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Languages of Ĉie

Most cosmopolitan inhabitants of Ĉie speak either Dail (the Common tongue) or Subuja (Undercommon), in addition to their native tongues, but those who never leave their home regions may only know their mother tongue. For simplicity’s sake, it may be assumed that national tongues fof the various locales are dialects of the standard languages spoken by the races that make up the majority of their populations (e.g. a speaker of standard Elvish should largely be able to understand Eldar and be understood by its speakers). While it is possible with study or exposure to other cultures to learn any natural languages spoken by its various peoples, Thieves’ Cant and Druidic are considered closely guarded secrets by their respective guilds and circles, and may only be learned by Rogues and Druids, respectively, who have been initiated into their esoteric knowledge (they may, however, be understood magically, such as by a comprehend languages spell or magic item that grants this knowledge).

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