Session 28: Exploring Islands and smoking with and Oni

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We are headed to the 8th house Hunzrin with the tentacle taff and the paralyzed body of Zeltherin in the body bag. Every 10 minutes, we give him air. It's the 26 of Auzuthair 1083 10am.
  As we travel, Lufere lets us know that it seems we are being followed. We put down some spike growth behind us to slow down whomever it is.
  We decide to set up an ambush. Callun and Stefan hide and stay back and wait for whomever is following us so we can see who it is. The rest continue slightly ahead slowly. and as the follower approaches the group we will turn around and confront them with Stefan and Calllun coming up on their other side.
  Stefan and Callun notice crevices in the walls periodically about 3 ft circular. Lyra notices these same holes and pokes her head in one to see what it is, and sees 2 glowing eyes that scuttles away.
  In the back, Stefan and Callun hear a little noise of something running through the trap as it leaves a whole to go towards another one, and it dies from the damage. It's a kobald. It seems we are being followed by kobalds. Stefan messages Lufere letting him know what happens.
  Callun tries to pray to Elistre, but isn't successful in getting anywhere as Malachoz just punches him in the face constantly.
  Stefan and Callun catch up with the group. Soran Moras tells us that he knows this area and has never seen Kobalds here before, and a couple of months ago at least, there were no holes in the wall.
  Stefan ends up lighting a torch and definitely seems more creatures looking at us from the holes. They look like they are bearing their teeth at us. Leland starts to talk to them in draconic and finds out they want us to pay them gold to travel through this tunnel. 2 piles worth.
  An old kobald with wings comes out and says in common that they have to be 2 medium piles. Lyra tells him the best we can do is 2gp per person or their lives. The old kobold growls and heads back to the hole. Lyra attempts to casts suggestion on him to make him tell his leader the deal we want to go with, but it doesn't work.
  HOwever, we are able to travel through the tunnel and get to a larger open room. We realize we will be at a huge disadvantage walking through this room as there are 15 ft high walls on either side of us where we could be easy targets from.
  Stefan throws in his ever smoking bottle and fills the room with smoke so we can run through without being seen.
  As the bottle hits the ground, kobolds from each side of the walls peek over and look down and throw rocks at it. Once everything is obscured, we decide to run through. The kobolds pelt down rocks anyway. We get through without issue.
  WE get to a place where there is an island out on the water, some vines we can climb up or go around the vines. If we climb the vines, we can get to our destination in 4 hours. If we go around the vines, we can get there in 6 hours, or we can go explore the island which has nothing to do with why we are here.
  Soran tells us there are Duregar on the island along with some Aroathey. Soran says if we wee to go get an Aroathey. Stefan and Tempest REALLY want to go to the island. Callun Lyra and Faenore really want to just get on with our journey so we can save them both.
  Lufefe is like, "I can just conjure cows" and decides to go up the vine. Tempest decides to fly to the island as Leland tries to talk him out of it. So this is what happens. The party ends up splitting.
  Soran Moras, Stefan, Callun, Tempest and Leland decide to take a boot to the island. Osiris, Faenore, Lyra, and Lufere climb up the vine. They walk a little forward and realize they don't know where they are going as their guide went to the island.
  We turn around and see the other group sailing across with Tempest flying across. Something hits their boat as they are sailing, causing the boat tip quite a bit. Tempest is able to see this is a long serpent type creature in the water, because he can see it from his viewpoint in the sky.
  Meanwhile, the other group who climbed the vines encounter something large that pops out of the ground. It's a Bulette. Meanwhile....
  The sea serpent thing wraps itself around the front of the boat. They fight it, and as the serpent raises up and blows cold shit at them a second tail wraps itself around the back of the boat. They defeat one of the serpents causing the loss of weight to almost tip the boat.
  Meanwhile, Faenore gets knocked off the vines place, and falls 60ft. down. Lyra talks to a ghost and finds out this bullette is somebody's pet. The fight continues and as the Bullette dives off the edge towards Faenore, suiciding itself into the ground. This means the Bullette killed itself and we can tell it's owner as much.
  The folks in the boat are in severe danger. Lufere summons two large octopi and has them save Callun and Leland and get them back to the boat. Stefan gives Callun a potion but he isn't breathing. He's able to get him to cough up the water saving his life.
  They make it to the island all very perturbed with Tempest for getting them into this mess in the first place. They finds some Roathay, but see no duergar.
  Tempest sees a waterfall with a dam...he thunderwaves the dam, causing the water flow a lot more. There is a roathay that has a glittering horn that runs from behind the waterfall. It's a golden necklace. Stefan coaxes the roathay with grass and is able to take the necklace off it's horn.
  The necklace has a symbol with a circle with a line through the middle with lines coming off the half circle. Almost like sun rising over a horizon.
  They find another tunnel that goes deeper under ground. They find a bed roll there, a fire pit and some weapons and armor lying around. There is a stalagminte on the ground with a rope tied to it piled next to it. It could be used to go down deeper.
  Leland starts shooting at Tempest in an attempt to make him go to sleep so they can get out of there. They seem one of the octopi walk up to Leland in a friendly way to try and grab him. Leland begs the Octopus to go after Tempest first, but it starts to try and pick Leland up like a baby. Stefan sneakily stabs Tempest with a sleep dagger to put him to sleep, however, Tempest resists the sleep and it doesn't work.
  Soran is trying to get a Rowthay on the boat during all of this time.
  Stefan gets to a point where he's just ready to leave Tempest. He decides to go back with the Octopus and Leland.
  From the shore we see that they landed on the island. We hear the blast from Tempest's Thunderwave. Lufere sent his 2 octopi to try and fetch our friends. The rest of us decide to go find the guy who had the bullette as a pet. One of the Octopi brings back Callun. We head up to the guy with the pet's house.
  We get through a lit up tunnel that leads to a small temple. Inside are big colorful pillows and textiles on the walls and a hookah in the middle. There is a very large humanoid fellow smoking from the hookah. He has tiny horns on his head and tusks coming out of his mouth.
  He invites us to sit and smoke without even hesitating.
  His name is Mig'ged, and he has a single friend in this world. (I wonder who that could've been. Surely not the bullette)
  Callun, Lufere, Osiris and Faenore smoke with Mig'ged. Lufere and Osiris get fucking high.
  Mig'ged is from a land called UR. WE ask him if that is close to the City of Brass, and he says no, it's on the plane of fire and the royal family are Ifritie that live there. He visited once and was able to survive the area with a ring of fire resistance, which he has a few.
  Meanwhile, Leland, Stefan, Soran, and the Rothay make it to the shore. Soran ties it up and the climb up the vines making their way to Mig'ged's house.
  They hear a bunch of giggling coming from inside and walk in.
  Meanwhile, Tempest, in his cavern explores. He finds a cavern with running water, a lantern on the ground, a banjo against the wall, and small row boat without oars tied to a stake in the ground.
  There is also a couple of piles of gold pieces and gems. He takes some of the coins and notice they have a stamp of a spear on them. Tempest recognizes these to be Great Spearean gold pieces.
  He explorers further and finds a giant ship. As he flies towards it a cannonball flies passed him. He's able to dodge it but is hit by another one which knocks him out immediately. He falls back into the water, and thankfully can breathe under water. He is out for 2 hours. Meanwhile, Lufere's octopi have made it back to the island are are looking for him.
  Everyone else is getting high or fighting against getting a contact high. Lufere sees hallucinates his octopi coming back, wearing veils and dancing. He dances with them.
  Callun is fucking high which seems to have maybe calmed Malachoz down.
  Mig'ged is talking to his sword. Mig'ged says it talks a lot about recipes. He must have been a cook in another life. Anytime he talks about a recipe, the sword just drones on with an antedote and takes forever to get to the recipe if he EVER gets to the recipe.
  Mig'ged cooks some meatloaf for us.
  Stefan starts to feel super high and decides to get some fresh air. While he's out there he finds a pile of bones. He recognizes them to be human bones.
  OH NO!! I think we ate human meat loaf. Stefan also sees an octopus dragging an unconscious Tempest, but he's not sure if that's a hallucination or not.
  Everyone is coming down from the high except Callun. They see Stefan walk back into the temple. He looks super nonchalant, and just as he attacks with this vorpal sword he yells "This guy is bad news!!" Mig'ged wrestles Callun down to the ground and now he looks exactly like Callun. We can't tell them apart.
  Faenore tries to provoke Malachoz, but gets no response. However, Stefan is able to figure out which one is the Oni. He transforms into his actual state. WE fight him and do pretty well. He eventually credits us for being formidable foes and stabs his sword into the ground, and disappears into black smoke.
  Callun picks up the sword and immediately hears a voice that says "Perfect!" You will be a suitable host. My name is Magnus" which is the same surname that Leland and Tempest have.
  We loot the place and find a trap door under the hookah. Faenore sees something glinting in the cracks of the floor board. It's a fancy box with 12 healing potions, and a coiled up rope. (Remind harley next week and he tell us about it)
  Stefan's necklace will also be explained. Have Harley confirm the duration of the shrink potions
  This is where we end. (we want to take a long rest)
Report Date
27 Apr 2024


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