The Sundering

The day the continent split in two.
  The Sundering was a cataclysmic event that occurred 1083 years ago, forever changing the landscape and the course of history. Legend has it that the gods themselves intervened in the mortal realm, unleashing their wrath upon the world. The result was a massive earthquake that split the continent in two, creating a vast strait that separated the lands of Aerndor and Chelonia. The upheaval caused massive tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, decimating entire cities and civilizations. In the aftermath of the Sundering, the survivors struggled to adapt to the new world order. Trade routes were disrupted, resources were scarce, and many were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere. To mark the beginning of this new era, a new calendar was created, with the year 0 starting from the date of the Sundering. This event remains etched in the collective memory of all who inhabit the world, a stark reminder of the awesome power of the gods and the fragility of mortal existence.


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