Session 27: A quest for Cold Iron

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We start with Faenore having just disappeared after wishing for Woe's falactory.
  He is inside a hut that smells familiar. Faenore fills an icy cold that is emanating from his chest. There is a frosty, but empty pedestal in front of him. The hut feels very familiar.
  There is one door here. He hears voices on the other side. He recognizes it to be Spain's voice.
  He strangely doesn't see the falactory anywhere...It is then that he realizes that the falactory is inside of his chest. It is cold, incredibly painful and it is evil. Faenore has this really solid thing inside of his chest.
  Faenore just walks through the door, because what else is he going to do? Spain asks what he's doing here. Faenore falls to his knees and begs for help.
  She asks "Where is the heart of Woe" and Faenore is like, "heart?" Spain is like, yeah, it's made of diamond. Faenore is just like, "Fuck!"
  Spain says Faenore can't go anywhere without getting that heart out. Faenore tries to conivnce Spain that he traded spots with the heart. The heart is with his friends.....just as he's getting tunnel vision and passing out.
  Meanwhile... Lyra gives Lufere a holy symbol of Corellon so he can casat Divination. He asks the question. "What will Faenore's location be in the next 30 minutes" Lufere gets a vision of Spain.
  We then all rush back to the Orogs.
  They take us to Faenore. He is passed out and is cold as ice. He wakes up. Spane tells us Faenor's heart seems to have been replaced by Woe's heart.
  Callun all of a sudden gets paranoid and afraid, and realizes that he has no idea where he is at and the last thing he remembers is when we were at Amrun Raad fighting the Death Knight. WE try to calm him and catch him up on what is going on. We learn that he is actually now possesses by Malachoz. Malachoz doesn't how how he got where he is, he just suddenly appeared.
  We learn he was in the Abyss before he came to be inside Callun.
  HE goes quiet.
  We talk to Spain about Woe. We ask her how he was trapped. A human and elf with vorpal swords did it. Lyra speaks to Spain in private and convinces her to let us take Faenore with us by telling her that She is in love with Faenore and that she won't let anything happen to the falactory. It's for love, and Spain agrees to let us to take Faenore.
  SHe also confesses there may be a way to destroy the falactory, but Lyra tells her she doesn't want to know anything about this. Lyra leaves the room and everyone quickly detects that she is hiding something from them. She eventually reveals that Spain knows of a way that the falactory can be destroyed.
  Stefan goes to speak with Spain and finds she doesn't actually know how to destroy it.
  The only people that would know how to destroy the diamond heart of the elemental that was turned into a falactory are the royalty of the "City of Brass" This thing isn't actually Woe's heart, but is just named that.
  We have no idea what any of that means.
  Lufere has a book that tells him about how liches become liches. It's completely brutal.
  We decide to go collect cold iron since we are here, and as soon as we start talking about cold iron, Malachoz starts punching callun in the face. Lyra tries to tie up Callun's hand, but Saran Moras says he has seen this kind of madness before and he helps Callun ground himself. Soran Moras says we need to hurry if we are to help him.
  We approach the Deep Gnomes and we find that they have been killed.
  It looks like they were killed with blades from House Hunzrim, famous craftsmen in the drow society here.
  We look through the village and find a single survivor. Lufere stumbles upon the frightened gnome while searching for survivors.
  The poor guy doesn't speak our language, but does know a primordial terran language that Tempest knows.
  We learn that drow came through and killed everyone. They had traded with these drow. Someone was asking questions about something that only the elder knew. The elder refused to give the information, so the drow killed everyone. The drows name was Zeltherin of House Valeinan. (the 10th house)
  He has heard that House Moras has fallen, so maybe he's the 9th house now. We learn he survived because he had fallen asleep in the mines. We learn the drow took everything they had including Cold Iron that had been mined.
  He allows us to investigate to try and find out what information the drow wanted to know. They aren't allowed to mine cold iron, but were doing it anyway.
  Callun and Soran Moras sit as we are investigating everything. Soran starts pulling his hair out. He asks Callun for a favor. When they do a watch, he wants Callun to do the watch with him. He has some secret he wants to share. He's losing his nerve about something.
  Meanwhile, we are investigating, and we find some kind of list...we have our gnome friend tell us what they say and they are very rare recipes that requires rare ingredients for their area.
  The gnome is so excited about this recipe book.
  We do find a small piece of cold ore, but everything has been ransacked. The gnome believes they want to make weapons that can fight other drow.
  The gnome thinks Zeltherin got House Hunzerin to do his bidding.
  We end up finding a bunch of cold iron in a mine cart. It's enough for us to make the chains we need. Malachoz tells Callun that he'll be dead long before we forge it. Callun just tries to ignore him.
  We escort the gnome to the neighboring city. He puts us up in a room and tells us he has to take care of some shit and will come talk to us tomorrow.
  While we are resting in the room, Lyra sits with Soran and thanks him for helping Callun, but he is kind of having a panic attack and says he has to leave the room and leaves. Callun goes with him, He pull some shit out of his bag. It's a cat of 9 tails. He pulls off his shirt. He says he's tormented by what he did wrong. He blames himself for killing his mother, and says this is how she would punish him. He needs CAllun to punish him.
  Callun takes the cat of 9 tails and MOras tells Callun not to hold back. Callun obliges. The rest of hear noise coming from their room, and Lyra just has to check on them. She walks in to find a traumatized Callun crying and beating Soran with the cat of 9 tails. Lyra puts an end to it.
  She is just shocked and doesn't totally know how to deal with it. She helps clean up Soran's back and she sits with him that night and they talk about their histories and families and what it was like growing up. Soran has purple eyes which would mean something if he was a female drow, but because he's not it means nothing.
  While Faenore was meditating, he had visions of Woe and many orcs chipping away at the ice that is holding him. Much of the bone is already exposed.
  Callun had visions of Graazt and being whipped
  We wake up. Soran offers to get Lyra breakfast and when they go down they see Zeltherin sitting by himself. Soran tells us he's actually been searching for something called the Gulthias Staff. Lyra of coarse realizes this is Lufere's staff. They get their breakfast to go and go tell everyone about him.
  Stefan and Callun go down for breakfast. Stefan has Callun go distract Zeltherin, and Stefan walks by eating his portabella mushroom and dripps it all over him as he tries to sleight of hand Zeltherin. He rolled a 30, so he basically gets a small figurine of some kind of animal, his coin purse, his journal, and his weapon, which is a mythril dagger. (can be identified)
  Stefan winks at Callun that they can go now. As they go back up stairs, he give Callun the coins and the dagger. He keeps the journal and the figurine though.
  We wake up our gnome friend and tell him that Zeltherin is here, and he immediately wants to leave.
  Stefan looks through Zeltherin's journal and there is so much information about it, and there are also instructions about purifying it at the rune forge.
  Every morning Callun is having to roll a d10. This morning he becomes super paranoid and is obsessed on his situation with Malachoz. Poor Callun.
  Tempest ends up seeing that Stefan has Hazel's book. He doesn't reveal that he saw this though.
  Lyra casts suggestion on Callun to tell him to be calm and unafraid, and htis helps a lot with his panic attacks. (THIS IS CONCENTRATION AND LASTS FOR 8 HOURS)
  We go down to try and talk to Zeltherin in an attempt to possibly trade information about the gulthias tree. When we go downstairs he is gone. We find out from the bar keep that he went up stairs and DIDN"T pay for his food. The bar keep sends us up to collect. We knock on the door, as soon as Zerethin sees us all, he closes the door, Faenore storms in and knocks something out of his hand that he was speaking into. Faenore knocks it out of his hands
  We learn this place is going to be surrounded by his house soon.
  We ask why and he doesn't answer. We offer him the mother matron staff and tell him that he could use it to frame another house, and he considers this.
  He tells us that House Hunzrin may know how to forge cold iron. He offers to introduce us. We tell him we will hand off the staff once he makes the introduction. or gets us the staffs.
  Soran MOras says his sister is going to become the mother matron of the 10th house. She has a problem with the 2nd house. Faenore suggests the drow planting the staff at the 2nd house. Ultimately, we are like we give you the staff if you give us some cold iron chains.
  Zeltherin calls off his guards and sets up a rendezvous point for us to meet with his contact.
  The Rendezvous point is in the market place of Nexerith. (The major drow city here).
  Hunzrin casts Nystul's Magical Aura on the tentacle staff we have so that nobody notices it when we hand it off. We go to Nexerith. We wonder through the market place. WE notice that there are A LOT of elvaan shit you can buy.
  Lyra buys a winter fur coat for Faenore, and in side the pocket he finds a key with a snowflake on the end of it.
  Everyone trades/buys some things
  We head to the Rendezvous point. We walk through a club type place with male drow strippers and gambling and stuff. There is a fancy drow wearing colorful shiny gems and stuff.
  We speak privately with him. He agrees to get us some cold iron chains in exchange for the tentacle rod. However he says it'll take a couple of days. We ask if there is any way to speed things up, and Faenore offers some dragon hide to turn into leather.
  He tells us he will get it for us tomorrow.
  Stefan convinces him to meet us in the market place tomorrow to make the trade.
  We get the fuck out of this place cuz it's weird and it's creepy and this guy is creepy and hot for Lufere.
  We get back outside and see a drow with 2 shambling skeletons behind him. Soran tells us it's a guy named Daris Velkun of the 5th house. He's a necromancer. The high wizard of his house.
  Zetherin helps us find a place to stay for the night. Faenore and Lyra stay in the room so as not to bring any unnecessary attention to themselves.
  They discuss the key that Faenore found in his coat and recognize it to be the key that goes to the gate to the snowy place north of calimbar with the tower that they've never been able to get to before. There is a spire there like the one in Saad Naual. How did this key get here? Who could've had it?
  Stefan gets everybody food. We rest for the rest of the day and night.
  The next morning when we wake up, we hear a knock at the door . There is a box at the door and Lyra chases off after whomever left it. She catches him and makes him stop.
  Apparently, House Drax House 2- the mother matron has an interest in us. They are at the central region with the Vulcanic region of the rift. or something like that. He says "It's the chains for the staff" and he leaves.
  We open the box, and it's the head of the pimp we talked to the day before with an invitation.
  Callun has an episode. He is standing next to Malachoz and Malachoz is whispering in his ear that he's going to die.
  We decide that we don't want to deal with House Drax. Besides it's house Hurzin (the 8th house) that we need anyway. The group decides to try and capture the package deliverer, kill him and leave the staff on his body.
  Lyra uses the suggestion command to get this guy to come back up stairs with her.
  WE tie him up and Leland paralyzes him with a jelly fish.
  we decide to put him in the bag of holding, but every 10 minutes make sure he gets some air, otherwise he is going to suffocate. We put the tentacle rod with him.
  We decide to go to the 8th house and try to trade him and the staff for cold iron chains.
  Just walk right in there and demand trade. What could go wrong?
  This is where we stop.
Report Date
16 Mar 2024


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