Chantless Cast/Silent Cast/Quick Cast

People who have this ability can cast low-to-mid-level spells without a chant. Spells can be cast this way even if the caster has been silenced as they don't technically need to speak.
  To utilize this ability, one must have a thorough understanding of the spell in question and any elements in its use, as well as a high enough level of concentration to have a precise mental picture of the spell and its effect, including things such as its range and intensity.
  Those who can use this spell are either already high-level casters, or have put considerable time into understanding and mastering the spells that they can cast in this manner.


Spells that can be quick-cast or silently cast are done so at the expense of one's own mana. This does not combine with any other method of drawing energy for casting such s elemental casting or drawing from leylines.
Gestures & Ritual
The main point is that this type of casting requires no gestures or rituals, just the manna to cast and a precise image of the result.
Related Element
Any and all elements apply
Applied Restriction
As this is more of a spell modifier than a spell itself, restrictions are based on the type of spell itself. Rituals that require a chant cannot be skipped with quick or silent casting.   Spells that have a material or component cost are also not usable with this skill


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