Tempest Magnus


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in a village of mountain dwarfs, and as a mountain dwarf I would do things that a typical kid would do. As the oldest of two kids the both of us would play with and the other children in the village. And one the the age of 11 of father took us out on the sea for a little fishing trip (unaware that big storm was about roll in). In the middle of the sea half to the distance the storm hit causing the, water and waves to be more and more violent causing our boat to capsize. I hit my head on the side of the boat knocking me out as I fell into the sea, and when I first open my eyes I saw water was all around me, and that I was able to breathe in it and that I no longer likes like a mountain dwarf. And then I heard you are now awakened, there was a flash of light then suddenly I was surrounded by flowing islands in the sky, and other voice saying we’re giving you the gift of air to help protect people on the sea’s. Then there was another flash of light there I awakened to see me father and brother. And saw I still looked like I did in my dream or that I thought was my dreams. Until I told my father and brother what happened to me then my father told it was and dream then proceeded to tell us how we have both water and air Gi blood somewhere in our family tree. And how there both must have awakened in me which I didn’t know was even possible to happen. We were finally saved by some half-elf. Then we finally got back to the village all the villagers were expecting of what happened to me, until one year when we got back from summer camp. Where I accidentally burned half of my brothers face causing him to go blind in that eye, along with the half-elf that saved us from that island. After that the villagers wanted nothing to do with me so the only people I to interact with was my family and my pet lizard. Until I went back to camp where to see my friends were we not into mischief for a few more years. At 18 I’ve moved out the village that rejected me. For four years now I’ve lived my the sea side with my lizard. For four years we’ve took to the sea in are KEELBOAT to helping people who may find themselves in danger in the seas. So now at 21 I’m just waiting to turn into a bat because a damn tattoo I got from a damned Fey.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: being on the open sea or just being near water  Dislikes: being away from the water for to long


Hobbies & Pets

A Lizard


Common, Aquin, primordial
Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
5.0 ft
Known Languages
Common, Aquin, Primordial


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