Saturday Session 5: How to save Callun from his demons

We wake up and all of us have a sinking feeling in the pit of our stomachs about Callun. We decide to head to the Shadow's Embrace Tavern to see if they have seen him. Lyra wants to talk to Drizzt anyway. The guards at the door avoid eye contact with us and allow us to walk in.
  We learn that Callun was here, but he rushed out 12 hours ago after he hurt someone. He was being persued by a drow. The person Callun hurt is named Lorulae, a moon elf.
  We go inside and find her upstairs. Guinevar is with her and gravely injured. She had come here to investigate our friend Callun. A few years ago, someone killed a bunch of moon elves, and she is hunting for him. When Callun saw her, he attacked and ran. We learn that Callun believes moon elves killed his mother and father. He is headed to Sahd Nanuiel. He looked exhausted when he left.
  We learn Callun killed Lorulae's companion Nanya. Faenore performs a funeral right for Nanya as Lyra communicates with the spirits and has a conversation with Nanya. Nanya is ok now and is not upset about the incident with Callun.
  Lorulae provides us 2 horses so we can try to track Callun who is being pursued by Drizzt. 8 hours into our travel we see an abandoned campsite.
  Not far from there, we spot Callun. He has just killed a moon elf. We notice he is wrapped in shadows. He is missing his own shadow. A fight breaks out. Lyra tries to maintain peace so nobody gets hurt. Tempest kills one of them while the rest try to take them out non lethally.
  We notice that when Callun tries to use his bow, shadows start to form around him and he loses all sense of himself. Lyra and Tempest are knocked out by poisonous arrows. Callun kills more moon elves. There is one last moon elf left. She asks for mercy, and Faenore attacks Callun instead. Callun yells out a taunt saying that since the moon elves killed his family, he will make sure that they all moon elves rot in hell.
  Faenore knocks Callun out an lets the 2 living moon elves go. Faenore sees 2 purple glowing eyes staring out of the forest. It's Drizzt, and he is here to handle Callun. We are able to persuade Drizzt to stop and explain that he isn't himself. Drizzt explains the madness has taken over him before. He suspects Callun has drow heritage.
  He has Callun explain when the gaps in his memory started. It started the day he found his family brutally murdered and about to be set on fire. The gaps disappeared for a while, but came back a couple of months ago.
  Drizzt tells us that the moon elves aren't normal moon elves. They fight like Drow. Drizzt doesn't understand how Callun could single handedly take out so many of these elves. He catches a glimpse of the darkness in Callun. He has dealt with maddnesses like these before. He tells us of a ritual that can be performed. Callun will need to be bound with chains of cold iron and go back to where he was when this first started. We would have to seek out a library to get more information about this.
  As we rest Drizzt talks to Lyra about Drow society. He gives her a brief description of why the Drow are the way they are. Lolth and Corleon used to be married. She ended up being banished by Lolth. Lolth sent many to try and defeat Corleaon, but she was not successful. Loth has lost her godhood and is now nothing more than a demon that are worshipped by the Drow.
  The Drow wants nothing more than to destroy everything that Corelon has built. It is very difficult for Drow to break free of this society. Many want to, but none know how. The Drow also do not get to be reincarnated when they die. Lyra will pray to Corelon to accept Drizzt when he dies. He follows Mielikki now. She has lead him to this land as something is wrong here. She has asked Drizzt to come here. He had to travel through the 9 hells to get here.
  Drizzt teaches Lyra some under common and gives her a journal of common words and phrases for her to study.
  Leland learns about refining milk from poppies to make poisons similar to what the moon elves were using on us. (sleeping arrows). He is able to make 7 sleep bolts from some of the arrows that didn't hit anybody.
  Drizzt escorts us all to Calembar. Lyra name drops her dad and helps get everyone in the city as they didn't want to allow the non elves in.
  we go see Lyra's dad. Lyra tries to fill him in on their adventures but he doesn't believe her. Lyra tells Leland to show him the necklace from Arud, and we find it came from their grandfather Kazstan Doomstone, who used to be really good friends with Lyra's dad. He was the diplomat here for a while.
  He was a rune forged dwarf. He died in the war. Tempest and Leland learn that they are part Runeforged dwarf. As Lyra explains this piece of history, it upset her father greatly and just to get rid of her, he allows her to take her friends to the library here.
  While there, Leland looks up books on poison making.
  We find a book about a person whose shadow disappears and envelopes them with shadows. It's a journal by an elvish cleric that tried to exercise a demon from someone. The only way to restrain the demon is with cold iron chains. There is a ritual and a complicated herbal drink that needs to be made. The cold iron needs to be infused with some kind of water magic. This cleric was not successful in this, and his patient's demon popped out of his chest obliterating them. It was bad.
  Tempest knows that the water it is speaking of is somebody who has a magical affinity with water needs to pull water from the actual plane of water and infuse it with the chain. The ritual needs to be done in the place where the demon possession first happened.
  the possession happened in Amrunrad, which is really far, and it's near where the two continents nearly touch, but the rift runs right through there, and it's very dangerous. Maybe we could find Captain Nightwood and hitch a ride when the time comes.
  We also try to look for how to forge cold iron into chains. It's a type of ore we have to find under ground and it has to never know heat. So it needs to be forged without heat. We need to find a Master Forger who knows what they are doing. Tempest remembers reading about a fellow named Duran Stormforge who could do this. We find a journal that seems a little helpful.
  Callun looks up information on trap making. He steals this book so he can study it.
  We think about what else we want to study and end in the library.
  SECRET NOTES Need to get information about the ritual for Callun to help cure his madness. There is a library in Calembar. Drizzt offers to escort us there, but says that Callun better not cross paths with him again.
  Lyra learns a little bit of undercommon from Drizzt while they rest.
  Lyra's dad's name is Galadrian Mistbringer
  Need to find Duran Stormforge- to help with creating cold iron chains. We found a journal by him, but it was not very helpful
  We have 2 horses


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