Xantoine Harrison

Xantoine, born and raised on the small island of Nexandria, faced early hardships with the departure of his mother, the death of his father and brother due to illness, and his own precarious survival. Immersing himself in his father's library, he gained knowledge and resilience. Employed by the powerful merchant Darek Falmon, Xantoine's fortunes turned as Darek sponsored his education at Bronze Scale College in Segraven. Segraven, an independent city welcoming diverse races, was envisioned by Lantom Segraven to provide education and a civilized life for fringe races. The city was founded during the The Arcane Forge wars. Xantoine, married a Moon Elf named Sylvia Gronhorn, which enabled him to entered politics, and championing legislation for the needy. His role as Colleague of the State, marked by passion and a quick temper, led to confrontations and the ruin of those who opposed him, through the skillful use of his pen. Xantoine's advocacy for indigenous orcs during the Battle for the Shore of Ginsha'Kai earned citizenship for his orc allies. This decision faced criticism for introducing perceived "uncivilized" elements to the city. Despite his efforts to preserve their cultures, Xantoine's leadership stirred controversy. A son, Jersival, continued Xantoine's legacy. Eventually, political rivals forced Xantoine out of office, prompting him to rally indigenous races from the eastern mountains. Branded a brute and pirate without honor, Xantoine's flirtatious behavior, despite being married to a higher-class woman, added to his controversial reputation. In this phase of Xantoine's life, rumors circulated suggesting his Moon Elf wife, Sylvia, hailing from an assassin family, orchestrated the elimination of rivals. However, these claims remain speculative and may be fueled by opposition to Xantoine, casting shadows on the legitimacy of such accusations.

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