Dull Growths
Dull Growths are a type of mushroom that grow on moist cliffs and swamps in Dim World. While they are not especially tasty, Dull Growths are quite nutritious and often grow in places that are otherwise useless.
Basic Information
Dull Growth mushrooms sprout in clumps of 5-8 mushrooms. They are 3-6 cm tall and 4-6 cm across. Dull Growths are typically light beige of grey in colour, with no special markings.
Ecology and Habitats
Dull Growth mushrooms prefer cool, damp, dark places. Since they typically grow in swamps or on cliff faces, Dull Growth are very important to the less fortunate living on Dim World. No one is particularly interested in guarding these places unless there is something else of value nearby, so it is an easy food source during the harsh winter.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Dull Growths are used for food, most often in stews or soups. The flavour of Dull Growths have often been compared to licking a rusted mech, but they do have a high nutritional value that makes it possible for many to survive the winter on them.
Being not tasty but nutritious makes them a perfect food source for times of famine, as acorns were (and sometimes/somewhere still are) used for their high starch and fat content. Good job adding an interesting part of species into your world! :D