Thunderfrost Mountain Range Interior

For all of the misery that the weather is and embodies along the Thunderfrost Mountains, one would think that the place is completely uninhabitable. However, it seemed the powers that be considered that to be a waste of space and thus can be found a large cave system within the mountain range, spanning nearly from end-to-end.   Many entrances, some natural and others carved, dot the lower portion of the mountain range. These cave entrances always seem inviting to the weary passer-by, even if they could be home to some vicious beast. Truth be told, the environment doesn't support enough smaller wildlife to have large and dangerous creatures roam, so any cave that is found is either a path to civilization of some sort, or a natural shelter from the elements.   The cave system, which has some caverns large enough to contain a city, house the hundreds of thousands of hearty folk that are Dwarven-kind.


Rocks, mineral-lined walls, and the occasional ice patch. There are numerous underground streams and lakes as well.

Ecosystem Cycles

There are no seasons inside...

Localized Phenomena

Portions of the cave system are naturally illuminated by certain types of ore.


Like outside, it is still cold, but it is a stable and toloranble cold.

Fauna & Flora

Nearly all creatures and plants dwelling here were introduced and/or are being farmed. There are some cave dwelling insects and mosses, and some of the lakes even have a few fish, but nothing larger than that, aside from the Dwarves and their surface-dwelling visitors.

Natural Resources

Various ore and minerals, including Kuzmite, can be found there.


Unlike the exterior of the mountain, the interior, more specifically its cities, do receive visitors. Purveyors of phone goods and enjoyers of hot springs visit whenever the weather allows. Some are forced to stay for much longer than anticipated. If you want to stay a week, you should plan to stay a month. The general rule is to plan for at least quadruple your intended stay.
Alternative Name(s)
The Mountain's Belly; The Otherdark
Cave System

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


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