Saturday Session 9: A whale of a good time

General Summary

Session 9: A whale of a good time
  by Lyra Spectralsong
  We are floating right outside of the entrance to the dwarvish strong hold under the water. This is the strong hold where Duran Stormforge forged weapons of cold iron.
  We see a cave hole. Leland is able to tell that the stone work is dwarven in nature, but this design is very old and unfamiliar to Leland. Tempest believes this strong hold was built above the water, but possibly during the sundering, it sank into the ocean.
  There is an inscription on the wall inside in Dwarvish that says "Savior to us All". There is a 10 ft deep dark hole that Tempest leads everyone into. It seems to be some kind of tunnel. We swim about 15 ft down and come into an air pocket of land. Lyra climbs up and see that this pocket of land is attached by one piece of rock to the ceiling and it looks like it could fall or cave in at any moment. She also sees 3 to 4 Sahagun just chilling up there. One of them makes eye contact with Lyra.
  Tempest and Faenore send everyone back through the tunnel cuz they are about to destroy this place and collapse the ceiling.
  Tempest casts shatter on the weakest point of this cav. Everything starts to crumble and fall. Tempest didn't wait for Leland nor Faenore to escape, so the place starts to collapse while all 3 of them are there.
  Everyone escapes unscathed, accept the sahagan. There is a small hole where the dry landmass collapsed into the water. We all swim up to it to a 80ft by 80ft room. There is one small area with a pocket of air. and another tunnel we can go in. It does appear if we go this way though, we will be leaving the stronghold.
  We swim back to the room with the cave in, and find an 80 ft door that is closed. However, Faenore finds a crack that lets us swim through. Tempests gets annoyed with our silent puns that we telepathically communicate and swims away from us and back to the 80ft by 80ft room and goes to check out the air pocket.
  There he sees an elf sitting in front of a jail cell. Leland swam up to retrieve Tempest and sees this as well. This elf seems to be a sea elf, and she seems surprised to see them. She immediately asks for help saving her master, who is in the cell. There is a man dressed in all black. He has a large black hat covered in shadows sitting in the corner of the cell. He has a sly smile forming on his face.
  Leland asks the elf what her master's name is and she then asks the master to finally tell her his name. But he just sits there quietly. She says he was put there by some devils. The elf is dressed in white and looks like a priestess of some kind.
  Leland approaches the cell to try and get a closer look of this "master" but cannot recognize them.
  Meanwhile, Faenore and Lyra see a huge pile of treasure in the room behind the door. FAenore is able to find a diamond worth 500gp.
  Meanwhile, Leland is able to tell that the cell bars are cold iron. Leland and Tempest discuss letting him go, because Lyra and Faenore released a guy. Shouldn't they get to as well.
  The mysterious fellow walks towards them and confirms it is cold iron. He touches it and smoke sizzles from his finger. The priestess elf begs them to help her master. She is so sweet about it. Leland points out that it buns him when he touches it. She says, it doesn't make him evil.
  The man behind the bars says "elf girl. let them be. if they don't want to help, then they don't have to"
  Meanwhile, in the treasure room, there is a magical treasure box that Faenore is able to open by solving a simple puzzle that puzzled Lyra. Inside is a golden key on a pillow. When Faenore picks it up, it has a magnetic pull that pulls him towards where Leland and Tempest went.
  Lyra finds a cube with intricate lines on it. she gathers if as a gift for Leland. She then finds a cool looking rod with dragon heads on it and gathers it as a gift for Tempest.
  We then follow the key and it leads us to Tempest and Leland. We see the elvaan priestess and the strange man/creature in the cell. The elvaan's priestess's name is Victoria. She serves the fellow in the cell. She has a crest of Lathander on her armor.
  Lyra asks Victoria how she came to know her master. She doesn't seem to be under any kind of mind control. She tells us her master saved her from some undead once. He was locked away because he is a demon. However he is a thrall of the council of Lathander. He serves them, and they need him. He has been under the protection of The Golden Dawn for many years. However, the Emjilee organization captured and trapped him here, because they do not believe in working with demons for a holy cause.
  Meanwhile, the key in Faenore's hand is pulling itself towards the lock on this cell, but Faenore hides this. Faenore prays to Corellon for guidance on this situation. Corellon says that this creature is a thrall for chaotic good. The people who have in charge of this demon are of an order of eladrin. They gained control over him and he now must do their bidding. His master can give any command he must obey.
  Faenore then approaches the cell and unlocks it saying he must do the right thing.
  When he comes out he opens up a portal where we see a giant castle (Charon's Castle) with the River Stix flowing to it. There are ferry men driving boats on the river. Lyra asks Lycos, the demon if he can help with Callun's possession. He does say he can take him to the Golden Dawn who may be able to help, but our method would be easier and less painful for him. He says we also need the Demonnomicon to assist with this.
  In the portal, Lycos points out that he must go now. He needs to go talk to someone. He sees a group of adventurers in one of the ferrys with a pit fiend flying over it. He needs to go talk to them. He invites us to join him, but we decline, because Lyra wants to go save her dad. Althought, Callun steps through the portal to go with Lycos. However, he doesn't take Elf girl Victoria with him, and she becomes distraught about this. Lyra comforts her.
  Lyra gives Tempest and Leland their gifts. Leland plays with the cube and it ends up stabbing him. multiple times with spikes. Eventually it begins to unlock and lights starts flowing in all directions. Shards start to form into a circle. In the center is a tiny sliver of a black shard. As Leland tries to hold his hand out to touch it, it starts eating away at his flesh. we think this may actually be a piece of black shard.
  The puzzle starts to close itself and Leland grabs the stone before it can. Leland's eyes turn black and light is shining from all parts of his hand. The shards that were circling it fall to the ground and turn to old ancient pottery, mundane and without magic.
  We detect that the stone has been absorbed into Leland's hand. He says he feels fine. As Faenore approaches to examine him, the shards on the ground explode and start emitting magical darkness. Leland learns he can see just fine in the magical darkness. The rest of us can't see shit. Leland realizes it's the pottery shards and is able to destroy them so we can see again.
  Faenore casts Lay on Hands on Leland's hand, and it heals it, but in the center, where the shard was absorbed is a dark hole and patch.
  Tempest finds a skeleton chained to a wall, and around it's neck is a holy symbol of Moridin, the head of the dwarvish pantheon. As Tempest holds it in his hand his hand has a tingling sensation. Without any other investigation, he puts it on his neck.
  Leland tries to touch the cold iron bars of the cell to see if the shard in him causes any issues, and he learns that he cannot touch the bars as it causes radiant damage. We take a short rest. Lyra tries to figure out how to take some of these cold iron bars for materials. But she is struggling. Tempest makes a bag of holding. Tempest examines the holy symbol and it allows him to conjure a hammer that he can throw and bring back to his hand. It's a plus 1 magical weapon.
  Faenore goes back to the treasure room and finds some glasses for Leland and finds some pimp glasses made out of rubies. He can wear these to hide his eyes.
  As Leland makes the bag of holding, it comes out pitch black, and the black spot on his hand is now larger.
  Faenore is able to find a way to extract the cold iron bars. He successfully gets 2 bars.
  We then all go back to the treasure room and we hear muffled talking from there, but because we are under water, However, Tempest is able to understand them. Victoria can hear them, and tells Tempest that whomever is in there is talking about someone who has stolen treasure.
  Specifically the cube. The queen in there is Sharazar. Victoria tells us she's a bitter queen who is upset because she's been separated from the fey wild. Victoria says we don't really want to mess with her. She's surrounded by 4 elite warriors at all time with possibly 20 others surrounding her.
  We go back to the air pocket, and Victoria can tells we can swim out through the cave above. Victoria comes with us. As we swim out, 2 orcas approach. There are 3 druids with them. They immediately attack us.
  We take a lot of damage, but we defeat them by killing one of the orcas and scaring the other away. We killed 2 druids. The last druid drops its weapon and begs for mercy. Tempest asks why they attacked us. They advised it's because we were intruders and surprised them.
  We learn that their people are the ones who control the Leviathan. Lyra demands to know what happens to the people who are taken by Leviathan. We learn that if they are all lucky, they are on the plane of water. Lyra demands to have the Leviathan summoned so she can be taken to the plane to retrieve her father.
  Victoria tells us Sharazar will surely kill us if we face her. Tempest tells her about the water elemental Daylou, and she knows who it is and says the stone of Daylou is in the Sahagan's hands.
  She says if we could take the Sahagun down, the sea elves would be in our debt. We would need to bring them the head of the Sahagan priestess who controls all of the other sahagun. Victoria agrees to help us to see if that will get her back in good with the sea elves.
  Victoria tells us about a secret entrance to the sahagun, but it's covered in poisonous kelp. This excites Tempest. We swim back to our boat and take a long rest. Leland is able to make a potion that will alter his appearance for 10 minutes. We think that maybe he can turn into a sahagun for infiltration at some point.
  Leland studies the black diamond embedded in his hand. He has a memory of some stories he heard about demons, which reminds him of a command word. He says it, and it comes out of his hand and turns into a gigantic tome. It's the Demonomicon of Igueve Volume 3. This gives the abilities of the book innately to Leland as long as the shard is embedded in his hand and he doesn't lose his hand.
  We all wake up, and Lyra goes to find Victoria, whom she finds sleeping. This is very unusual for an elf. Lyra wakes her up and asks her about it. She doesn't really disclose anything about it other than what it's like to sleep. Faenore at this time detects that Victoria is some kind of fiend...a demon. Lyra feels a slight sadness, because she thinks Faenore is staring at Victoria because he likes her.
  WE sit to make a plan to infiltrate the Sahagan. Victoria tells us of an ancient elvish city that was in the fae wild. When the Sundering happened 1000 years ago, it pulled that city into this land. At that time, the palace was taken over by the Sahagan. Vicrotia's people fell back into the dwarvish strong hold and have been fighting the Sahagun ever since. There were remnants of how to forge cold iron there, because it is detrimental to their souls if they are killed with it. But it was all destroyed a long time ago.
  Victoria found an area that hasn't been touched for a long time. She had to hide there from Sharazar for a while. It was a strange. There was a very large forge down there. It's in an air pocket down there where the forge is. It's still very hot still, because there is a vein of lava that runs through it.
  There is also a small library there. WE decide that after we deal with the Sahagan. She tells us that the poison kelp poisons the water around the area causing you to be come paralyzed so you can't breather. Leland learns that the jellyfish we encountered actually eat the Kelp. He has 2 jellyfish in a jar that he studies. He is able to learn that the jellyfish are a much lighter version than the kelp. If he could get more of the jelly fish, he could maybe condense them down into something that you could take, and it would hurt, but after about 24 hours of continually taking this solution, it could maybe make you immune to the kelp.
  When Lyra was in her trance, she was able to see her father sitting in a very large air bubble, the size of a city. He's with some of his crew. completely surrounded by water. So, he is still alive.
  Tempest and the rest go down into the water to try and retrieve more jellyfish.
  As we get down there, we see 2 sharks. Tempest immediately casts an electric version of shatter at the sharks, and this is where we end.
Report Date
19 Aug 2023


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