Session 26:Parties are split. Beholder fight and a fight for love against a warchief

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We are standing inside the temple of Elistre. Lyra is holding Faenore in his arms. Quill knows what has happened to Leland, but his body is still with us. It seems to be convulsing even though his brains are all over the ground.
  WE learn Leland is with his brother in the axe.
  Saran Maras asks us what happens to us when we die, and Lyra explains that the elves go to Correlon and then get to be reborn. We learn that when the drow die, nothing happens as they have all been cursed by Corellon. Lyra says she'll talk to Corellon on Saran's behalf and see if she can get this curse removed.
  WE learn that Saran's mother is of a 3rd rank in his city. He imagines his sister will now be the new matron mother. Saran Moras believes we are now on borrowed time and we must leave the under dark or be killed.
  We put Leland's body in the bag. Saran asks that we leave his mother here. He tells us the deep gnomes and cold iron mine is about an hour away. He knows a shortcut, but there or Orogs there, and they are very dangerous.
  We take one more look around this place before leaving and Faenore finds an Origami Unicorn. Quill also gives him the ring she found.
  We head out, and come up on a large open area. We see a hut with a large orish looking woman with children running around. She sends her children away as we approach.
  We explain we are here in peace and just need to pass through. We have to bestow a gift to the war chief. We head up to talk to the war chief WE meet the chief, whose name is Spain. She confronts Lyra and FAenore about their worship of Corellon. an intemidation tactic is used to try an intimidate Faenore, but he comes back with a pretty good retort that makes Spain laugh. She then challenges Faenore to a drinking challenge. Faenore convinces them to let Stefan do the drinking challenge, and he convinces them to allow the use of his specific tankard (which makes all alcohol drinks non alcoholic) due to religious reasons.
  Stefan and Spain talk about Great Spear and their philosophies. Stefan says he doesn't like to discuss politics with friends. She is contemplating his friendship and is still undecided.
  As Stefan points out that we come bearing gifts, we learn this would be the first time that an elf has ever bought Spain a gift.
  We learn that she does NOT want the gift of the staff of the mother matron. She looks at us and asks "What have you done?"
  She wants nothing to do with the weapon we have. Stefan steps up and apologizes for any insult. He offers her some dragon hide which she finds to be acceptable.
  This blue dragon hide seems to be meaningful to her. WE learn that she has ridden a dragon before, and not in the way that you would think.
  She tells us to leave immediately and we get on our way.
  Leland is on the wings of a raven. He sees Xantoine with his axe held high looking at an imprisoned woe. Leland lands on the axe and is inside what looks like a long field of grass with turbulent skies of auroras and twinkiling stars.
  Next to him appears to be Tempest. He immediately throws a punch at Tempest then immediately hugs him. Xantoine the dad is like, so, Xantoine Jr. just have obtained another soul through the axe, and Leland explains what has happened and exactly how he got here. They argue about whether or not Leland know how to get out of this thing or not, and it's pretty adorable.
  Leland lies about how hazel when Tempest asks how she fared against the matron mother. Tempest believes what he says though.
  Xantonine then just says that he's been protecting them or something,a nd now that barrier is falling, because it wasn't meant to hold so many people? They start seeing orbs fly through the cracks of this protection bubble.
  Inside the orbs they see something playing out inside the orb, and they all stare in confusion.
  There are now hundreds of orcs around them that look blood thirsty and mean.
  Tempest then asks out loud, "If we die in here, what happens?" Xantoine responds that they likely cease to exist.
  They end up having to fight this really large group of orcs. Leland then hugs Tempest, wraps his legs around Xantoine, and Tempest casts fly, so they can fly out. The more they fly up and out, the more they fly over this infinite amount of orcs. They are still surrounde b the weird orbs.
  Leland Eldritch Blasts an orb, and it kind of absorbs the blast and hits the ground in front of a figure running in that orb.
  Leland then decides do tly towards the orb and flies into it. He is now surround by ugly green mountain orcs rallying around a main orc changing something. Xantoine points out they have not been seen yet, so to be careful.
  The orc in the center is speaking to the orcs trying to inspire them for battle. He is holding THE axe as he inspires his warriors.
  When Leland looks at Tempest and vice versa they see each other as orcs. Xantonine also looks way more orcish. They then realize they can actually understand what the leader is saying in orcish.
  He's saying everyone has been repressed and the reason they have nothing is due to all other races taking all the resources, and the gods of those races overthrowing Grumsh unfairly. and the only way to thrive is to destroy those other races.
  Another orb collides with the orb they are in. Now they see the same orc (woe) laying in a field calling out for his brothers. He feels utterly alone and he beings to think about when he was an actually dragon and when he was with his brothers, and they were always better and faster at everything they ever did. He was always ridiculed by his brothers and feel less. He always tired to keep up with his brothers and laugh it off, but instead of building him, they only saw him as a failure.
  He sinks into these thoughts and time moves on. NOw Woe is near death and incredibly thirsty. He is approached by a giant white wolf with a woman orc on it's back. She offers him water. She saves him. She says she should've let him die because he's weak, and they talk about where he fairs from. Woe came from the Fey Wild originally and ended up here. He confesses that his war chief is dangerous in making his orc brothers a living hell and that they plan to take his throne by force, and this is where he starts.
  She calls him a fool and tells him he will die here. She throws down her watershkin and rides off.
  Woe builds his strength and finds a village of orcs. All of their orcs skins are grey here, which is different fromt he green skin he knows. He goes to see the warchief, and beside the warchief is the woman who saved him. He confess he lost his tribe and wants to join this tribe. The warchief says he must defeat his daughter. The one who saved him before. Her name is Spain. Was Woe the blue dragon she was thinking of when we gave her the blue dragon hide. they collide into another orb. the other group is heading towards the deep gnomes. We hear a noise from the top saying What are you doing in my laire?" We tell him we are just passing through and then are attacked by his minions...some hobgoblins. A fight breaks out.
  Meanwhile....Tempest is now Woe, and Leland is now Standing in front of them is a warchief. Spain and Woe are to fight the warchief. Tempest (woe) lightening bolts the chief.
  These 2 fights happen simultaneously.WTF?
  the fight with the group is fighting a beholder and hobgoblins. The beholder disintegrates Quill. it's terrifying.
  As Quill dies, her spirit is standing in the shadow fell with a raven scolding her for even being here in the spirit world. She now has a choice to help the friends she was heling. or she goes and she helps Tempest. She decides to go back to the group, because we actually have the body.
  The rest of the group sees a spiritual Quill run up and hit that mother fucker just a little bit. I guess the Raven Queen sent her back to us.
  TEmpest gets to a point where he takes a shit ton of damage in his fight. Both of Brad's characters are down. He has to pick one of his characters to move on.
  We put up a timer and continue the game.
  Meanwhile, Callun takes his turn.
  He misses.
  Fights Continue for both parties. Quill disappears after a few minutes, because Brad chooses Tempest to be the one to survive. Quill return to the Raven Queen
  Faenore deals the killing blow to the beholder in the large group fight and we defeat it.
  Leland, is able to defeat the warchief . Only 2 orcs left. He maims one of them and then demands the bow down. They decline and he has only 1 hp left.
  He is able to defeat the orcs. He helps Woe (Tempest) up and carries him off the battlefield.
  The other group defeat the beholder. They decide to try and rest in his lair and find a little puppy up there. Lufere plays fetch with it.
  There are 3 chests up there as well
  We figure out if one chest is open, the other 2 chest disappear.
  WE decide to take a long rest before doing anything. We rest and are ok.
  Tempest and Lelan as Woe and Spain win their fight.
  Woe liked Spain, but he had to go back to his brothers. He chose his brothers over being with her. That doesn't mean he doesn't love her. That's what they know.
  They are sitting with Zantoine in the axe right now.
  Leland claims to know how to get them out of the axe, but that's a lie and they believe him.
  Zantoine sees a slit in the reality and they all see orcs chipping away at ice to break Woe free. Leland approaches this slit in reality. When he approaches it, he feels as if he is being pulled out of it. Leland turns and looks at Tempest, says "I told you it would take time" and then moves forward through the slit. He disappears.
  Zantoine follows suite as does Tempest. They are now standing in the Raven Queens's quarters. There is a raven there that says that they just need a resurrection spell on their bodies.
  Tempest has Gentle Repose cast, so we can cast Revivify, wich Lufere can prepare, and Lyra has prepared with her spirit session. They can bring back TEmpest with this, but Leland has to have a real resurrection spell, because we couldn't bring back Leland due to him not having Gentle Repose.
  Faenore did cast gentle repose on Leland once the spell was repaired again. Lufere casted a divination spell to see what we should do with leland/Tempest, because we really don't know that we can get either of them out of the axe.
  lufere has to sacrifice a tuning fork and sees Gaia walk towards him. She says she will send a raven. A raven flies up and lands on Lufere's shoulder. It's Michael, the raven that Leland and Tempest were chatting with.
  Lufere asks who we can resurrect and when in regards to Tempest and Leland. Michael lets Lufere know that they both made it out of the axe and are ready for resurrection.
  He also has something tied around his leg which Lufere takes. Michael makes Lufere promise not to tell anyone that he provided this message. It's some kind of arcane writing. Lufere examins it and it's a scroll of Raise Dead.
  Lyra casts Revivify and brings back Tempest. Tempest comes back to life. It's joyous.
  Faemore casts Raise Dead. We all have to say something nice to convince Leland to come back. The blanket covering Lelands head reshapes itself. He glows from his fingers and toes. He is able to come back. thank goodness we gathered his brains, because it wouldn't have worked other wise.
  WE lie to Tempest about Hazel and tell him she is waiting for us in town. He believes us.
  Lufere casts dispel magic on the silver chest. This cuases that single chest to disappear out of existence.
  Callun opens the copper chest. We all see blue smoke fill the room. Then forming on the bed we see some kind of blue person made of smoke and wind appear.
  Callun says he can talk to anyone in the group and do whatever you want, and the guy says "granted" and then the guy disappears . He then reapperates on the bed. He says One wish down.
  WE then learn that Demogorogon was the one who made the wish.
  Lufere then wishes to know what the Demogoron wished for and he wished to go back to the Abyss.
  WE get one third wish. Faenore says he wishes for Woes falactory in his possession. Faenore then disappears.
  HOLY SHIT! Lufere needs something of Corellons. Lyra has a holy symbol she is willing to let him use to to cast a divination skill. Lyra carves, "Are you OK?" on the bracer she is wearing.
  We also realize that since Demogoron left Callun, we no longer need the cold iron from the Deep Gnomes.
  This is where we end.
Report Date
09 Mar 2024


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