Saturday Session 21: A christmas Story

by Lyra Spectralsong We get sucked into the shard. We see Ashe and her group here too. We are all confused and disoriented and we don't know how we got here. We are now in a snowy cold landscape of a mountain. We try to keep warm as best we can and spot a town down in the valley below. We jump into Stefan's boat and sail down the mountain towards the town.
  It's a bit chaotic, but we make it to the bottom of the mountain about a half mile away from the town. we get to the town where they are putting up a tree to burn for 12 days. As long as the tree is burning all the bad spirits will be kept away. During this time there is no light for 12 days, so they keep the tree burning for that time. Today is the first day of darkness.
  They call this the Eluy log.
  Apparently this town is called Drillsyear. It's in the Frozen Veil of Ariaaerndor. The Saturday Night group knows taht this is part of their continent. It's the northern most part.
  Lyra tries to play her pan flute to celebrate, but critically fails and ruins the whole thing. We go to the Tavern and meet a fellow who is not from here, but here for their Winter festivities. He made a bet with someone about heros and somthing about men needing gods to accomplish their needs. On his side, he said men do not need the interjection of gods to accomplish what they want to do. His name is Ness. He tells us that "things" are going to start happening soon, and should we need him when they do, he will be sitting here.
  We learn the burn the eluy log to bring back the sun, and to keep out evil spirits and bad luck. Faenore meets a guy named Derek. He's a scientist and doesn't believe all the nonsense.
  We get some rest and the next day we find children putting their shoes outside filled with hay and sugar. An 8 legged horse named Sleipnir. His rider will leave them goodies if they do this.
  We hear creepy carolling by children in the distance. I guess this isn't normal. Lyra and a few go and check it out. There are shadows moving of their own volition.
  Faenore casts sunlight and and this causes these shadows to start screaming.
  We fight them and we realize that they were siphoning light from the tree. Elias tells one of the townspeople what happened, and the old lady he talked to says there are tales of the Krampus, the opposite of Father Winter. A demon that comes and takes the bad children. He whips them with birch tree switches. The worst ones get stuffed into his wicker basket and takes them to the abyss.
  We hear a screen at the tavern. We see a dead body nailed into a shelf with his eyes nailed open. It's an elf....on the shelf....haha
  He was a high elf that was wearing a magical cloak. and shit....apparently an elf on the shelf is Krampus's calling card. He must be in town.
  The one eyed guy says he can help and pulls out some presents for each of us. His name is Father Christmas. He then confesses that he is Odin and he made a deal with Loki that we could save this town without the power of a god being here.
  If the tree goes out, then he can get back to the town.
  Lyra starts to build a snow golem. Lufere goes to get some rubies crushed so he can try to cast continual flame on the tree. Elias and others heard people into the cellar.
  Lufere casts continual flame on it so it can't go out now.
  Franz know that Krampus can summon a dark aura that can cause everyone to be afraid if they are close to him. He's armed with birch tree switches. He can meld with shadows. He carries a magical sack that is a bag of holding that stuffs children into. If he hits you with the switches you feel feelings of regret and guilt and it drains all joy from you.
  He can summon freezing blizzard. Large antlers to run towards you and impale you. Possess the ability to discern the deeds and misdeeds of individuals. weather manipulation. Roar that has a magical affect that disoriences and weakens those that hear it.
  We decide to go investigate the area for a lair. A towns person tries to stop us. She gives us a misteltoe amulet that repels evil things around us. We must be within 15 feet of it.
  WE head out and eventually run into some crazy shit. A fight breaks out with Krampus and some Tensil. Elias does over 100 damage. Faenore does over 100 damage. the rest of us do little bits of damage. Lufir does the killing blow by causing Krampus to trip and fall and hit his head.
  Hazel decapitates him. A claymation yeti and other claymation things run towards us, but fall into a puddle instead and can't make it to us.
  WE head back to town and tell everyone the good news. Odin shows us Yisard and shows us all the places that we saved krampus from. It's Merry Christmas and bless us everyone.


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