Session 25: Faenore's Dad banged a goddess and a fight with a Mother Matron

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong
  We are standing with Osaris, the drow, Saran Maras with him and his dead wife. They have agreed to go with us. The walls are covered in biolescent lichen. There are weird scratches on the wall. We talk to Saran Maras and he tells us that we can find cold iron at a mine where the deep gnomes are. We decide we can just bypass the duregar and will likely have better luck with deep gnomes.
  As we start to travel, we are attacked by a purple worm. We defeate it before it just barely eats Callun.
  Saramaras recognizes Faenore's sword as a Sword of Elistre, whom is a drow goddess of the moon, and she's kind of nice. Faenore explains this was his father's sword. When Faenore asks how he can know that, we see a temple in the hole in the ground we just made and he says he will show Faenore. Sure enought there is a statue there or Elistre and she is holding a sword that looks like Faenores.
  We learn that Saramara doesn't have any friends, and Lyra makes friends with him so now he has at least one friend. She shows him how to shake hands.
  We learn that Saramaras has read about Elistre from the library. We decide to go check out the temple. Faenore ends up putting his sword into a stone holder which causes everything to glow a bluish moon light color. The creates a reflection on the sword that shows the words "Moon Dancer's Grace"
  The whole place is lit up now in a beautiful ghostly blue. We check out a closed door with a sigil of an ankh. We are able to get into another room where there is a bed that is completely made and clean. There is no dust here, but also no sign of anyone being here.
  Lufere finds a book of poetry written in elvish in the nightstand. It's spicy poetry wirtten to Elistre by Pisou Avalore...Faenore's father...Lyra hands the book to Faenore. He learns this was written in the 770's. roughly 300 ish years ago.
  Oh my gosh...I think Faenore's father was lovers with Elistre....that's crazy.
  Elistre is Corellon's daughter....Pisou is a priest of Corellon. SCANDALOUS.....
  Callun finds a book with a folded up piece of with a picture of the ankh. Sran reads out loud "Those who are without hope will hear my words" in undercommon, and this causes the locked door to open.
  in this room, we see s portal filled with night stars. There are oils and a bath here. Lyra learns that Callun doesn't know how to read, and she offers to help him learn how to read.
  There is no water source for the bath in here. Callun takes a lot of the oils that are here. Callun decides to start praying to Elistre to see if he can get her attention. This causes a moon to start to appear in the portal of stars.
  Callun prays earnestly and moonlight shines on him, but in his head he only hears Demogorgon telling him there is no hope for him. Demogorgon says if Callun takes him down deeper, the drow can help separate himself from Callun. Then they follow up with there is no hope. However, Callun hears a faint feminine that says "There's always hope" Callun doesn't hear anything else, but feels that Elistre will guide him.
  Faenore decides to pray to Elistre, and Elistre asks why his father buried her sword. Faenore gets a flashing memory of digging up the sword from the little girl's grave.
  We figure out that the bath is for bathing in moonlight and getting clean. Callun strips and gets in the bath and is cleaned in moonlight. Faenore exits the room at this point to join Stefan and Leland on watch. He immediately sees that we are being approached by drow.
  Lufere informs everybody. Most of us are in the bathroom. However, Quill is in the bedroom. Faenore grabs his sword from the pedestal, and the lights go out.
  Stefan and Leland start to try and barricade up some of the place. Outside there are drow asking what we are doing and assuming we are surface dwellers. Saran tells us that it's his mother outside and he had been captured by a rival house. His mother is Matron Morras.
  Callun starts to pray again, and Elistre tells him that we need to surrender.
  Leland and Faenore talk to Matron Morras a bit trying to de escalate this situation. Stefan and Callun put on their cloaks of invisibility. Demogorgon tries to overtake Callun, but he is able to resist.
  LIghtening all of a sudden flies through the door and hits the pedestal where Faenore is. Faenore is able to dodge it completely.
  We fight for a while. The mother matron bashes Leland's head in until he is beyond dead. Faenore takes a huge amount of damage.
  The mother matron ends up retreating through a portal. Quill ends up praying to the Raven Queen and she opens a portal where we can see Leland talking to her. She asks him if he'd like to come back and help his friends or go directly to the axe and try to help his brother.
  He decides to go save his brother.
  Then shit happened, and we realized that mother matron couldn't actually portal out. so Faenore actually died as well. We killed the mother matron, but not before she summoned a yochlol
  The rest of the drow fucking get terrified and get the shit out of dodge. Lyra tries to heal Faenore and wake him up but he doesn't respond.
  The demon Yochlol that the mother matron summoned is decapitated by stefan, who was a complete badass this whole fight killing 2 other baddies on top of this thing.
  We end, with Lyra completely heartbroken over Faenore and determined to get him back. She whispers something into his dead ear that nobody else can hear.
  Meanwhile, Tempest feels himself soaring through the sky on the back of wings. He sees an ice formation with a few orcs standing in front of a frozen dracolich. The raven flies down and lands on the axe, and this teleports Leland into the axe....
Report Date
09 Mar 2024


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