Shadowed Mire

Anyone who would enter the Shadowed Mire unprepared would discover three things make it one of the most dangerous places in this area of the underdark. First the rot grubs, who burrow through the skin and into the heart to kill their victims. Second Sinking mud, a most dangerous trap engineered by mud mephits seeking catch unsuspecting creatures to their death. Third the flying fire mites, contrary to their name they cannot fly, instead they float down from the tops of trees as they decend they heat their bodies up to float along a hot pocket of air. They look like falling embers. What makes them so dangerous is that there are pockets of swamp gas that is very flamable. While walking through the swamp even if you were to make sure not to light a torch the flying fire mites make the effort useless.   The secret to House Muras success in being able to traverse the swamp is as follows:   With their expertise in chemistry and poison creation they have created an cream that can be spread on the skin to deter the rot grubs.   Avoiding sinking mud is a matter of staing far from any whirlpools   Lastly with the flying fire mites emit a small humming noise that is on a frequency that is percievable by the highly adept ears of elves.


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