The Abyss Slime

Modern problems require modern sollutions, and when the populations of cities started to balloon, things like cleanliness gacame an issue.   To allieviate this, a type of slime was bred to serve as a a combination of septic system and garbage disposal.

Basic Information


Think of a giant blob of Jello, now make it move and give it sentience. That's what you're dealing with, but it doesn't taste good, and it eats, and is not eaten.

Genetics and Reproduction

Two of these creatures roll into a ball and some time later separate as three. Nobody is really sure how or why.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

People with a bit too much time and capital to spare, as well as a fondness for slimes, have tried to dress their pets. This does not end well, as clothing almost always sinks into their body, and depending on what they ate before you retrieve them, you're probably not going to want those back.


There are slimes that live in the sewers of more developed civilization, and there are slimes that roam the lands, eating droppings and decaying entities. Somone decided it would be a good idea to force a few of each time into the same space, involuntarily merging them.    The result was a slime that will eat just about any organic, non-living thing. Then someone decided "I want to keep it as a toilet pet!" Well, that's how it started at least. They actually do make good pets, and clean up after themselves, aside from a slight sludge trail. They have been adopted in rural areas or in settlements too small for proper septic systems.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Since this particular species is nearly entirely domesticated, they don't exactly have predators, since most creatures tend to now want anything to do with the things they consume.
15 years
Average Height
0.5 meters
Average Weight
3 kg
Average Length
0.5 meters
Average Physique
Very squishy. They do not lift.


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