dessert using a boat. He brings people to and from Sook as long as they can pay. He is the only known person who can safely travel through this place. There are very dangerous things. There was supposedly a city called Truthage that used to be here. It has a great library. There was a story about it about a group of people who came in and burned everything down. this was one of the greatest libraries ever. Some believe this library never burned down and that it actually still exists under the sand somewhere and ruled by Woe the giant blue dragon.
  there are also rivers of quicksand that can be used to traverse by boat, BUT we have no idea where these are at.
  Faenore heals up our most hurt party members.
  The ground beneath us starts to shake and we all start to hide as best we can. Hazel doesn't hide and gives Tempest a really hard time telling him he fights like an orc which is shameful. This convinces Temest to not hide and stay here.
  The dragon comes flying up through the tunnel and is caught in a snare trap that Stefan built and it cause it to slam down to the ground. Hazel tells it that we killed her mate and she should prepare to die. The dragon laughs and says there is no way that's the truth and says if we are still here when she gets back, she will eat us and flies away.
  Tempest hears a voice calling to him and he feels that if he goes towards this voice it will enpower him and give him any power that he wants. (--SECRET Tempest's alignment gets changed, but this is a secret to the party)
  Lydia goes to the place where Paul and Xantoine were attacked and gather up some blood and is able to use a crystal ball to scrye with it. We are able to see Zantoine and Paul talking. Apparently Paul's name is also Xantoine. They are hurt pretty bad. Lytia is missing an arm now thanks to Tempest's shatter.
  They argue about which way to go. Paul want to go a different way than his father. Xantoine wants to go to the orc camp to amass an army so that his words will have weight. Paul seems to have an issue about possibly attacking innocent people and wants to do different things than his dad. They walk north silently after this.
  Rez says if we go north, there is most likely transports there that can take us where we need go using the quick sands.
  We all decide to head to Sook.
  On our way, we run into some sand sharks and some sand sahagan. We are able to defeat them. Tempest knows that supposedly, wherever there are water creatures the library may be close.
  He lets us know this.
  NOTE- Tempest knows about a Runeforge axe that he's been searching for
  We travel for a bit. When we get ready to rest, we check in with the crystal ball. We hear Xantoine and Paul talking about finding this very axe. It's been calling Paul. It's right up the way from where they are at.
  Tempest gets a sense in his gut and knows exactly where they are at. Tempest also knows that this axe could lead us to the lost library. This same axe is calling out to Paul as well.
  This axe is saying that Tempest will have ultimate power and rule in any way, and enter the runeforge, be the new king of the runeforge dwarves if he gets this axe. He confides this information to Leland. It was forged by one of their ancestors- their great grandfather to be specific. Causten Doomstone. Lyra's father was friends with Causten. Tempest, in his mind sees a giant icewall that has a cut out of one of the vorpal swords. However, to get through the ice and door, there is also an axe that will be needed.
  Meanwhile Lefure, Faenore and Lyra are investigating what is going on with Tempest. We decide to rest rather than try to beat Paul to the axe.
  While resting, we hear Xantoine and Paul talking and how Xantoine doesn't see Paul as an adult capable of making good decisions. Paul calls Xantoine out for always being on the line and never actually doing anything.
  Paul picks up the axe, and Xantoine says "Now what?" and then everything goes blank. Did Paul attack his father? Kill his father even? Once Paul gets the axe, Tempest no longer hears its call.
  Lufere stays up all night studying his book of wisdom is incredibly exhausted.
  We get a long rest and then travel to where the axe was. We see a decapitated Xantoine there. Callun is able to see that the tracks are headed north towards Sook.
  We find some blood of Lytia on the ground and are able to track where Paul is headed. He's at the original Orc Camp. We see a bunch of orcs bowing down to Paul (aka Xantoine jr.) with 2 blue dragons next to him.
  Tempest finds a large blue dragon horn in front of the rock that had the axe. We find a magical inscription. It's some kind of necromancy spell written on the rock that was holding the axe.
  Callun just starts to read the words out loud and this causes a tingling numbness in his chest. We make an etching of the necromancy spell. Tempest then gives it a go and his chest and guts start to go numb, and they both start to have panic attacks.
  Tempest is still able to detect the axe even though it is no longer calling out to us. It's just a couple of hours away from us.
  We decide to head to Sook instead for now. As we travel, 2 blue dragons start to circle us. They land and Paul approaches us. He seems to not really be upset with us and just wants to know our intentions.
  Faenore asks about Paul's father and then we hear Xantoine's voice asking for help from the axe. The axe is very evil and it is called "Woe"
  Lefure tries to Thornwhip the axe out of his hand, but it fails instantly without any effort from Paul. There is something very powerful and evil about him. We also learn that he actually controls this tribe. He rules them completely. They get no choice in this.
  He asks us to join him. Lefure tries to heat metal, but Paul is able to counterspell it. Lyra sends a magical message to the dragons trying to ask if they join our side, we will grant their freedom, and we learn that they cannot betray their leader Woe, who is the head dragon here. If we were to defeat Woe, then they would be free.
  Tempest misty steps to the axe to try and take it from Paul, and he just falls down dead, because he had less than 100HP.
  Faenore is able to cast Gentle Repose so that we can Revivify him. LeFure can cast Revivify after a long rest. We take his body to Sook.
  A young roguish boy shows us where the inn is after trying to rob Lyra.
  We get Tempest safely in a room.
  Some of us go to the bathhouse and get clean
  Stefan, Lyra and Callun play some 3 dragon ante. Lyra picks up on cheating at the table, but doesn't call it out and goes to have a drink at the bar instead. Lefure gets some studying in.
  We get our last comfortable night's sleep for a while because this place is fucking expensive and Stefan lost most of his fortune gambling last night.
  The next morning, Lefure tries to Revivify Tempest, but he's not able to get in touch with his spirit and it fails. Leland is just numb and non responsive to this.
  Leland had a deal with the Ravenqueen to keep his brother a live. He confronts her, and she says, because his soul never came this way, she can't put it back in his body. We have to get the soul out of the axe.
  Hazel is really upset as well and chokes up anytime she tries to talk. She's just keeping to herself.
  Gentle REpose will keep Tempest's body safe for 10 days, so we have 10 days to find the axe, get the soul and get a really expensive diamond as well. No pressure or anything.
  Lefure takes the dragon horn off of Tempest's body to track through the orb. We then see a gigantic bone dragon trapped in ice against the mountain where the forge is. The entrance has a giant bone dragon trapped in it, and the only way to get passed the ice is to use the axe Woe.
  Lefure realizes that the dragon is actually projecting the last of if's essence into the axe. LeFure wants to try and negotiate with Woe for help freeing itself in exchange for Tempest's soul. The bone dragon IS Woe and he is a dracolich. We're fucked.
  We think that trying to get the axe might be the best course of action so we can negotiate with it. This is where we end. In the Inn of Sook.
  Faenore wants to find someone to incorporate the dragon scales into our armor to try and get lightning resistance.


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