Session 32: Defeating Zozth and Operation Save Fuzzball

General Summary

by Lyra Spectralsong We stand around the dead king dwarf with our questions ready.
  Who are you? My name is McConnor- Connor McConnor-
  What was the cause of the Runeforge war? Verdeau wanted to hold its colonies up in the north and New Verdeau rebelled.
  Tell us what you know about the source of magic for the forge? There is a big pyramid thing that shoots up arcane energy, but we couldn't harness it. We made good weapons from it, but it wasn't until the elves came and enchanted the forge during the war, that's when we were really able to utilize its potential.
  Tell us about the bloodline of Doomstone Caustic new how to make cold iron a long time ago- they were hill dwarves that became slaves in Galvania to the Icemans. They had to go up into the mountains and get ice and bring it down. I believe they were servants of the Magnuses.
  Just before we can ask the last question, a drow runs up towards us. Her people were turned to stone, and she saw us do it, but instead of us being mad, she's happy that we saved her from her oppressive and abused life. She is very shy and doesn't really talk to us, but we let her hang with us. Her name it Ty.
  We ask the final question.
  Tell us information that only the kings' know. Someting that I only knew was that the moon elves betrayed us. It was because of them that we fell. They were supposed to be our allies.
  We decide to spend about a month forging weapons and documenting processes and such here.
  During this time Sonaj brings us the chains he has made. and we have it documented. Lyra tells Sonaj that he is free to go now that he has kept his word, but he chooses to stay with us and hang with Ty, telling her that we aren't so bad that maybe everything they were ever told about surface dwellers may not have been accurate.
  WE find a book on purification of the Gulthyias staff. We would need to know the last name of vampire that brought it into existence. Lufere is able to speak to the staff to get this information.
  He learns that the blood in the veins of the staff is Magnus. NOw that he has the name, he can perform a ritual to purify it.
  Did Tempest and Leland come from a family of vampires? The Doomstones did server the Icemans, and the Icemans did serve the Magnuses.
  Lufere is able to purify the staff after a couple of weeks. He is able to fashion it into a staff for the Great Spear. In theory, we should be able to talk to the dragon brother that inhabits the Great Spear weapon.
  Lyra tries to meditate to understand why she has turned red and horns. She can't go ointo a trance anymore and has to sleep for 8 hours, and she hellish nightmares of Bayotore.
  Faenore starts to study how to become the top person in his religion so that when he brings Lyra back, nobody can oppose her being there. He also studies for a way to possibly restore her.
  Ty has been playing a lot of chess with Soran, and she notices that he lets her win a lot.
  Callun talks to Faenore about Religion, trying to figure out his own beliefs.
  Everyone works on forging their own equipment/ armor while we are here.
  Faenore learns that lyra transformed because her heart was given to Faenore instead of Corellon and Corellon took this as a slight. However, because Lyra avoids him at all costs, he hasn't been able to tell her this.
  One night Lyra sees a woman walking up to her while sleeping. She's a human, young woman with long dark wavy hair. She tells Lyra that she is trapped in the runeforge.
  She's been trapped her by Zozth for so long. She's his wife. She doesn't know how to become free. Lyra brings out the Zozth skull so they can converse it out.
  She's still mad because he sacrificed children for her. They get into a fight about everything, and he finally agrees to let her go, but now he's going to destroy everything and annihilate everything now. He lets her go and she leaves, but now we have to fight this asshole.
  We defeat him, but it is a difficult fight. Faenore gathers up the pieces of his skull and melted it all down.
  We try to get in touch with the blue dragon spirit inside the Great Spear , named Tar'tberrin. We talk to him a bit and he admits he was a fool for picking the elves, because they were too smart and immediately detected him. He doesn't know what happened to his other brothers. They had intended to rally together the humanoids to fight against the Suzarraine. Galarian was the one who originally separated the spear into two swords. he will kill Galadrian if ever given the chance.
  His brother wielded his spear for a while. Does this mean Stefan is from a line of blue dragons?
  We decide to head to the plane of fire to try and destroy the falactory of woe.
  I guess at some point Tempest used his new weapon to get Hazel back and she is now back with us.
  She doesn't care that his face is missing a nose. She immediately wants to bahe him because he stinks. then She wants him to make her a woman.
  Tempest and Leland investigate their family. They learn they were mountain dwarves who became hill dwarves. Dwarves died, and some kids to adopted by the Magnuses, which were the rulers of Galvania. They were named Jezabel and Franz Magnus. One of the ancestors ended up in the Rune Forge
  We decide to speak with dead on an elf to find out why they betrayed the dwarves.
  Why were you attacking the dwarves? We had made a deal with the Fey Branche.
  What was the deal? The Fey Branch had a hold on us? They were able to defeat us and destroy us. It was their request that we would help destroy the dwarves in exchange they would let us keep our city Amrun Rod.
  How does the portal in Amrun Rad work? You just walk into it?
  If the portal was deactivate, how could one reactivate it? You would need a group of high level magic users to reinstate the mithal.
  We accidentally as what elf is it? and it says It's me and goes back to death sleep.
  We scry for Fuzzball, and find that he's in a weird floating city. The city is rounded in a complete circle. We know that there is a portal in this ringed city inside the runeforge.
  We are able to find a key to this portal so we can walk through it. We are in a gigantic city that is shaped like a ring. if we look down , we see some kind of pointy mountain below.
  WE see a tiefling in the an ally digging through trash. Her name is Strix. She gives us a moldy doughnut. We scrye Fuzzball and Strix tells us that he's at the palace of the Lady of Pain. She warns us that it would be a terrible idea to go there.
  We decide to go save Fuzzball anyway. As we travel, we see this mysterious Lady of Pain completely and telekinetically flay someone in the street for trying to worship her.
  As we walk we see a gaggle of mind flayers. Tempest asks who the ruler of this city is and he tells him it's the Lady of Pain. They talk to him about about it and tell him to not worship her and she may or may not be able to see what we are doing at any time.
  Everyone goes shopping in the market. There is a beholder with wares. This place is so scary and fantastical. Tempest gets a HOly Avenger for his girlfriend, Hazel.
  Callun trickily gets a deck of magic cards. Harley doesn't even make him roll for it. I wonder what will go wrong. It's a deck of many things.
  Stefan got a Tome of Clear thought. He gave up his GreatSpear for this under the idea that he can summon it back.
  We get to the palace. Fuzzball is tied up. We free him, BUT he flies off. Leland starts to call out to him. He turns around and comes back. Tempest opens a portal and we all jump in. Stefan summons his spear back from the beholder. It's a portal to the plane of fire. This immediately sets Fuzzball on fire. Leland shrinks fuzzball immediately and puts him in a bag of holding.
  We see a large city before us. Everything is covered in fire, but not the city? I'm not sure.
  We go talk to some guards at the palace and tell them we are lookin to destroy the heart of am earth elemetal. They tell us that unless we are Sheeba, we cannot be permitted in as it's Shiva's appointment right now. Faenore points at Ty and says, "but that's Shiva" and they buy it and let us in. They bow to Ty and have a feast ready for her. They dress her and adorn her in appropriate gold and clothing.
  Som efreeti comes out and says something we don't fucking understand, but then refers to Sheba as his bride saying she looks gorgeous. They start the ceremony and STefan is like, but tradition says when you start something new, you must destroy something old, and gives the Efreeti the falactory to destroy.
  He throws it into a brazier and chucks it in. Spirits start flying out of it screaming in pain. There is a spirit of dow looking mad at us. We determine that the falactory is destroyed.
  The ceremony commences. Just as the bedding ceremony is about to start, Leland opens a portal to the Rune forge. As we're all escaping, the real Sheeba runs in and it's confusing and is like WTF is going on here?
  We get away and nobody is able to follow us.
  I guess we have a new enemy with the guy in the Plane of Brass. I guess we were successful in our destruction of Woe's falactory.
  WE decide that we want to deal with Malachoz first and THEN deal with Woe. But Tempest doesn't want to risk Woe somehow making another falctory, so we decide to deal with him first?
  We decide to try and join up with the Denightons to maybe try to fight and kill Woe?
  Or should we go back and Orsaris from the Underdark. We will decide next week.
  As we discuss this, Hazel tells Tempest he must marry her now. Faenore offers to officiate this. This is where we end.
Report Date
13 May 2024


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