Veins of the Mountain

Nature and technology are generally opposed, at least that's what High Elves would have you believe, opting for magic as opposed to machinery. Everyone knows that's more to match their aesthetic than for a practical purpose, but that is a discussion for another day.   Winding through the solid grand tunnels of hewn of rock in the Dwarven regions, and occasionally sneaking their way out to cities within their domain, are what some call the 'Veins of the Mountain'. However, people from other worlds may know it as something a lot more mundane: a train.   Dwarves were the only ones with the knowledge to construct a steam engine, and even then, they are rare. So it came as little surprise that outside species met them with astonishment and more importantly fear. The humans bordering the Dwarven kingdom soon got over their apprehension and became inquisitive. The Drow, though they took longer, also became interested, and generally don't find most things overly threatening.   But the High Elves... oooooh, the High Elves. One look at the smoke billowing from the locomotive, which they could not even see from the trees, and their arrows and magics were ready. If they were prepared for a fight or an exercise in fire suppression, one was not completely certain, but the first encounter between the forest-worshipping, machinery-hating elves and the Dwarves and their steam-powered behemoth on rails nearly instigated a war. Fortunately, the Dwarves were smart enough to stay low and the arrows loosed upon their railed convoy did no damage to anything living and negligible damage to the vessel or its cargo.   Anywhere the rails were placed within sight of the High Elven border, skirmishes would ensue, even though the train was harmless and never even crossed into their territory.   It took 6 years, 4 deaths (not directly combat-related), 9 separate political delegations (with an accompanying full troop detachment, and the odd number is because humans were involved in one of them), and 2 treaties later, peace was finally mostly restored.   The short of it is that rail lines will not be laid within 1 league of High Elven territories under penalty of execution. This is fine with everyone since nobody wants to be that close to them long enough to even think about where to lay the rails, let alone actually attempt to do so.

Power Generation

Coal, wood, anything that burs, really.


This vessel is powered by a 4-cylnder steam engine.

Weapons & Armament

The front of some models have a plow-shaped bumper to move objects out of the vehicle's path.

Armor and defense

The locomotive is made of iron and/or steel. It is already fairly sturdy, though it doesn't really have a defense against things such as magic attacks, not that it is a war vehicle.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Varies: upper limits unknown

Cover image: by Kranjax via Midjourney


Author's Notes

I was thinking about writing about airships, since the far reaching effects are faaar more severe, but nobody expects trains...

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