Vonthyrus belongs to an incredibly rare race of cyclops who were cursed by the Gods in ages past. The most obvious result of this curse is the utter lack of a head; not even a stump or neck remains as evidence that this race even had heads in the first place. Instead, one enormous, bloodshot eye sits in the centre of his chest, and a great maw of rotten teeth rests where his stomach should be.
Aside from the obvious and alien features, he is a giant with pale green skin, a simple loincloth, and an evil smile.
"His are a tragic people. Once a thriving city of artists and musicians, they claimed themselves more cultured than the Gods. In response, their minds were stolen, the beauty in their hearts replaced with naught but jealousy and rage. I shall return him to his old self, once I find the way." - Cuidightheach Tròcaireach
Like others of his ilk, Vonthyrus is filled with such a fury that would make even the greatest of mortal barbarians flinch. He is quick to roar his displeasure, filling the air with threats and curses the moment something causes upset. He is quick also to follow such threats with incredible violence against friend and foe alike, relying on brute force to solve any form of disagreement.
Despite his almost mindless rage, the vanity that brought about his people's downfall still remains, and it seems as though the only way to calm this monster down is with flattery and admonishment.
Described by himself and others as the mightiest of his people, Vonthryrus is a giant of great strength and vigor, able to throw even the heaviest of opponents around like wooden dolls. Even more terrifying, is the appearance that his power only grows as a battle draws on, enabling him to perform feats of strength that seemed impossible for him moments ago.
Knight of Mithral and Vines
For untold centuries since his peple were brought low and his city destroyed, Vonthyrus wandered the world, destroying all he came across with frightening wrath.
Until one day he sought to inflict his rage upon a strange man garbed in shining armour. They battled for hours; this stranger being the only opponent in Vonthyrus' long memory to have stood against him so. Eventually the stranger was victorious, yet instead of slaying the giant, he offered mercy and a promise to restore all Blemys, if he ever learns how. This seems to have been enough, for ever since Vonthyrus has served as one of Fearghal's most powerful and imposing allies.
Seeking the Servant
Fearghal is looking to reassemble a machine known nowadays as The Destroyer, a construct which was created during the Archonomachy to battle the Archons, but was stolen by Elves and turned against The Dragons. He seeks the machine because he believes it to be a key, some part of a portal that would allow him entry to The Underworld, where a weapon that can kill even gods is rumoured to be. Vonthyrus is part of a squad aiming to find and collect all the parts.