
The ability of those with blessings of the divine to channel a portion of that divinity through them. This may manifest in different ways according to power and dominion of the diety, as well as the will and capabilities of the caster.


A sharp increase in the physical and magical attributes of the caster, both offensive and defensive. At higher levels, this may also have the added effect of elemental absorbsion of an affiliated attribute. For example, if one were to receive a direct blessing from theĀ Elemental God of Fire: Ignis, then they may be able to absorb fire as a means to recover a portion of thier vitality

Side/Secondary Effects

Prolonged use of this state generally results in mental fatigue. If you exceed the physical limits of your species, the physical fatigue will also catch up once the state is canceled or deactivated. This generally results in a temporary mental or physical incompacitation, or both.


When Celestiance is active, the caster's eyes glow. The glow intensifies depending on the level of activation.


This spell is powered by the mid-level deity or higher. It can be powered directly by the diety themself, or activated by the caster if they were gifted a portion of the diety's divinity.
Material Components
This skill requires no components.
Gestures & Ritual
Mentally calling upon the power of the deity that granted the blessing is required. This generally takes next to no time, and doesn't have any physical actions associated with it.
Related Element
This skill fuctions with any element or within the realm of ability of the deity which granted the blessing
Effect Duration
This is a toggle skill, similar to Super Saiyan. It will last until the user cancels it, is incapacitated, or killed.
Effect Casting Time
The spell affects the caster only.
This skill is innate to whose who are able to use it. Controlling it well is generally accomplished with only a bit of practice for most individuals.
Applied Restriction
This skill cannot be used if:
  • The caster completely loses faith in the deity that granted the blessing
  • The diety which granted the blessing is killed
  • The user is blessed by a deity of equal or higher ranking that has an opposing affinity. An example would be being blessed by a deity of fire, and then another of water. The ability to channel the ability of the fire deity would be nullified.


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