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Rüâk's Song

Ánvell & Kâvâd
Before there was, was Rüâk.
Amidst the dark void his glory was the light.
He walked across the deep, and lifted his crown.
For a moment, silence laid upon the cosmos.
Then Rüâk took his breath.
The Stag King sung his creation song.
Out of the melody the stars were born.
Rüâk sung the moons and the suns.
Lights filled the darkness.
This was the first harmony.
Then out of his voice came the waters.
Above the waters in the stars he set his throne.
This was the first kingdom.
For he called it Kâvâd, for his glory.
Then upon the waters, Rüâk set the second kingdom.
The winds brought up land amidst the water.
This he called Ánvell, for his creation.
This was the second harmony.
Out of Ánvell sprung a tree, and many trees.
The fruit of the world ripened in the light of day.
Life grew out of the ground.
The Stag walked upon Ánvell and sung day.
This was the third harmony.
In the night, the waters kissed the shores of sands.
The waters danced to the song underneath the moons.
Rüâk was brighter yet than any,
Under the moons he sung night.
This was the fourth harmony.
Then out of the stars of Kâvâd, Rüâk sung the beastlings.
They were creatures of every kind; land, sea and air.
To the beastlings he sung, and they sung his name in praise.
“Behold the kingdom Ánvell, be good and guard it.”
This was the fifth harmony.
Then from the ground of Ánvell he breathed again.
Rüâk sung into being, the Stellán.
To the Stellán he sung, and they sung his name in praise.
“Stellán, behold your kingdom Ánvell. I have made it for you. Be good and rule it. I have placed all things under your dominion. Now I will breathe once more.”
Then he sung another. A Stella.
“Now you are two. Male and Female.
Ánvell is yours, now fill it.”
This was the sixth harmony.
Rüâk sung once more.
He set some beastlings above the rest.
To them he called them the Apak.
The Stellán & the Apak were to forge upon Ánvell together.
This was the seventh harmony.
The first song was sung.
The Ten Cities of Delstar
The cool morning air was upon Ánvell. The flowers of spring danced to the song of old, and the trees swayed in harmony. The birds echoed the melody of the dawn and floated in the breeze. The hills rolled over green, and green again. Life was abundant in the first days of Ánvell. In a realm called Delstar, the garden land, unity was found. Unity between beastlings and stelláns, for both called Ánvell home. The ten Apak kept the seas, shores and skies of Delstar in perfect balance. The stellai ruled and brought forth the fruit from the ground, and together they sung the song of Rüâk, as was intended.   The sun was shining brightly upon Delstar, and the hammer was ready to strike. Stellai and beastlings walked to every corner of the world, and out of their songs were born the ten cities. Each created to reflect the King of all glory. These songs that were sung, echoed into time for all to hear.   In the east, the songs of the four sisters are heard. It is a harmony of free flowing wind and blowing leaves. Gentle as the morning breeze.   The dolphin swims up the stream of the garden, and finds comfort in the shallows. The enchantment of the reef chants sweetly under the soft waves. Lüna swimming where the skies meet the waters. Beneath the shores and beyond the river, Delfeen is born. She is the pearl of Delstar, a hidden treasure for few to find.   The mindful crocodile slithers to the south, beyond the great forest and out the mouth of the river. Lurking quietly in the still whispers of the morning. Zella sits in deep thought, mindful of the song the Rüâk is still singing. The horn is found, and within the cliffs and caves of Delstar another is born. Zenbai the place of thought.   North of the the Tallwood, the Jün sea-leopard sails across the water with her beloved friends. They land on new sand, and find it to be good. The new sounds of this island sing in step with the one they left behind. A solid rock is found, and upon it they will build. With mighty walls, that no wave could ever crash. Behold its majesty, is Kásell Vatten.   Wondering through the mystical trees of Gâldür. On the the Elephant goes. Mya’s tusks break through the dense unknown, as the song guides them on and on. Between the two great rivers a peering comes to light. Two wondrous spots of land staring across a bay. She built them up, towers of white standing side by side together; Evoreen.   In the west, the strong chorus of the four brothers plays. Roaring voices of strength, like mighty mountains they call out beyond the rivers. Fierce as the howling storm clouds.   Over the seven Green Peaks, the great bear, Züs, treks on. Beyond the shadows of the great forests new land was found. Great meadow of the north, the city of the bear came to be. With pride and pleasure its name fit its keeper, Urzüs. The mighty stronghold of the north, would always be.   Through the narrow waters of the great reef, Kánok sailed. Led by the vision of the song, the waters sang to him all the while. A swirling tide, diverged upon itself and within its center they casted their melody. Rising high above the surface of the waters, the great coral castle found its home, there it laid, as they called it Kánok Keep.   To the south of the lake, across the great plains. The Lion stalks for food, and welcomes the song of the high sun. Roaring in the dawn and resting in the day, Kron finds his rest along the sea in tall grass. In the solitude of his palace he builds a great throne room. Symbâ, the kingly city over the grass. Keeping watch over the southland.   Over clouds, forests, lakes, rivers and hills the dragon goes. Dragü, as he own the skies. He feels utterly limited by the ground, and sets his song upon the clouds, He dances with lighting and sing with thunder and with great ambition the towering city of Prong is forged. He rests upon his creation, sitting high above.   Now a final song is played by two Apak, for Rüâk was whispering quietly now, and only those who listened patiently could hear his song. Rüâk called them out beyond their children’s reach. ‘Go to the very ends of Delstar, and form two watchtowers for me.’ They heard this song and went.   The eagle, ´Yakîrâ, flew beyond Prong and plain to the far places, where the waves crashed like thunder. Upon the rocky shore she placed her rook. Gránd’elwâtch sat on the edge of the world.   Together as old friends the stellai and wolf, sung together as they walked into the unknown. To the far reach of Delstar they walked by the song of Rüâk. There they found a gateway into lands grander and bolder than Delstar. Yet, they listened to Rüâk, who sung to them a word of patience. There at the very gate of the world Salâ stood watch.   Rüâk’s song was good. In the days of the ten cities, stellai and beastlings filled the world many times over. The fruit of Delstar’s garden was ripe in the daylight.    
The Fall of Delstar   The tune of shadow now came. Whispers of suspicion rose within the air. Daylight turned to evening and to night, and the song of Rüâk was forgotten.   From out of the black waters of the reep, came a creature. Unlike any beastling among Delstar, it did not walk, but it slithered on its belly. It did not sing, but it hissed. They called it the serpent.   The serpent found its way to Prong. Far below the cloud city it waited in the shadow. Along came a son of Brâm. It was Duane, the rider of the dragon, who was now old and tired in the setting sun. He came to find rest in the evening after tending to his gardens for many days. “Why are you tired man-stellán?” The serpent said. “What beastling are you?” Duane said “I am no beastling.” “What are you then? Where do you come from?” “I am the serpent.” “What song do you sing serpent?”   “You must be tired stellán, you toil all your days for this garden.” “It has been sung that stelláns should rule Ánvell and tend to it, since Rüâk was.” “Why should stelláns have to sing their songs in a cage? Surely Rüâk made you to sing your own song. You can be set free.” “What is free?” “Go stellán, sing your own song. Do not be burdened by the song of Rüâk anymore. Do not spend your days toiling over gardens when you were made to be as Rüâk was. You can sing your own song now.”   So the stelláns then saw they could sing their own songs. This spread like wind across Ánvell, and stelláns set their eyes on other things. Delstar had fallen.   Then the serpent turned his eye to the Apak. Beneath the clouds he waited day and night for the dragon to come down. Then when the Dragon could not find his stellán friend he found instead a creature sitting in the shadows. “What are you, but a worm?” “I am the humble serpent, o’ great and powerful Drako.” “Where is my stellán companion?” “Have they not forgotten you? Have they not set themselves above you?” “What do you sing of?” “The Apak were made first, yet Rüâk placed stelláns above you all.” “What do you know of the songs- are you a beastling? Where do you come from?” “I am from the place between, the lands unseen, I am the king of the mist.” “What makes you a king?” “Power. A power beyond measure, even greater than Rüâk. A power that you could hold. That would make you king.” “Show me this power serpent.”     The serpent gathered all the Apak he could. Drako the dragon. Kron the Lion. Mya the Elephant. Zellâ the crocodile. Züs the bear. Kánok the Orca. Lüna the dolphin. Jün the sea-leopard And ´Yakîrâ the eagle. All were seduced by the song of the serpent. All but one. Salâ the wolf. Who stood standing side by side with Brâm. They would only answer the song of Rüâk.   The serpent led the nine Apak away from the garden, and into the land of the mist. There the nine were entranced by the power that the serpent spoke of. To each of the nine the serpent gave a jewel of magnificent beauty. They were forged out of the very souls of the Apak. To these jewels they were now tied, gone away from their stelláns. Each jewel sparkled in various color and shade, each granting the Apak more power than believed.        
The Beastling Knights   In the dark days of night, there were few who sung. The Apak had seized Delstar for themselves. Beastlings and Stelláns became slaves to their new order. Magic enslaved them all. Those who resisted their poison song were destroyed or forgotten.   Though when the night is darkest, a single star can shine brighter than ever.   In the days of the Apak wars, stelláns were purged and there was little hope. Rüâk was forgotten. Yet, there remained some who were faithful to Rüâk. Brâm and Salâ became the first Beastling and Knight. Wielding the swords of the stars they defended the weak, innocent and resisted the darkness. This bond, now more than a shepherd was formed with many beastlings and knights. All kinds of beasts big and small fought side by side with stelláns and stellas. Wielding blades of light they became a beacon to Delstar. The song of Staryün was told in those days.  
Stand, as brothers and sisters of Ánvell.
Beastling and Stellán in arms as one.
Resist the nine. Serve the one.
Fight with love, grace and truth.
Wield the singing blades of starmite,
As one the 13 blades shall reunite Ánvell.
Forge the new song with living waters.
Let faithfulness ring true in darker days.
To those who still hear the song,
Rüâk sings.
Stand, as brothers and sisters of Ánvell.
Beastling and Stellán in arms as one.
In the bleak of night, find the guiding light.
The watchtower stands at the bridge
Come all who sing.
Pick up your blades and fight.
The power you fear has no hold,
The breath of Rüâk surrounds you.
His song will protect you.
Return the song.
Stand, as brothers and sisters of Ánvell.
Beastling and Stellán in arms as one.
Ready the trumpets of Kâvâd.
If we die today, we will sing forever.
Let us serve now, that we may rest forever.
The Beastling Knights stand watch,
Never will they bow their heads.
Facing darkness, to never run.
Draw your blade,
May Staryün never fall.
Manuscript, Religious

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