Celestial Severance

A mixture of "erase" and "expunge" This removes a person's physical form from existence (no trace) - "erase", destroys the soul (removing them from the incarnation cycle) - "expunge", removes any residual emotions any being (living or otherwise) had towards them and replaces their form in memory with a generic mass of the same approximate features. The one recalling will not be able to remember their name, only that someone was there.


The removal of a person's existence in that timeline. It includes their physical body, their soul, and residual memories of the person.
  • Instantaneous Death (if they are alive)
  • The traceless destruction of their physical body
  • The destruction of their soul and their removal from the incarnation cycle

Side/Secondary Effects

On individual(s) associated with the target when trying to remember them:
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • A single instance of narcolepsy (they will pass out)
  • In some cases, in which the target meant a lot to the one remembering, a coma


The sound of it being cast sounds like a sonic boom.... underwater. As if a great weight moved instantly and unnaturally. However, this spell is cast by beings and in places imperceptible to most mortal creatures, so very few know this.   If the target of the spell is living or if their deceased form still exists, a pillar of light will descend from the heavens, piercing anything in its path, and disintegrating its form. It will not harm any other thing or anyone else that it touches.


The source of this spell is divine power, a rather large amount of it, more than a mortal can usually posess.


Mortals have not discovered this spell, and there are only 2 entities capable of being able to use it, though the existence of those entities is a myth on its own.
A pillar of silver light descending from the heavens
by Midjourney
Gestures & Ritual
The spell requires the caster to wave their arm through the air as if trying to slice it with their arm, or moving their hand across their throat as a gesture of death, not that anyone sees this.
Effect Duration
This spell's duration upon the target is permanent and can affect alternate timelines if desired.
Effect Casting Time
The cast time is instant, though the caster may deliberate for quite some time on if it should truly be used... It does take a while to write someone out of existence...
The entirety of any realm that the caster can reach and/or perceive, so long as it is within their jurisdiction.
Arch-diety or Astral Council
Applied Restriction
  • Cannot be cast on visitors from other realms
  • Cannot be cast by arch-deities of other realms on denizens of Elviria
  • Archdieties visiting other worlds are unable to cast it on denizens of the visited world or of worlds that they are not native to.


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Apr 17, 2024 18:13 by Elton Robb

Had to see what you were doing. I like what you have done here.

Apr 18, 2024 08:21 by Kerry

Thank you! Though you picked the single thing that will NEVER be used in the main story of the world lol. Truth be told, this spell is better suited for another world of mine, though it exists in both.   I"ll get around to giving your world a better look than a single article as what I saw piqued my interest