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The Draconic Age

From the creation of the Multiverse, the First Age was the time when true Dragons ruled, until their civilization dwindled and Humanoids began their reign. The Draconic Age lasted approximately 200 millenia, until the Dragonfall Wars.   According to Elegy for the First World, after Bahamut and Tiamat awakened from the primeval chaos they partnered and worked together to create a world. This world was known as the Prime Material plane, but in the poem was known as the First World. After the creation of the First World, they created the dragon god Sardior to help them to create the rest of the dragonkind: the first metallic and chromatic dragons. When the gods of the Outer Planes came to invade the First World, Tiamat resisted and opposed them even after Bahamut was defeated. She was eventually defeated by the combined might of the gods and sealed away in "a prison of darkness" in the Nine Hells.   Once dragons as a race had established themselves, the various religious factions of dragons began to battle one another over their different ideologies. Over time, religious fervor waned and draconic philosophers came to the conclusion that gods who allowed such behavior were not worthy of their worship. This started the draconic apathy toward their gods which lasted for thousands of years. However, the hatred that had developed between Tiamat, Bahamut and their followers was so intense that they refused to stop fighting. Their conflict came to be known as the Dragonfall War. The Battle of the Gods, during which Tiamat and Bahamut fought each other to the death, losing their divinities in the process, marks the end of the Draconic Age and the beginning of The Age of Turmoil.   The Kingdom of Sidoraranië was founded near the end of the Age of Dragons, when the first Elves appeared in Ĉie.

In Literature

Elegy for the First World
  Breathe, dragons; sing of the First World,
forged out ofchaos and painted with beauty.
Sing of Bahamut, the Platinum,
molding the shape of the mountains and rivers;
Sing too of Chromatic Tiamat,
painting all over the infinite canvas.
Partnered, they woke in the darkness;
partnered, they labored in acts of creation.   Breathe, dragons; sing then of Sardior,
ruby-red jewel they made in their likeness;
Sardior. first-born of dragonkind,
labored alongside Bahamut and Tiamat,
Shaping the dragons they crafted:
dragons metallic and dragons chromatic.
Breathe, dragons—draw in the life-gift
breathed into you at the dawn of creation.   Breathe, dragons: sing of the outsiders,
war-bringer gods with their mortal adherents;
Teeming, they came to the First World,
seeking a home for their legions of followers.
Mighty in magic and numbers,
conquering deities seized their victory.
Fallen was noble Bahamut,
Sardior hid in the heart of creation.   Breathe, dragons; sing now of Tiamat,
raging in battle with no hope of victory.
She would not flee or surrender,
fighting as death reached its cold claws toward her.
War-bringers seized her and bound her,
snatched her from death, entombed her in torment—
Sealed in the darkness forever,
captive to gods laying claim to creation.   Breathe, dragons; sing of the conquest,,
seeding the world with their legions of followers.
Each to their own habitation,
elves in their forests and dwarves in their mountains,
Orcs in their caverns and canyons,
goblins in badlands and halflings in green fields,
Lizardfolk lurking in marshes,
humans throughout every part of creation.   Breathe, dragons; sing of Bahamut,
maker of peace with the outsider deities,
Welcomed to mountains celestial,
worshiped by some as the Platinum Paladin.
Sing of his journeys of seeking,
striving to understand gods and their children,
Longing for Tiamat’s freedom,
grieving her loss from the face of creation.   Breathe, dragons; sing of her freedom—
Tiamat loosed from her prison of torment!
Tell how she rallied her children,
dragons chromatic, a spectrum of mayhem.
Sing of her fury, her vengeance,
lightning and venom, ice, fire, and corrosion,
Five-headed, monstrous, and mighty,
rampaging on a campaign of destruction.   Breathe, dragons; sing of the First World? • scattered in infinite seedling realities. Sing of Bahamut and Tiamat, watching its sundering, mourning their labor. Sing too of Sardior, sundered, consciousness scattered in minuscule fragments. Breathe, dragons: you are inheritors, , ruling the wreck of the First World's destruction.
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