The First Year of Liberation in Γαῖα | World Anvil
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The First Year of Liberation

The first several months after the climatic battle above Star City were dominated by mop up opperations of the remaining V'sori forces.

With the death of their leadership a large portion of V'sori forces in America and Europe serendered or fled. Several isolated outposts survived hidden away with Omega cells and some heroes sent to deal with them, but the bulk of the action moved to the asian front where the larger remaining V'sori forces regrouped in their headquarters in Shanghai.

Following the eventual defeat of the remaining V'sori many of the surviving supervillians of the world set themselves up as leaders of their own kingdoms. The new Atlantean Empire recovering from the war lacked the resources to do much about these warlords and was forced to concentrate on rebuilding their own territory, giving aid to the survivors of North America and Western Europe.

With the closing of the first year after liberation the question of the resumption of self government of the former world nations was raised but ultimately tabled for later due to the shear lack of infrastructure and priority of survival needs first.

On the first anniversary of the Liberation the Memorial Gardens were opened in Star City.


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