Session 2: Visitors....Finally!

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We hear "Visitors....Finally" WE walk down into an area fit for a guard station. There is a wall of stone with a rough iron door mostly made of bars that we can see through. Into the darkness we see nothing. We stand there "alone"
  We learn someone is locked away for bringing too much joy? his name is Malachoz. Faenor has heard of somebody who lived in Beaumar, that was a tiefling or devilish in someway, that maybe had disappeared at some point. They were wanted from the law . Supposedly this guy was caught by moon elves, who don't usually pursuit people like this. The moon elves of the Sahd Nanuil. That is where we are at. so the elves of this land cuaght this guy a couple of hundred years ago.
  Malachoz doesn't know his mom. His father was Graz'zt. Only Faenore has heard of this. Malcoz of a beautiful and seductive prince of the abyss. His father has conquered 3 layers of it's infinit3e realm.
  We learn when Malachoz was in Calembar, he was excited, because he was in a new city. He's part devil. He has red eyes.
  Lyra tries to comfort him by sending warmth to his cold skin. He gives her a stone that his sister Isodle gave him. It's a small yellow stone that can be used only by a very holy person. It's a stone of heat metal. the only thing he has wanted, which is warmth, and he can't use it.
  WE learn the stone is very holy. Faenore uses the gem to cast heat metal on the bars to warm him. Malachoz loves the warmth and gives Faenore a sly smile as if he has deceived us. He gives Faenore a key and says to take it to the veiled market where he has an associate. Malachoz has a sinister look in his eyes as the bars heat red hot.
  Faenore gives Lyra the key that Malachoz gives us to shut her the fuck up. I works
  Lyra gives CAllun all of her money as she learns he's just here to make a buck.
  we leave Malachoz and have a key ot sometihing. Lyra asks what the treasure is to Malachoz, and he says it's the friends we made along the way and to tell Arindille, "Thank you"
  Marachoz says, hat he can see why ARindile chose us? Lyra has no idea who he is, but others have heard of him as a famous explorer. Malachoz tells Lyra that she is nothing more or less than she should be as he sees she's just trying to please people and make people proud of her.
  As we leave, we see Marchoz has a sinister look on his face, but Lyra believes he will find beauty, even though that is not the case.
  We leave the temple and find hat there are no arrows pointing at us. We find a cave to stay in for the night. it is safe. We study the key we were given. It's a golden key with a black gem and 3 flowers on it. Leland studies how to save a moltov bomb like flowers. Tempest practices with a short sword.
  Leland takes first watch. Callun, Faenore, and Lyra meditate. Temepst sleeping deeply. Leland sees a bright light coming towards everyone.
  A voice comes from the light. It's Aurendille.. He's disappointed in all of us. apparently we failed his test. We have one more opportunity to make things right. He disappears and says we only see him again if we make things right.
  Faenore, in his meditation prays for insight. He sees that we are being tested and have failed. He feels the solution could probably be easily fixed, by the moon elves, and maybe even Aurendille, but we've been left to figure it out for our selves. This is a continuation of the test and we have failed the first part.
  Callun takes second watch and during his watch, he fell asleep somehow. He relaxed too much and fell into a meditative state. He gets attacked suddenly by an unknown force. This force slowly starts to take each of us out. Taking out Callun, Leland, and then attacks Tempest who wakes up screaming alerting Faenor and Leland. Faenor wakes up with a monster that looks like Rat of unusual size biting his face. Leland wakes up and sees 4 rats of unusual size eating his friends. He takes action and shoots a firebolt at one of them. He injures it but does not kill it.
  Suddenly a magical energy emanates from it. Further injuring those that are unconscious which is Callun and Lyra. Tempest attempts to stab one of the large rats. decapitating it. He mortally wounds a second one.
  Faenor runs over to Lyra an uses Lay on Hands on her restoring enough health to wake her and moves over to Callun.
  Lyra comes back to life thanks to Faenor and and she stabilizes Callun, however he is attacked immediately and falls unconscious again. Lyra then is attacked and is unconscious again. by Callun's unconscious body. Callun barely hangs onto life.
  Leland attacks the one on Calluln's face and destroys it. Callun now has a scare across his face.
  Tempest attacks another one, but misses it. However, he has a critical hit with his offhand and severely damaged one of the large rats.
  IN a moment of utmost urgency, Faenore brings Callun back to life with Lay on hands and then uses his body to protect Lyra in her unconscious state.
  Thanks to Faenore, Callun wakes up and attacks the one that Tempest attacked, and completely annihilates the large rat. Out of an instance of luck, he is able to kill a second rat saving the rest of the group.
  However, Faenor takes the next watch and makes sure we are safe as we sleep. and last watch is successfuly with the help of everyone. However, Lyra, meaning well, is suspicious of Callun because of his white hair, but does try to see the best in him.
  We learn from Leland, that there once was a novice spell caster who accidentally brought to life an evil monster who has a taste for magical spells and items. It holds vicious grudges against them, and that is why we were attacked. They are known to imitate the sound of whimpering children to lure people into their traps. spells cast on them, might reflect off of them and land on anyone around them causing an explosion.
  If you see one, it means there are more. we wake up and go to the moon elves. Lyra knows that the moon elves are not friendly with high elves as the think they are uppity and snooty. Moon elves are a little fanatical and feel they were meant to change the coarse of history by destroying the evil that comes along. They are important and don't take kindly to people walking into their area, and if we go to them, they may not take kindly to us.
  We travel for about a day toward the moon elves. we are watched on the journey there. Lyra shouts out that they seek guidance from the moon elves, however and arrow is shot towards Lyra's feet indicating it wants them to leave. Faenore, then shouts out we are trying to correct our mistakes, and moon elf walks out. She has pale blueish skin with black hair with mithril armor and is very stern looking.
  She stands before us, and sits her bow before her leaning forward. She tells us we are not welcome here and to turn around and leave.
  Faenore blesses her with Correllon' and receives a Sleune blessing in stead.
  Selune is the goddess of the moon.
  Faenore tries to charm this moon elf by explaining we are trying to repair our actions, but we don't know how.
  We laern that Aurendille is respected amongst the moon elves, and against their better judgement, was told to let us inter into that prison.
  As they struggled to maintain their fait in Aurendille, Lyra released Malachoz. Aurendille has assured that things will be made right.
  We are told to go and make things right. Lyra asked why Malachoz was bad. We learn Malachoz preyed apon folks. HIs name is Malazhoz the debacherer. He preys upon the people of Baumar. He is a demon. Lyra inquires more as she hasn't heard of him. IN the darkets corners of Baumar, there are stories of secret passageways and forgotten passageways underneath the cities surface....Legends tell of untold treasures guarded by ancient spirits. Some have claimed to have glimmers of shiny artifacts and ethereal whispers. Although few have found these treasures. Most who have tried are never seen again. Those that wander off in solitude will find the entrance to the labyrinth. It was built it Malachoz's name.
  WE are told if we want to solve this, to go to Beaumar and find the labyrinth, and lead to our death. That is where we will find Malachoz.
  Malachoz means the "evil power". Lyra tells the moon elves that we promise to make right what we have wronged, and this promise of our death is satisfactory to the moon elves.
  Tempest asks the moon elves where they get the mithril for their armor, and we learn that they get their mithril form Mithril Hold.
  they hope Aurendille, the silver dragon is right about us.
  With arrows on us, we walk out of this place alive. However, we are without a water source and are very thirsty. Our water genasi, Tempest does not have the ability to make us water.
  Leland finds a cave that has a pool of water in it. The desperately drink the water and the learn there is bat guano everywhere in the water. Lyra uses prestidigitation to clean it as best she can, and Leland gathers some of the guano that is in the water.
  we go deeper into the cave
  we find water falling into a hole that seems indefinite. Faenor finds a rope ladder. Tempest allows Faenore to take the ladder down first.
  He climbs the ladder down, and everyone follows. As Tempest decsends, he covers the hole we are going down with the rock initially hiding it.
  We climb down the rope that leads to a ramp that leads down with a cave into the wall where we could rest. a group of drow appraches up the ramp while we sleep. Lyla uses mold earth to cover them, but they are discovered when Callun looks out through a slit. Lyra uses mold earth to remove the middle part of the hidden door and everyone decides to fight the drow from behind while they are on the ramp.
  We all know that drow use deadly arrows and Lyra tries to tell everyone we should not engage. Faenor builds a manikin out of his armor and luggage. Lyla lowers part of the wall. Tempest is able to use the spell "Gust" to blow 3 of the drow off the edge.
  Leland and Callun shoot a drow climbing down the rope ladder. They destroy him before he even knows what happened.
  Lyra casts a heal on him and ties him up. AS she tries to make peace with everyone, Leland attacks him by punching him and as Callun tries to shoot him with a bow, Lyra pushes him, damage would have hit Lyra but Faenore takes the damage for her. Lyra tries to make peace amongst everyone. The drow confesses his life is miserable. As they speak Allun attacks when the drow makes a comment about his family. As Lyra is held back from protecting the drow by Faenor, Callun attacks the drow and stabs him with his dagger.
  The drow was able to release himself from his bonds, and throws a poisonous dagger at callun, damaging him greatly. The drow dies saying he knew he was right about everything he's ever heard about elves being evil and dies.
  Faenor stops the poison damage and Leland cures Callun. Tempest drags the drow out and Lyra sits feeling defeated and let down by her friends.
  Faenor finds a new resting spot. and the rest of the night goes without any interruption.
  We decide to climb out of the cave and go back to Beaumar. It's the next day which is Tempesember 10th.
  While hunting, Callun shoots a stag, but hears a branch breaking in the forest. he discovers we are being tracked by 4 drow about 200 ft away.
  they are using sign language to talk to each other. Callun is able to warn us. Lyra asks that we just try to move on and avoid a fight, but the group has other plans.
  Lyra shouts out in elvish that she just wishes to go home and there be no more fighting in hopes that everyone just goes their own separate ways.
  However, Temepest casts a fog cloud and hides behind a tree. Lyra uses minor illlusion to make is seem as if we are running in another direction.
  They seem to fall for Lyra's illusion and run passed everyone.
  We find a place to rest. Lyra sets an alarm of string and bells. Faenor and Leland makes an elementary swing trap to capture anyone that runs through. Callun creates his own alarm system. Tempest wants to help, but isn't really able to do anything.
  We have a quiet night and get some rest.
  We gather our trap materials. and continue on our way.
  It's now Tempestember 11.
  Faenore detects that we are being followed by Drow again. They don't seem to be on our trail and our looking for us.
  We are able to avoid them thanks to Faenor paying attention. We get to the the edge of the forest.
  We are able to sleep without issue, but feel quite paranoid of being pursued by the drow.
  We reach the planes and feel like we finally aren't being followed anymore. WE get another rest and easy trip. It's now Tempestsember 13th.
  WE get another rest, and go unbothered. It's now Tempestsember the 14th. we rest yet again. It's now the 15th. Travel has been pretty quiet, but weather has been very stormy.
  We do find a good shelter to hide from the storm, so it puts us a bit behind. On a few days in, Tempest encounters a water elemental coming towards our camp. Luckily Tempest know Aquan, the language it speaks and tells it we mean no harm. this elemental is looking for a diamond that was took from its lake. Tempest tells it we will keep an eye out for it and return it if we find it. It's diamond with a swirling water inside and will lead to the water plane if broken. It keeps us safe while we rest.
  We finally make it back the bridge of Beaumar and this is where we end.
Report Date
13 May 2024


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