Saturday Session 6: Evading what's in the shadows

General Summary

Session Six: Evading what's in the shadows. by Lyra Spectralsong
  In the library, we decide to look up information on the diamond that might be able to open up a portal to the water plane. Faenore finds a book that talks about portals to different elemental planes. He didn't see anything about diamonds, but he did read about stones that could summon different elementals from their elemental plane.
  He also finds a book about Tharizdun who is a chained elemental god in the Abyss. He's a long forgotten god originating from Orith (Greyhawk setting). He was a key figure in the Dawn war. He was the creator of the Abyss, which he is now created in. He was once in possession of an item called the Shard of Pure Evil. There were a bunch of entities from another realm that were called Oberiths that created this stone and wanted him to take this shard and place it into the astral plane so that they could all invade it.
  But Tharizdun though, "you know what, Fuck these guys. I'm going to take the power for my own" Instead of placing it into the astral plane, he took it to the elemental plane of chaos where it ended up becoming the abyss. It plunged deeper in deeper into the chaotic plane creating an infinite amount of layers there.
  We know that there are many pieces of this stone. Faenore knows of an item that has a piece of one of these shards. It's in the Ruby Rod, which is in the possession of Asmodeus. This tiny sliver of a shard has a tremendous amount of power.
  It turned out that when evil people would die, they would end up in the Abyss. They could rise up through the ranks of the Abyss. They rose up becoming very powerful and became known as the Tanari and became the Princes' of the Abyss. The Tanaris defeated the Oberiths and now rule the Abyss.
  The Tanari's rose up against Tharizdun and trapped him in the Abyss in a secret location.
  Tempest thinks it would be a really good idea to try and find Tharizdun and release him. What a terrible idea.
  As we are discussing what to do next, we here a loud booming voice saying "Lay Down your weapons and exit the library!" Lyra recognizes the voice to be "Liare- the voice of the moon elf that we saw when we accidentally freed Malachoz. "We have you completely surround"
  They say we are fugitives of Saad Nanuil. WE are being accused by Jenna and Lorule. Moon elves start to climb in through the windows and surround us.
  We hear marching in the distance. It's the Magic Breakers of the city on their way and circling the moon elves of the library. Lyra hears the humming of her father's rune forged sword and approaches holding it above his head.
  The moon elves tell Lyra's father Galadrian that they are taking us for murder and we are to be put to trial. Galadrian immediately puts a stop to it as this is his domain and gives them the opportunity to leave.
  The moon elves want to take Tempest and Callun, but Galadrian does not allow this. The moon elves tell Galadrian that this is going to mean great political divide between the Moon elves and his people. They insult Lyra's blood because her mother is a high elf and Galadrian approaches Liere and puts the sword to her neck so fast nobody sees it and a drop of blood runs down her neck.
  The moon elves are signaled to disperse and they leave, but not before telling Galadrian that this isn't the end of this and giving a very vulgar fuck you sign to Lyra.
  Lyra approaches her father and he just gives her a thousand foot stare and tells Lyra we will talk about it later and walks away. This is going to hurt his political seat and the future election coming up.
  We go to Faenore's house to lay low for a bit, on the way, we run into Faenor's mom. Callun flirts with her. We learn that Faenor's father just got his foot into the political door and is doing really well for himself. There was a lot of conflict with the moon elves, and he chartered and agreement between them and the sunelves. For the first time in centuries the Moon Elves and Sun Elves are at peace.
  We have to deliver the bad news that the Moon elves are pretty pissed with us now. This brings down the mood and she escorts us to Faenor's dad. Lyra has enough of Tempest's shit because she blames him for a lot of this. Callun she can understand, but Tempest she cannot.
  She punches him in the face and storms off. Faenore chases off after her. Leland tries to talk to Faenor's mom as she's kind of gone in shock because she needs to speak with her son.
  We get to Faenor's father and he tries to explain what is going on, but he doesn't want to believe him. However, we do finally get him to listen. HE take Faenore to the side and tells him that he must get the rest of us to turn ourselves in.
  Faenore explains that Councilman Mistbringer has created discord, so it may be too late. He also wants Faenore to propose to Lyra as this could help his family politically. Faenore advises that he could use this decision that Councilman Mistbringer has done against him, because it was Father Avalore who brought peace and Mr. Mistbringer has moved us to war. Father Avalore will not hear of this, and he says he can have his men come in to take us to the moon elves.
  Father Avaore tells Faenore to sit an pray for a while as he walk away and Faenore takes this to heart and starts to pray. As he is praying to Corelon, he understands what is going on. Whatever holy presence is around him and provides complete clarity which means he knows that his dad is about to send his men to have us arrested. Faenore understands that Corelon, his god is not a lawful one, and if he wants our friends to be protected, he must intervene now.
  Faenore quickly writes a note to his father saying "I'm sorry. I have prayed. Corelon agrees with me."
  He then walks out and says "We have to go now that it's not safe!" We all start to leave. Faenore's mother grabs him by the shirt and asks that he grab cheesecloth for her. Callun says he'll be back for her "LATER" and winks causing her to blush.
  WE rush out through some backroads and decide to head to Mythril Hold, which is the closest dwarven city to this area. It's about 5 days away. It's a newish settlement where dwarves from the neighboring dwarven cities come to mine mithral. We decide to head to Mythril Hold, because we don't have better ideas and wonder if we can find a master forger there.
  On our way, we run into a group of warewolves who try to bully us into a bunch of gold. Lyra forces the leader to fall to the ground and grovel. This causes the other 2 to try and eat her. Faenor saves her and decapitates their leader using the light of Corelon to smite them.
  After a really hard fight and a lot of thundermaking abilities, we defeat the warewolves. As we try to heal up and move along, Leland notices we are being followed by really high level assassins. With help from Leland using prestidigitation to hide our footsteps. We find a safe place to rest up . It's a cold night so we have to cuddle up to keep warm as we can't have a fire.
  While on watch we know that the moon elves are close to discovering us. Tempest takes the 2 horses to try and lead them away. Tempest leads the horses across the river and about 10 minutes passed, he sees a dead bear carcass with 3 giant worm monsters eating it. Luckily, after using almost all the inspirations/super inspirations at the table, he succeeds in sneaking past them and swimming across the river to get back to us.
  The next day, we wait to see if Tempest comes back. Faenore sees a moon elf in the distance run off. We decide to stand our ground and wait until Tempest gets back.
  Tempest, on the way back runs into a moon elf on his way back. They make eye contact. The moon elf seems like he wants to say something, and Tempest throws acid on his face and runs away before he can say anything. Tempest scurries back to camp and tells everyone what happened, and that we have to go.
  We start to follow the river, but we come upon some Sahagin. We have to go out of the way to avoid them, and go around. We are able to travel and rest quite a while. ONe night while resting our coin purses are stolen. We see humanoid footprints the next morning. We decide to track them down. They lead us to a small farm by a mountainside. There are 2 half orc children playing outside. We knock on the door and a lovely lady answers. We learn her husband is in the barn and her brother in law is inside with her.
  Tempest, Callun and Lyra head to the barn to talk to the husband. Faenore and Leland go inside to speak with the wife and the brother.
  The husband says he doesn't know anything about lost money. We convince the husband to take a look at the foot prints to see if they can help identify them.
  Meanwhile the others talk to the wife and the brother. The brother says he doesn't know shit and asks Leland and Faenore to leave. He gets a bit aggressive with them. Faenore uses the spell "command" to try and get him to "hault" so they can search his bags.
  Meanwhile, the husband confirms the foot prints are likely orc prints. We tell him we know that he didn't take the money. Would he check his brothers belongings and he agrees.
  Just as things are getting heated in the house, Lyra calms everything down. We do not find the money nor pouches on the brother, BUT we find one of our pouches by the kids bed. It is empty.
  We find all of the gold and money under the drawer. The dad starts to claim that he did it i an attempt to protect his kids. We tell him we want no trouble. We take our money and leave some for them to say they've never seen us and to pay for the wasted food from the almost fight.
  They give us some directions to Mythril Hold. We make it there safely and end right outside of the base.
Report Date
15 Jul 2023


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