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Ye Olde Adventurers' Guild of Ĉie

Ye Ollde Adventurers' Guild of Ĉie is an organization founded on the mutual support of adventuring heroes. It is headquared at its Grand Guildhall in Salthand, Sprinia, but has warranted Guilds throughout the world. Its current Grand Master is the Centaur Tadris Birchforcer.


Rules of the Guild

  1. The Guild shall be comprised of various Town Guilds, each warranted by and under the supervision of a Provincial Guild, all under the authority of the Guild’s Grand Master or Grand Mistress.
  2. Each Town and Provincial Guild shall enjoy the freedom to post Missions for its members, which may be undertaken by journeyman members of any other Town Guild in good standing, and shall enjoy the protections and hospitality of any other Town or Provincial Guild in which they may be traveling, provided that no local Guild posts Missions in the territory of another recognized Guild of the Order without the consent of its members.
  3. No Adventurer shall harm another member of the Guild, nor steal treasure, experience, or equipment from another member, if there's any chance they might get caught.
  4. The Guild is not responsible for the safety of adventures not sanctioned by a Master Adventurer. Contracts to raise, resurrect, revive, or otherwise provide restoratory services to Guild members shall be null and void during any unsanctioned mercenary projects undertaken by Guildsmen.
  5. Adventurers shall report regularly on the status of all sanctioned missions (at least weekly, but daily if possible).
  6. All Adventurers must tithe 10% of treasure found on sanctioned missions (including the appraised value of any magic items) to the Guild's coffers. (Local Guildhalls may charge a premium of up to 5% above this tithe for missions undertaken by members visiting from another Town or Province.)
  7. Members shall have access to purchase necessary weapons, armor, and equipment, as well as available magic items, from the Guild’s stores, at their normal market rate. Artificers employed by the Guild may be contracted to provide magic items or enchant mundane ones, as rates to be determined by the Guild’s Master.
  8. The Clerics of the Guild shall provide Raise Dead Contracts to members at the rates applicable to their ranks. If a member of the Guild cannot afford a Raise Dead Contract, the Guild shall, upon notification from the deceased member’s companions (or failure to report in a timely manner upon their current status), post an Adventuring Notice in all local Guildhalls for a replacement(s). A contract, once purchased, remains in effect for the life of the Member, for any death incurred during the course of Guild-sanctioned missions.
  9. The Clerics of the Guild shall provide Curse Removal services to any members upon payment of a specified amount of gold required required to procure the requisite diamond, and upon completion of a task appointed by the Master of the local Guild. All treasure obtained during completion of this task becomes property of the local Guild. If other Guild members are sent to accompany the member seeking curse removal, in lieu of the normal 10% tithe required of them, they shall be paid a fixed sum of gold or other compensation to be determined by the Master.
  10. Advancement in membership to the rank of Master Adventurer shall be at the discretion of the Master of an Adventurer's town guild.
  11. The Membership Ranks of the Guild shall be:
    1. Grand Master/Grand Mistress (1, elected from the ranks of Elder Statesmen)
    2. Grand Wardens (1 per continent, except the one from which the GM hails, elected from the ranks of Elder Statesmen)
    3. Elder Statesmen (1 per Province, have voting rights at the Guild Council, elected by the Guildmasters of that provice)
    4. Guildmaster/Guildmistress (1 per Town Guild, elected by the members; Raise Dead Contract: Ⓟ10,000)
    5. Senior and Junior Warden (1 each per Town Guild, elected by the members, voting rights at the provincial guild on all matters except selection of Elder Statesmen; Raise Dead Contract: Ⓟ1,000)
    6. Master Adventurer (Raise Dead Contract: ₲1,000)
    7. Journeyman Adventurer (voting rights in town guild; Raise Dead Contract: ₲500)
    8. Apprentice Adventurer (Raise Dead Contract: ₲100)
  12. Wardens of the Guilds shall be elected for a term of 5 years. Masters and above shall be elected for a term of life, or until elected to a higher office or retirement. Any elected officer of The Guild may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of No-Confidence at a special conclave called by the members entitled to vote for that office, which shall also include a new election to his or her successor. In the event of the death or incapacity of the GM (or GM and SGW), the GWs shall be advanced in office(s), and in the event of the death or incapacity of a Town GM (or GM and SW), the Town Wardens shall be advanced in office(s) until a suitable election can be convened. In the event of a cataclysmic removal from office of all officers above the Town Guild level, or the Master and both Wardens of a Town Guild, a special election shall be called at the soonest possible time to elect their successors.

Cosmological Views

The symbol of the Guild is The Orb of the Multiverse, a symbol believed to represent the routes that connect Ĉie to other worlds and planes within the multiverse.
Founding Date
1170 R.E.
Training Level
Leader Title

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